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April 25, 2003 @ 5:34p.m.
Hey everyone!! I know I haven't updated in quite a while. I have been busy. Stupid testing this week, we got progress reaports...(lets put it this way; I am lucky to be on here!). This may be the last day I update until next Thursday or Friday, cause my team from school is going to Rock Eagle for a 3 day field trip. I can't wait!! Lots of stuff for you to look around in, so go have fun!! And play with Keko in the top left hand corner of this page while I'm gone. Byebye!! Love you guys!!
PS-Adi Just got HOSTED!!! Her old site & her new site!!
April 17, 2003 @ 4:58p.m.
Kiwi Kisses is doing good so far, I really like this URL. It's short, cute, and well justy plain nifty. I have really been wanting to have I-frames on here, so if you know how and wanna tutor me, then feel free to email me:D. Also, I now work for /xbackgrounds, but I don't have any up there yet. And sorry that I haven't added any layouts to the layout section, but I barely get any hits any way (boo hoo!!) so having that many isn't important. I found an awesome site with lotsa cool content the other day, it is Rainbow Dragon. I am redoing the guestbook, so bare with me for now on that. In Science class today we talked about male and female parts!! It was so embarrasing. I think that's it for now, blog later.
XOXO Kiwi Lovin' Liz
April 14, 2003 @ 7:31p.m.
Welcome to the grand opening of Kiwi~Kisses!! Since Expage so rudely screwed their database and lost /enterlizzieshangout and many others (my heart goes out to all of you!), then I thought I would start fresh. Hope you like it. I really like the pic. Adi thought of the "got kiwi" slogan, which I though was so cute!! We have a school dance tomorrow!! Then, the day after that, I am going to get my braces!!! I can't beleive it, I am getting braces. Alicia was voted off of Doll Survivor, and we are a day into the second week. Also, no one has found my cute little guy yet!! Better find him soon, he misses his mommy:D Anyway, I tihnk that's it, have fun here!!
XOXO Kiwi lovin' Liz

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