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Undercover with Mod Styty

What you need to know about pking.

Where you can find great deals.

Guide for Noobs



Runescape Member client.

Runescape Free client.

Large Picture collection (coming soon)

The rest is coming soon J we have to work on it…


Andrew Gower spotted! (being edited)

Paul Gower spotted! (being edited)

Mod Styty spotted!

Scammer awareness (coming soon)


Contact us!!! Click here! Send us stories, ideas, pictures, or files! :-) thanks, neo


Undercover with MOD Styty

One of our reporters was lucky enough to run into a MOD just outside of the wilderness near Varrock. We asked him a few questions and created a story on it.

Question: Now that the back-end service is running what changes can we expect?

Answer: Easier and faster contacts due to any scamming or technical problems.

Question: There are some rumors that MOD’s free smith for those who were scammed is this true?

Answer: Sirmodsteve once did this but he was banned for doing so. MOD’s can not do anything to create an unfair advantage for Runescape players.

Question: There are also rumors of MOD’s trying to lower the prices on Rune items and coal is this true?

Answer: Yes we can create advantages in an indirect way by doing this. However those people that want to stick to the original prices can.

Question: Why were the creations of new names changed to all stats at 1?

Answer: Well we had to do this to prevent unfair advantages (too much of that in this conversation) That is what Andrew has set his mind to doing so that’s what we must do.

Question: Can we be expecting Dragon armor soon?

Answer: Yes, we hope to have created dragon armor with the release of the new 3-d graphics.

We thank mod Styty for sharing with us.


What you need to know about Pking.

            To some pking is a sport, to others, like Neoeldar, the writer of this page, it is a lifestyle. Pking stands for Player Killing. There are many methods to pking but I’d like to share mine. However, when you attack another player, unless that player has already attacked you, you will get a skull and crossbones over your head that states you as a danger to other players and means that if you die you will lose all of the items in your inventory. This signal wears off after 20 to 30 minutes of non-violence. I like to start off by getting a set of armor, if you plan on staying in the lower level wilderness areas its ok to take your best, but if you plan on exploring the deeper areas then it is smarter to take armor that is expendable. Take large portions of food and if available or necessary potions to the wilderness with you. Take a few steps into the wilderness (the most populated wilderness area is the wilderness north of Varrock) and scope out the area. See if there is anyone near your level, and see if you think you can take them. Next pursue them to try to get them angered into attacking (insults and jeers work the best). If they won’t attack then wait, time normally does the trick. If they have a skull above their head it’s normally smart to insult them because they have attacked before and will probably do it again. Some people will attack those with skulls over there heads as I do sometimes, but I do not overall recommend it unless you yourself already have a skull.  After you engage the enemy in combat, turn on any available prayers and cast any available spells. If you are still unable to get the best of your opponent then retreat and eat food. The opponent is likely to do the same if it is available. Drink a dose of the available potions and wait for them to attack again. If you still are unable to get any hits of him/her run out of the wilderness and look for more vulnerable victims. Its smart to get a “team” or band of players with a combat level near your own and skills you don’t possess such as ranged or magic. A team is more likely to take down an opponent than one singular player. The art of Pking is dangerous and should not be tried by players without a reasonable amount of skill (this doesn’t mean combat level this means ability to manipulate factors in the game to go your way or to play well.) Have fun and remember, try your hardest to stay alive! J Thanks, Neoeldar



Where to find great deals

There are many places in Runescape where great deals can be found. There are a few however where merchants (players intending to sell item/s) are attracted to and give great deals on rare, uncommon, and sometimes common items. My personal favorite is to the west side of Varrock castel on server 1. Rune battles sell here for 250k if you know how to look.  Coal, iron, steel, lobbie, and swordie certs can also be located here. Varrock Square is the second best source known to me, accessible on any server. Falador Square is another place to look. If you are looking for ore or fish certs you can look in draynor near the market stalls. Also if you need special help finding deals contact Neoeldar or Magguss.


Guide for n00bs

Many advanced players like to pick on the lower level players who haven’t yet mastered the needed skill and complex stylings of this game. These higher level players refer to the vulrerable and less skilled players as n00bs. We are giving you a chance to say “I may be low level but I know a §hi†load more about this game than you do.

There are skills included into the game to make some players able to advace while the lazier players sit and expect everything to come to them. Combat is a mixture of Attack, Defence, Strength, Hitpoints, Ranged, and Magic. Some players choose to remain “pure” or to train only Attack, Defence, Strength, and Hitpoints. This gives them more of an edge in fighting. To gain attack, defence, and strength levels, computer generated players can be killed. The levels of the computer players are listed as shown (those who are not greatly contributing to exp are left out) Men, Goblins (lvl-7), Goblin (lvl-13),  Barbarians, Dwarfs, guards, jail guards, Black knights, White knights. The cooking skill can be used to cook food, which heals damage. Firemaking is a skill that helps the easiness of creating fire which requires woodcutting levels and a tinderbox. Mining is a skill done by clicking on rocks while holding a pick axe. After you mine certain ores you can go to a smeltery and combine them to make bars which then can be made into armor at anvils. Ranged is another word for archery which uses Bows and arrows or crossbows and crossbow bolts and attacking things. Magic can be used by holding runes and going to the spell list, selecting a yellowed spell, and choosing a target. For extensive information check out ‘s N00b guide.