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Name: Lucia Henslowe
Age: 29
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Sex: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Divorced
Employment: S.T.A.R.S. Ghost Unit
Family: Deceased
Skills: Firearms, weapons of melee, improvisational weaponry, subteruge


Lucia was born the only surviving child of James D. Henslowe Jr. and Marie F. 'Fitzgerald' Henslowe, both of middle class. In his spare time, Mr. Henslowe dabbled in gunsmithy, intoducing and educating his daughter in the way of firearms. By her own choice, Lucia furthered this education through gun clubs and regular hunting trips with male companions.

Young Adult Life

From high school, Lucia followed into training and a resulting career in Federal law enforcement, quickly climbing her way up, possessing the determination and skill needed to do so.In the meantime, Mr. and Mrs. Henslowe lost their lives to a fatal car accident, and with a relatively healthy social life, Lucia found herself pregnant, and soon after married, forced to take a leave from work. Alas, this marriage didn't last, and within their male child, Ash's first seven months of life, they were separated and divorced, granting Lucia full custody of her child.It was perhaps only four months after the divorce that Ash was diagnosed with a brain tumor, forcing Lucia to leave her job once more while her child underwent chemotherapy, futile though it was, losing him just following his eighteenth month. Lucia returned to her career almost immediately after.


As of the past few years, despite the loss of her family, Lucia hasn't lost the vitality and sense of life she once embodied. If anything, she's become perhaps a little wiser, and even to the slightest bit hardened mentally from the experience, but still the jovial person she had been before. However, she hasn't regained the capacity for the thriving social life she once enjoyed, dedication growing to more than simple work habits. Yet, with this lack of social interaction, she's progressed with even more momentum than before, finding herself recognized for her accomplishments. And though still in field work, it's simply where she enjoys life most, advancing so greatly, that there came the point when, with her application, she was accepted into the Ghost Unit of S.T.A.R.S.

| Lucia Henslowe created and played by Enigmatic Hymn. |

| Images taken from Midnight Dectective Nightwalker. |