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Ah, the ending is always so bittersweet
Friday, 23 June 2006
A terrible, horrible, no good very bad day...
Mood:  down
Now Playing: De/vision- No Tomorrow
You have finished the treasure hunt! Now read this whole blog! (You should start from the bottom entries first...)

Wow, tomorrow i'm leaving....i swear, i thought this week was never going to pass and now looking by, it all happened so fast, thank goodness i had the library to keep me preoccupied...Wow, Workcamp...i'm so excited, this year i'm going to "break out of my comfort level" I'm going to be loud! I'm going to shout "YES, LORD, YES, LORD, YES, YES, LORD!" (a song we sing) I'm going to meet so many people!!

So, you're coming home tomorrow! That's exciting! haha, well actually i have no clue when you're reading this so it could monday, tuesday, sunday, saturday, who knows! Hey, guess what i'm doing next saturday! Volunteering at the library and then going to movies with Khemie and Angie! You can come if you want, and we can all go! Khemie, Angie, Allie, and Kevie (wait, wasn't that melissa's nickname for you? can be Key-VAN-ie! or how about K-vie! hey like it!

So today, i kinda cut someone off....but they were being mean! I put my blinker on, and i had room and they were inching forward but i still had space so i sped up and went in front of them! :( i'm such a bad driver! :(:(:(:(:(:(:( I feel so guilty, i'm beginning to drive like angela!

Anyway, this will probably be my last post in this, so i'd better make it good, eh? Let's see, i got my report card! And my gpa went up .03 points! woo hoo! Wow, my eyes really sting, i think i've been using the computer/tv too much these past couple of days, ahhhh i need exercise or i'm going to get fat! *jogs in place* *falls down from exercising*....
Oh well, guess i don't have to go to workcamp! XD Yeah, so i was pretty sad today, just...not a good day i guess, it started out pretty well, there was nothing exceptionally bad about it, just a day where i didn't feel...great or anything, but that's life!

So i really have no clue what to write panda bears, that's the topic caitlin picked....Once upon a time, in a family of white panda bears, a pink panada bear was born! Immediately all the other panda bears were jealous, even it's parents! So they treated the baby panda rather poorly. Every night the pink panda baby would cry itself to sleep alone until one day, the momma panda bear had another child! This was a purple panda baby! Now all the other panda's forgot pinky and harassed purply. Pinky knew how horrible it felt to be bullied, but it wanted it's revenge! Pinky was angry and needed to release that anger! So pinky started bullying purply until all the other panda bears beat up pinky for being too mean. So, having nothing left in the world, pinky ran away from home. For a long long time walked the pink panda bear until it came upon a small village. There it ran up to the sweetest looking child and begged the kid to feed him! The child picked up pinky and threw him in the pond! Pinky didn't know how to swim, but luckily, a giant carp came to the rescue! The carp, named carp-y brought pinky to a land of multi-colored animals where everyone was happy! But, pinky was a bitter panda, and turned this land (land-y) evil, and all the animals started fighting! Soon, the animals were all killed by each other's incessant fighting. Pinky, seeing all this destruction, was quite happy with himself, until carp-y, who had magically survived, came up behind pinky and tail whipped him! Pinky was dumbfounded! "I AM THE ALL POWERFUL, PINKY! YOU CANNOT TAIL WHIP MEEEEEE!!!" "Oh, yeah?!" said carp-y. Pinky was so petrified that he ran away into the forest! Carp-y of course was too bored to follow him, "He'll learn his lesson one day" mumbled carp-y. Pinky, bawling his eyes out on a stump began to stuff food into his mouth. He ate and ate and ate until pinky became huuuuuuuuuuuge! The gargantuan pink panda, filled with rage, began to crush towns with it's mighty steps *PAND-ZILLA!* Just as it was going to crush a forest, it heard a soft cry "no! Pinky! We're sorry for teasing you!" said pinky's family. Unfortunately, Pinky wasn't very forgiving so he crushed them anyway. He continued on his rampage and as he was traveling to Tokyo, he met his true love. Yes, Godzilla. He may be scaley, and have foul breath, but you can't control true love. They decided to get married but godzilla got a heart attack and died at the alter. Oh, alas! He never should've eaten all the fat japanese men! It's so bad for the heart you know! So Pinky, in a fit of rage went to crush Japan, the country that killed her lover! But as she was angrily walking there, she tripped, fell, and cracked her skull on the Himalayas. There, as she lay dead, many a hungry people got meat off of her, and so ended the poverty and hunger in Asia. Years later, a fish named old carp-y was credited for tripping "that mean pinky."

^- Blame caitlin for the above story -^

Well, i think that's enough, i'll see you when i get back i guess! Have fun!

Posted by ga4/lime at 11:59 PM EDT
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Thursday, 22 June 2006
Scaaaaaaarrrry! Save me Kevin!
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Bond- Explosive
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Lightning! Red, Yellow, Purple, scaary! <_< I swear, the lightning out there is frightening! Except i kinda like storms, they're peaceful, yet not really...

*runs around the house crazy like* So i'm really hyper and loud right now!!! Soon this music will make me calm down though..."I'll follow you into the dark" Eww, mark and his relationship with jasmine, GROSSS! Relationships suck! (Except not really, i'm just saying that because i'm single... ~_^)

So today i subbed for this girl in the library and this kid, PABLO was there. Haha, he's so funny, he's going into 8th grade and was all like, 8th grader-ish. Which reminds me, they had you working with someone else on saturday since i'm already working once during the week. But i used my connections and we'll have three people working during that time. Unless you don't want to work with me, and then i'll tell her otherwise. :P

Ah, so i got angela really really pissed at me half an hour ago...she always downplays everything my mom says, and all my mom was telling her was to close the garage becaue she doens't like it open at night, so she was being all rude and angsty and so i said, "ANGELA, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" and she was all "you don't respect me allison! Blah blah blah *cry cry* blah blah *runs up to room* *curse curse*" Ehh, she's my sister, so i respect her, but i'm the one who always has to act like the older one! I mean, why are the roles reversed! When she gets into a problem, she freaks out, and i have to come and save the day! Boo! She always complains about how bad her life is, but she has it so good! And she's always dissing other people and can never say ANYTHING good about anyone, always something negative, especially about my friends, so screw her! I don't have respect for people who don't have common curtesy for others! ahh! *angry french canadian*

So i'm pretty sure my mp3 player is completely broke, it doesn't hook up to the computer so i can't charge it up or anything! I don't want to buy another one...that one is like, new! :( T___T ;___; .___.

"You could be happy, i won't know" i like this's so cute. Just think, it's almost saturday, then i leave for workcamp, this is the description curtesy of barbra, the person coordinating it...

"Saturday - Friday, June 30: Have fun, sing, pray, meet new people, sleep on the floor, work, eat PBJ's for lunch,work, sweat, work, get dirty, work, make a difference in the lives of others, step outside of our comfort zones, work somemore, sing, laugh, maybe even cry, say good-bye, come home and bring the message to others. Know that you have made a difference." !!!! I come back on friday?! Hey, that's one less day! :D And i'll be able to work that saturday too! Grrrrreat news! Okay, i swear, i'll stop being hyper now, although i have all this energy, and nothing to do with it! i know, crunches! Get some rock hard abs! *one, two, three, four, five, million, two million, three million, much money as bill gates much money as bill gates has plue one" PHEW! Am i tired!

Hey, looks like you got another long post...i wonder if you'll even read these pointless things, eh who knows? "I'll put a spell on you, you fall asleep and i'll put a spell on you" i like this song too, it's "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung. Do you know how i remember to spell beautiful? Be-A-utiful! And business, busy-ness! (except with an i) So i really didn't think i was going to write this much, but french canadian american catholic + laptop + orange juice that makes people hyper = long drawn out posts that annoy latin dorks that haven't gotten their daily dose of allie! :o! Oh...the song is over, how depressing...

Hey look, "Chasing Cars" by snow patrol! "If i lay here, if i just lay here, would you lay with me and just forget the world" You know, i watched the music video for this, and it's really weird, i was picturing like night time and a guy all depressed on a grassy hill or something, eh....i want to be looking at the stars on a grassy hill! Wow, a lot of people are talking to me right now on aim...i'm not used to this! 4 conversations at once, oy vey!

And now, i start over the 5 songs...once again...~_~ Well, whereever you are Kevin, good night!

Posted by ga4/lime at 11:16 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: I Will Follow You Into the Dark
Well, i guess i'll keep updating this...did you know, that the summer is really increadibly boring, especially when you're waiting for something to come. I swear, saturday is never going to come! I've already packed (unlike some people who waited to pack the night...or morning before)

Well i feel like a psycho, writing basically to myself here. But you should feel special, it's your own allie-blog! Because everyone knows that you need your daily dose of allie, right?

Aim is so boring, there isn't anyone good on, there were some people earlier, but they all signed off and left me alone, and now Khemara and Aaron are talking about Aaron's theory of gravity...

Today was a day where i just....watched the world go by, i've begun that..."thinking phase" again...tomorrow i'll probably spend just listening to music up in my room thinking, maybe light some incense....put up the subwoofer.....sounds like heaven. The only problem with these "thinking days" are that it's so hard to pull yourself out of them. I could seriously spend months thinking, but not much good comes from thinking. Usually you're left more confused than when you began...

Who knows, maybe you'll never read this, maybe in the time of a week, kevin went through an amazing transformation and no longer wants to hear the randomness Allison spurts out! That leadership camp made him stand up and say, "No!" to french canadian american catholics! (haha, most hated person in the world!) You know, boredom makes you do interesting things, today i was one minute away from getting Trillion, i was thinking about it....and thinking....but i decided, no, kevin must be special, and i must be an old school gamer! :D

I haven't really updated xanga...there's no real point i guess, although i'll probably update it in a bit, write something....'meaningful.'

Which reminds me, i was thinking about making a new screen name and spencer was helping me, i'm thinking, something forgotten. Forgottenlies, Forgottenlives, Forgottenmemories, Forgottentwilight, i really have no idea, that's your job over the next week, find a new screenname for me! I want it to be meaningful and kinda complex, but not really, something like i have now, but not the same i making sense? Am i really ready to change screennames though? I was thinking about that, changing screennames is like, extreme. It's almost like changing who you are, i've had so many memories with 'twistedfate048' and just to throw that away and make a new screenname, wow....but maybe, maybe i need that new beginning.

Have you ever heard the song "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol? I love that song, along with "You Could Be Happy" (by the same people). Aww, people signed on but the conversations died, i hate it when conversations die and then it's all....awkward.

You know what i really want to do this summer? Hang out under the stars, but the chance of that happening is slim to none. First of all, i would need a good spot, and second of all, i would need a person, because you can't just watch the stars by yourself. Maybe when Tasia comes back from academy or something...who knows? I have this table in my backyard that's really old, it's up against the house and we barely ever use it. I call it, 'my table', because whenever i want to just think outside, i sit on that table and the whole world slows down, it's amazing...

Wow, this entry was a lot longer than i thought it was going to be. I haven't really had anyone to talk to though, so sorry if you read this. This week i'm just kinda, hanging out in the house reading, watching movies, wasting times online, and playing video games, so interesting, eh?

heY LOok At My WriTiNg, It'S aLL WEiRd, DOn't yOU HaTe It wheN pEoPle wRITe liKE tHIs? okay okay, i'm done, you can now go on with your life, Bye Kevin! You'd better write to me, and you'd better write a great long letter about all your adventures and all your thoughts and everything! If not, you'll get a beat-down french canadian style! :D *waves*


insanus589: o, vir somnorum!
insanus589: exspectavi te semper et semper
insanus589: et tandem, ades
insanus589: ades
insanus589: in meum vivante cubiculo
insanus589: O, man of my dreams!
insanus589: I've waited for you forever and ever
insanus589: and finally, you're here
insanus589: you're here
insanus589: in my very living room
insanus589: et pulcherrimus ante omnibus viris
insanus589: and you're the most beautiful/handsome man I've ever seen

interesting kevin...a very...unique story ~_^

Posted by ga4/lime at 11:41 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 June 2006 12:25 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 June 2006
I've just found out the answer!
Now Playing: Snow Patrol- You're All I Have
So, you know how i said my family is quiet? Well, they used to be, really, i swear! And we still mute the commercials and such...but on to the point. A couple years ago we had fallen on hard times and everyone was really stressed out and angry and quiet and i guess, things worked out, so now we're happy and loud! But really, people used to be freaked out coming to my house because i was too quiet...i mean angela was always up in her room, aaron was at college, my dad was usually at work, and my mom worked too. Not to mention my family likes to sleep on the we have to be über quiet for them too...sorry, i was doing the dishes and just thought about this... o_O fre-kay! Oh, and i beat all of angela's scores on snood! (except for one, but i'll soon change that...) And the front of my neck hurts, i think i'm going to die! ;___; and no one cares, i tried to tell my mom but she was all "I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!!" :/ oh well, if you hear about someone dying in Orange County, VA, it's me!

Posted by ga4/lime at 4:48 PM EDT
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Monday, 19 June 2006
"yes, bread for my bread gun!"
Now Playing: Eddie Izzard, definite arrticle
Well Kevin, i hope you liked your long comment...i tried to make it long....:D did it work? Today i was cat-in-the-hat at the library, oh how fun! And it's amazing, i've been going to sleep before 2:00 am each night! I might actually update this further along in the week, but who knows? Now, it's your turn to leave a great big comment! (Although, you don't have to do a treasure/scavenger hunt... :P ) I'll see you when i get back!

Posted by ga4/lime at 3:46 PM EDT
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