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Have you ever thought of becoming a real estate investor but you don’t know where to start? Maybe, you think it’s too much work, managing investment property? Or you can’t get a low interest rate on a mortgage to make a profitable investment. I can help. My name is Jessica M. Clark and I’m a professional real estate investor. I am currently looking for partners to invest in real estate properties. I invest in single family homes, mobile homes, duplexes, large apartment buildings, and much more. I find the real estate. I complete all the legal paper work. And I manage the properties. You might be asking yourself why I need any partners if I do all the work. It’s quite simple. To invest in multiple properties, I need multiple investment partners. The more partners the less money is needed from each of us. Depending on the property, the out of pocket expense can be from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. As you can see, if I invest in 10 properties a month alone, that’s a lot of out of pocket expense. For example, if each property has $1000.00 up front expense and I invest alone, that is $10000.00 a month out of pocket. But, if there are 10 partners, that is only $100 per investment, per partner. And look at if there are 100 partners. That’s only $10 per investment. What I do is, complete legal partnership paperwork, invest the partners money, send you a monthly profit statement on the investment, and send you your percentage of the profit on a monthly basis. Please keep in mind that this is not a get rich quick program. Any person who thinks that this is a GRQP, will have their application disqualified. This will be a real partnership and as partners you will have all my personal contact information. If you would like, I will show you along the way, how to branch out on your own, in your own home town. Not all people who send in an application will qualify as a partner. But I would like to work with as many of you as I can. This partnership is not based on you income, your credit history, your sex, your race, your religion, or your age (with the exception that you must be at least 18 years of age). I don’t mind if 5 people in the same household want to invest. As long as each of you qualify you could have 20 people at the same address. I also don’t mind if you would like to invest in multiple properties. This we can work out after you qualify. My main goal is to be a profitable real estate investor. Which means we all profit. If you are interested in becoming a partner please fill out the online form. Please keep in mind that filling out the form does not make you a partner. You must first qualify. Also, if you qualify, you do not have to be a partner on any investment opportunity I offer to you. I will not send spam mail. And I will not sell or give away your information. This is a confidential application. Only you and I will see it. Thank you for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing from you. Jessica M. Clark Real Estate Investor