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Spider-man: The Animated Series sound bites

Green Goblin Sounds

"I'm the Green Goblin! Not that you'll live long enough for it to matter!"
"I'm not Osborn! I am the Green Goblin!"
Lady! You don't know the half of it!"
"There is no Osborn anymore, Parker! There is only the Green Goblin! Ah ha ha ha ha!"
"Two can play at that game, Peter Parker! And the Goblin plays for keeps!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha! My collection is almost complete!"
"There was only one true Goblin! The Green Goblin!"
"Ah! Stop staring at me!"
"I'm the real deal, you cheap imitation!"
"You rank amateur!"
"Get off me, you meddling insect!"
"You're mine now imposter!"
"Ha ha! Nighty-night Parker!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha! Shut up Osborn! I'm trying to think!"
"What?! The Green Goblin's greatest foe is a mear boy? Impossible!"
"And away we go! Ah ha ha ha ha!"
"Ya know Parker? I don't think I've made you suffer enough!"
"I held the curtain for you, Spider-man. I wouldn't want you to miss the show!"
