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Shnozzy's Fabulous Web Site

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Holla, Holla, Heyyyyy

~Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind.~

Welcome to my website. I have put up some pictures of the fun times I have had from my hometown Penfield, Binghamton University, Europe, as well as many other places! I hope you enjoy all the pictures and, if you are in some of them, enjoy the memories of the times we have had together! You know there are MANY more to come, so check back frequently! =)

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My Favorite horoscope...

Cancer June 22 - July 22 Absent-minded does not even begin to describe you lately. You're not just off with the fairies, you've become Queen Mother Airhead of the Disassociated Nation. Children and pets cannot be dry-cleaned; your bank will not understand if your mortgage repayments "slip your mind". Pull yourself together and focus your mind. Or at least try to stop tripping over furniture. Best day to mainline some caffeine: November 14th


My Favorite!


Visit the Rest of My Site by Clicking on the Links Below!

~Me and My Family~
~Vanessa and Mike's Wedding~
~More With My Family~
~Nick and Katie's Wedding~
~The Good Old Days at PHS~
~Fun Times With Friends~
~More Fun Times With Friends~
~Camping Trip - Summer and Fall 2003~
~Summer 2004~
~Christmas Break 2004 - 2005~
~Summer 2005~
~Winter Break 05-06~
~College Life at Binghamton University~
~More Fun College Times~
~College - Fall 2004~
~Binghamton University - Spring 2005~
~College - Senior Year~
~My Travels Around the World~


"these are the days you will remember for the rest of your life,
these are the memories you'll pack in a box and you'll pull out sometimes.
so pick your flowers, count the seconds, roll the dice.
but baby don't wait, until it's too late, put a smile on your face.
these are the days" j.d.m.


Some needed champagne for the bride on the morning of her wedding.


If you'd like, send me an e-mail.



Visit these links, which are of special interest to me.

Here We Go Steelers!

Teens Living With Cancer

Binghamton University

Rebecca's Web Site
