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Boating Safety Tips

Take a boating safety class offered by Wildlife and Parks, US Power Squadrons or US Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Know your boat's limit and don't exceed it.

A safe boat is a well-equipped boat.

Always carry the necessary safety gear.

Keep life jackets visible and accessible and never make someone feel uncomfortable if they choose to wear a life jacket.

Learn "the rules of the road" and obey them!

Knowing how to swim just makes good sense if you spend time on the water. If you don't know how, LEARN. However, even good swimmers do not always survive the shock or panic of sudden immersion in cold water.

Remember, while a drink or two can relax you and make your day more enjoyable, they may also slow your reaction time, reduce your coordination and increase your susceptibility to hypothermia.

Don't overdo your boating fun. In 3 hours of normal boating, the noise, motion, sun wind and glare can frequently double an individual's reaction time.