

By Rod Villaviray



Sarah Connor – Linda Hamilton    (Kyle) Reese – Michael Biehn        T800 – Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Connor – Christian Bale        Marcus Wright– Sam Worthington             Kyle (Reese)– Anton Yelchin 

Blair Williams– Moon Bloodgood               Dr. Serena Kogan – Helena Bonham Carter            

Kate Connor – Bryce Dallas Howard          Barnes – Common            Terry (Sulu) – John Cho    TJ – John Cena

TR – Randy Orton             (Terry) Sulu – George Takei


Scene 1

               It is 2018, right after the factory explosion in Terminator: Salvation. Out of the explosion, we see a body rise up from the debris, one of the Marcus Wright copies survived.

               Back at the Rebel Camp, Marcus stumbles into a tent with soldier Terry Sulu, where John Connor has nearly recovered from his heart surgery with wife, Kate, Blair, and Kyle.


John       Well, look at that! Marcus back from the dead!

Marcus  What? I am the original. The others were just copies. What do you mean, back from the dead?

Kate       Why, one of your copies just donated his heart to save John!

               Blair rushes over, hugs and kisses Marcus.

Marcus  So good to see you again, Blair!

Blair       Pushing Marcus away and looking at his groin. Why, Marcus! Are you packing heat?

Marcus  Baby, I said I was the original—original equipment included!

Blair       Save that weapon for later, Tiger!

Marcus  Smiling, then turning back to the others. Excellent decision to save John. We have to keep fighting! I have some very important intel to share, too.

Kyle        Good to see you back, friend!

Terry      Marcus farts. He’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Scene 2

               We are in Blair’s tent, where Blair and Marcus are gazing deeply at one another. Marcus brushes back Blair’s hair with one hand and pulls her closer with the other. Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years” plays softly in the background as they share a passionate kiss. Soon they are naked and making tender love, which seems to last an exquisite eternity, as the red light of a soft lantern emphasizes the glorious sweat of lovemaking that might never have happened.


Scene 3

               The group is in the Command Tent, plus Barnes.


 John      Ok, Marcus. What’s this intel?

Marcus  Skynet moved operations to Seattle, at the old Boeing plant in Everett. They have an antiquated IT system there, using a cloud. If we can get there quick and plant a virus, we may be able to take the whole system down!

John       Sounds simple enough. Let’s leave first thing in the morning!

Marcus  Along with the old IT system are dozens of the liquid terminators, LTs.

John       I knew they’d come in handy. Terry, bring them in!

               Terry brings in T800, TJ and TR.

John       I’m sure everyone recognizes our old friends.

T800      I’m back! And I brought some friends.

TJ           It’s party time!

TR          Let’s break some skulls!

TJ           Hard work! Loyalty! Respect! T800 smacks his forehead.

Barnes   Talk about antiquated!


Scene 3

               Kate sheds a tear and waves her goodbyes. Later, we see the group is riding in a converted school bus, camouflage painted, heavily armored, with machine guns mounted on top, manned by TJ and TR. They travel on an overgrown, small road somewhere in Oregon.


John       Everyone keep their eyes peeled.  Who knows what surprises Skynet has in store for us?

T800      Wait, I see something up ahead!

               There appears to be a black mass floating above the road, pulsing.

TJ           It’s headed our way!

Marcus  Mosquito drones! Everyone get down! Marcus holds up his hand up and a white light shoots from his palm towards the mass, which splits apart. The bottom mass drops when hit by the light. The second mass envelopes TR.

TR          They’re stinging! My systems are shutting down!

               Marcus points his hand at the turret holding TR and blasts away. TR falls down into the bus, lifeless, along with the black mass.

T800      That’s some impressive hand job!

Marcus  Yeah, that’s what the women tell me!

Barnes   That TR’s a Lightweight!

T800      Don’t worry. He’ll bounce back soon enough.

TJ           Incoming! Attack drones!

A dozen mini-delta winged aircraft circle the bus, firing laser cannons. T800 and TJ shoot from the machine guns, Marcus uses his pulse, while the rest use their handguns.

Marcus  My pulses aren’t working! They’re using some kind of shielding!

T800      New models, my ass! Over-hyped and shooting blanks!

John       Terry, get us out of here!

Terry drives the bus onward. TJ runs out of ammo and starts throwing grenades. T800 physically grabs the drones flying by and crushes them. Once things quiet down, TR reboots.

TR          Did I miss something?

T800      Slacker! You youngsters need to be schooled!

Barnes   Well, we’re in a school bus, Teach!


Scene 4


               The bus is somewhere in Washington State. Mt. Rainier is visible to the northeast.


TJ           Whoa! Two bogies dead ahead! The bus stops just ten yards from a man and a woman.

John       I can’t believe it! Mom!

               John exits the bus and stops just short of his Mom, Sarah. Sarah holds out her arms.

Sarah     John! Is it you?

John       It can’t be. You died decades ago.

Sarah     It’s me, John. They kept me alive. Just like your father here, Kyle Reese.

John       It can’t be. Kyle is on my bus and he’s only a teenager.

Sarah     But Kyle traveled back in time to create you, John.

John       That may be true. But I saw you die.

Sarah     No. There was an explosion. But a liquid terminator protected me. They repaired me and kept me alive!

John       Just what kind of repairs?

Sarah     Clever boy! She shoots out a liquid arm. Marcus shoots out a pulse and knocks her back a dozen yards. Meanwhile, Reese liquefies and shoots towards the bus. TJ and TR shoot from the machine guns, splitting Reese into several globs. John runs back into the bus.

John       Terry, hit it! Terry guns it and the bus roars away as the others keep shooting at the metallic globs.

Kyle        Wow, I just saw future me and I’m handsome.

Barnes   Don’t get too full of yourself, Casanova!

T800      I’m surprised we can get around with that giant head of his!

               Meanwhile, TJ and TR exchange some banter up in the turrets.

TJ           Nice shooting.

TR          I can’t miss when I’m fully loaded.

TJ           That just sounded wrong.

TR          That’s not what your boyfriend said.

TJ           Frowns

Scene 5

               The bus stops outside of the Everett plant, but still hidden in the trees. Under cover of darkness, the group makes their way to a very large hangar. But soon liquid terminators sprout from the ground in the shape of Sarah and Reese.

John       Evasive maneuvers! T800, TJ and TR head forward in an assault, while Marcus and the rest try to flank to the right. T800 and his men grab anything available to attack the LTs: loose tools, metal sheets, crates. Marcus uses his pulse to clear a way towards the hangar, while the rest shoot their handguns. Marcus and his team make it into the hangar. Once inside the hangar, it was like Marcus was floating in space, alone. Dr. Serena Kogan materializes before him.

Serena   We meet again, Marcus.

Marcus  So it seems.

Serena   What’s the matter? I no longer taste like death. Suddenly, Marcus and Serena are naked.

Marcus  Let me be the judge of that. They embrace and make interstellar love. Comets whiz by and galaxies spin hypnotically. Marcus pulls back.

Marcus How is this happening?

Serena   Your friends breathed a powerful hallucingenic the minute they stepped inside, rendering them immobile. You, on the other hand, were instantly synced with our mainframe, creating this virtual reality out of your hidden desires.

Marcus  Is that so? Well, you’re also downloading John’s virus as we speak.

Serena   Aaargh! No! What have you done?

Marcus  Don’t worry. We aren’t destroying you. Just giving you that missing part, humanity, just like me. Now, reboot.

               Everything goes dark. The LTs outside fall limp. But then the lights turn back on. Serena is in human form, nestled in Marcus’ arms.

Serena   You’ve done it. I’m my old self again, only smarter and stronger.

Marcus  Just returning the favor. Everyone deserves a second chance. May be even a third.

               John gets up and goes outside. Sarah and Reese join him.

John       Did it work? How do you both feel?

Sarah     It’s a miracle. I feel normal. How wonderful! I have my boy back! And Reese!

Reese    I never thought it could happen! I have my family! They embrace. T800, TJ and TR approach.

T800      These feelings are strange and confusing. It is so alien. I always thought I was a predator.

TJ           So, this is what it’s like to be human.

TR          That’s what you think, bozo.

TJ           I always knew you were defective.

               Meanwhile, in Tokyo, a time portal opens up before a copy of Terry Sulu, who is working at a computer console. An older Sulu steps out of the portal.

Sulu        Shut down all outside connections! You are about to be infected by an enemy virus!

Terry      Thank you for the warning.

               John Connor, “And so the war rages on. But we have gained some great new allies.”

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