Residential Tenancy Agreement

THIS LEASE dated this ____ of August, 2004


Mary John
Address: 8728 E 96th Terrace
Telephone: (816)761-8478    
(the "Landlord")
- AND -

Angie Lea White
Address: 4300 E 17th Street
Telephone: (816)835-0571
Work Phone: (913)661-6855
(the "Tenant")

IN CONSIDERATION OF the Landlord leasing certain premises to the Tenant, the Tenant leasing those premises from the Landlord and the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Lease, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Lease agree as follows:
    Leased Premises
  1. The Landlord agrees to rent to the Tenant the house municipally described as 4300 E 17th Street, (the 'Premises') for use as residential premises only. Neither the Premises nor any part of the Premises will be used at any time during the term of this Lease by Tenant for the purpose of carrying on any business, profession, or trade of any kind, or for the purpose other than as a private single-family residence.

  2. No pets or animals are allowed to be kept in or about the Premises.

  3. Subject to the provisions of this Lease, the Tenant is entitled to the use of parking (the 'Parking') on or about the Premises. Only properly insured motor vehicles may be parked in the Tenant's space.

  4. The Premises are provided to the Tenant with a dishwasher, stove, and two air conditioning units.

  5. The term of the Lease is a periodic tenancy commencing at 6:00pm on August 11th, 2004 and continuing on a month-to-month basis for 1 year or untill the Landlord terminates the tenancy.

  6. Any notice to terminate this tenancy must comply with the Act.

  7. Subject to the provisions of this Lease, the rent for the Premises is $550.00 per month, which includes a monthly charge for the Parking (collectively the 'Rent').

  8. The Tenant will pay the Rent on or before the first of each and every month of the term of this Lease to the Landlord at 8728 E 96th Terrcae, or at such other place as the Landlord may later designate.

  9. The Tenant will be charged an additional amount of 50.00 per day if payment is more than 5 days late.

    Quiet Enjoyment
  10. The Landlord covenants that on paying the Rent and performing the covenants contained in this Lease, the Tenant will peacefully and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the Premises for the agreed term.

  11. The Tenant acknowledges that the Tenant inspected the Premises, including the grounds and all buildings and improvements, and that they are, at the time of the execution of this Lease, in good order, good repair, safe, clean, and tenantable condition.

  12. At all reasonable times during the term of this Lease and any renewal of this Lease, the Landlord and its agents may enter the Premises to make inspections or repairs, or to show the Premises to prospective tenants or purchasers upon the greater of As neccasary hours notice to the Tenant and any notice required by the Act.

    Landlord Improvements
  13. The Landlord will make the following improvements to the Premises: Landlord will pay for parts neccassry for repairs not due to negligence.

    Tenant Improvements
  14. The Tenant will obtain written permission from the Landlord before doing any of the following:
    1. applying adhesive materials, or inserting nails or hooks in walls or ceilings other than two small picture hooks per wall;
    2. painting, wallpapering, redecorating or in any way significantly altering the appearance of the Premises;
    3. removing or adding walls, or performing any structural alterations;
    4. installing a waterbed(s);
    5. changing the amount of heat or power normally used on the Premises as well as installing additional electrical wiring or heating units;
    6. placing or exposing or allowing to be placed or exposed anywhere inside or outside the Premises any placard, notice or sign for advertising or any other purpose; or
    7. affixing to or erecting upon or near the Premises any radio or TV antenna or tower.

    Utilities and Other Charges
  15. The Tenant is responsible for the payment of all utilities and other charges in relation to the Premises.

  16. The Tenant is hereby advised and understands that the personal property of the Tenant is not insured by the Landlord for either damage or loss, and the Landlord assumes no liability for any such loss. The Tenant is advised that, if insurance coverage is desired by the Tenant, the Tenant should inquire of Tenant's insurance agent regarding a Renter's Policy of Insurance.

  17. The Tenant is responsible for insuring the Landlord's contents and furnishings in or about the Premises for either damage or loss for the benefit of the Landlord.

  18. The Landlord is responsible for insuring the Premises for damage or loss to the structure, mechanical or improvements to the building of the Premises for the benefit of the Tenant and the Landlord. Such insurance should include such risks as fire, theft, vandalism, flood and disaster.

  19. The Tenant is responsible for insuring the Premises for liability insurance for the benefit of the Tenant and the Landlord.

  20. If at any time during the term of this Lease, the Tenant abandons the Premises or any part of the Premises, the Landlord may, at its option, enter the Premises by any means without being liable for any prosecution for such entering, and without becoming liable to the Tenant for damages or for any payment of any kind whatever, and may, at the Landlord's discretion, as agent for the Tenant, rent the Premises, or any part of the Premises, for the whole or any part of the then unexpired term, and may receive and collect all rent payable by virtue of such renting, and, at the Landlord's option, hold the Tenant liable for any difference between the Rent that would have been payable under this Lease during the balance of the unexpired term, if this Lease had continued in force, and the net rent for such period realized by the Landlord by means of the renting. If the Landlord's right of re-entry is exercised following abandonment of the premises by the Tenant, then the Landlord may consider any personal property belonging to the Tenant and left on the Premises to also have been abandoned, in which case the Landlord may dispose of all such personal property in any manner the Landlord will deem proper and is relieved of all liability for doing so.

    Governing Law
  21. It is the intention of the parties to this Lease that the tenancy created by this Lease and the performance under this Lease, and all suits and special proceedings under this Lease, be construed in accordance with and governed, to the exclusion of the law of any other forum, by the laws of the State of Missouri, without regard to the jurisdiction in which any action or special proceeding may be instituted.

  22. If there is a conflict between any provision of this Lease and the applicable legislation of the State of Missouri (the 'Act'), the Act will prevail and such provisions of the Lease will be amended or deleted as necessary in order to comply with the Act. Further, any provisions that are required by the Act are incorporated into this Lease.

  23. If there is a conflict between any provision of this Lease and any form of lease prescribed by the Act, that prescribed form will prevail and such provisions of the lease will be amended or deleted as necessary in order to comply with that prescribed form. Further, any provisions that are required by that prescribed form are incorporated into this Lease.

  24. In the event that any of the provisions of this Lease will be held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, those provisions to the extent enforceable and all other provisions will nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable as though the invalid or unenforceable parts had not been included in this Lease and the remaining provisions had been executed by both parties subsequent to the expungement of the invalid provision.

    Amendment of Lease
  25. Any amendment or modification of this Lease or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Lease will only be binding if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party.

    Assignment and Subletting
  26. The Tenant will not assign this Lease, or sublet or grant any concession or license to use the Premises or any part of the Premises. An assignment, subletting, concession, or license, whether by operation of law or otherwise, will be void and will, at Landlord's option, terminate this Lease.

    Damage to Premises
  27. If the Premises, or any part of the Premises, will be partially damaged by fire or other casualty not due to the Tenant's negligence or willful act or that of the Tenant's employee, family, agent, or visitor, the Premises will be promptly repaired by the Landlord and there will be an abatement of rent corresponding with the time during which, and the extent to which, the Premises may have been untenantable. However, if the Premises should be damaged other than by the Tenant's negligence or willful act or that of the Tenant's employee, family, agent, or visitor to the extent that the Landlord will decide not to rebuild or repair, the term of this Lease will end and the Rent will be prorated up to the time of the damage.

  28. The Tenant will, at its sole expense, keep and maintain the Premises and appurtenances in good and sanitary condition and repair during the term of this Lease and any renewal of this Lease.

  29. In particular, the Tenant will keep the fixtures in the Premises in good order and repair and keep the furnace clean. The Tenant will, at Tenant's sole expense, make all required repairs to the plumbing, range, heating apparatus, and electric and gas fixtures whenever damage to such items will have resulted from the Tenant's misuse, waste, or neglect or that of the Tenant's employee, family, agent, or visitor.

  30. Major maintenance and repair of the Premises involving anticipated or actual costs in excess of $100.00 per incident not due to the Tenant's misuse, waste, or neglect or that of the Tenant's employee, family, agent, or visitor, will be the responsibility of the Landlord or the Landlord's assigns.

  31. Where the Premises has its own sidewalk, entrance, driveway or parking space which is for the exclusive use of the Tenant and its guests, the Tenant will keep the sidewalk, entrance, driveway or parking space clean, tidy and free of objectionable material including dirt, debris, snow and ice. The Tenant will also keep any public sidewalks adjacent to the Premises clean, tidy and free of objectionable material including dirt, debris, snow and ice.

  32. Where the Premises has its own garden or grass area which is for the exclusive use of the Tenant and its guests, the Tenant will water, fertilize, weed, cut and otherwise maintain the garden or grass area in a reasonable condition including any trees or shrubs therein.

    Care and Use of Premises
  33. The Tenant will promptly notify the Landlord of any damage, or of any situation that may significantly interfere with the normal use of the Premises.

  34. Vehicles which the Landlord reasonably considers unsightly, noisy, dangerous, improperly insured, inoperable or unlicensed are not permitted in the Tenant's parking stall(s), and such vehicles may be towed away at the Tenant's expense. Parking facilities are provided at the Tenant's own risk. The Tenant is required to park in only the space allotted to them.

  35. The Tenant will not make (or allow to be made) any noise or nuisance which, in the reasonable opinion of the Landlord, disturbs the comfort or convenience of other tenants.

  36. The Tenant will keep the Premises reasonably clean.

  37. The Tenant will dispose of its trash in a timely, tidy, proper and sanitary manner.

  38. The Tenant will not engage in any illegal trade or activity on or about the Premises.

  39. The Landlord and Tenant will comply with standards of health, sanitation, fire, housing and safety as required by law.

  40. The Tenant agrees that no signs will be placed or painting done on or about the Premises by the Tenant or at the Tenant's direction without the prior, express, and written consent of the Landlord.

  41. If the Tenant is absent from the Premises and the Premises are unoccupied for a period of four consecutive days or longer, the Tenant will arrange for regular inspection by a competent person. The Landlord will be notified in advance as to the name, address and phone number of this said person.

  42. At the expiration of the lease term, the Tenant will quit and surrender the Premises in as good a state and condition as they were at the commencement of this Lease, reasonable use and wear and damages by the elements excepted.

    Hazardous Materials
  43. The Tenant will not keep or have on the Premises any article or thing of a dangerous, flammable, or explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire on the Premises or that might be considered hazardous by any responsible insurance company.

    Rules and Regulations
  44. The Tenant will obey all rules and regulations posted by the Landlord regarding the use and care of the building, parking lot, laundry room and other common facilities that are provided for the use of the Tenant in and around the building containing the Premises.

    Lead Warning
  45. Housing built before 1978 may contain lead based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not taken care of properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a Federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.

    Address for Notice
  46. For any matter relating to this tenancy, whether during or after this tenancy has been terminated:
    1. the address of the Tenant is the Premises during this tenancy, and after this tenancy is terminated, and
    2. the address of the Landlord is 8728 E 96th Terrace, both during this tenancy and after the Lease is terminated.

    The Landlord or the Tenant may, on written notice to each other, change their respective addresses for notice under this Lease.

    General Provisions
  47. Any waiver by the Landlord of any failure by the Tenant to perform or observe the provisions of this Lease will not operate as a waiver of the Landlord's rights under this Lease in respect of any subsequent defaults, breaches or non-performance and will not defeat or affect in any way the Landlord's rights in respect of any subsequent default or breach.

  48. This Lease will extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, as the case may be, of each party to this Lease. All covenants are to be construed as conditions of this Lease.

  49. All sums payable by the Tenant to the Landlord pursuant to any provision of this Lease will be deemed to be additional rent and will be recovered by the Landlord as rental arrears.

  50. Where there is more than one Tenant executing this Lease, all Tenants are jointly and severally liable for each other's acts, omissions and liabilities pursuant to this Lease.

  51. Locks may not be added or changed without the prior written agreement of both the Landlord and the Tenant, or unless the changes are made in compliance with the Act.

  52. The Tenant will be charged an additional amount of $25.00 for each N.S.F. check or check returned by the Tenant's financial institution.

  53. The Tenant will professionally steam clean the carpets on a yearly basis and at the termination of this Lease or the Landlord may charge the Tenant or deduct the cost of having the carpets professionally steam cleaned from the security deposit.

  54. Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words in the masculine mean and include the feminine and vice versa.

  55. This Lease and the Tenant's leasehold interest under this Lease are and will be subject, subordinate, and inferior to any liens or encumbrances now or hereafter placed on the Premises by the Landlord, all advances made under any such liens or encumbrances, the interest payable on any such liens or encumbrances, and any and all renewals or extensions such liens or encumbrances.

  56. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts.

  57. Time is of the essence in this Agreement.

  58. This Lease will constitute the entire agreement between the Landlord and the Tenant. Any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Lease will not be binding on either party except to the extent incorporated in this Lease.

  59. The Tenant will indemnify and save the Landlord, and the owner of the Premises where different from the Landlord, harmless from all liabilities, fines, suits, claims, demands and actions of any kind or nature for which the Landlord will or may become liable or suffer by reason of any breach, violation or non-performance by the Tenant or by any person for whom the Tenant are responsible, of any covenant, term, or provisions hereof or by reason of any act, neglect or default on the part of the Tenant or other person for whom the Tenant are responsible. Such indemnification in respect of any such breach, violation or non-performance, damage to property, injury or death occurring during the term of the Lease will survive the termination of the Lease, notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary.

  60. The Tenant agrees that the Landlord will not be liable or responsible in any way for any personal injury or death that may be suffered or sustained by the Tenant or by any person for whom the Tenant are responsible who may be on the Premises of the Landlord or for any loss of or damage or injury to any property, including cars and contents thereof belonging to the Tenant or to any other person for whom the Tenant is responsible.

  61. The Tenant is responsible for any person or persons who are upon the or occupying the Premises or any other part of the Landlord's premises at the request of the Tenant, either express or implied, whether for the purposes of visiting the Tenant, making deliveries, repairs or attending upon the Premises for any other reason. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Tenant is responsible for all members of the Tenant's family, guests, servants, tradesmen, repairmen, employees, agents, invitees or other similar persons.

  62. During the last 30 days of this Lease, the Landlord or the Landlord's agents will have the privilege of displaying the usual 'For Sale' or 'For Rent' or 'Vacancy' signs on the Premises.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF Mary John and Angie White have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal on this _____ day of August, 2004.

Mary John

Angie White

The Tenant acknowledges receiving a duplicate copy of this Lease signed by the Tenant and the Landlord on the _____ day of ____________, _____.

Angie White

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure

Premises:4300 E 17th Street
Landlord:Mary John
Tenant:Angie White

Landlord's Disclosure


  1. The Landlord has NO knowledge of any lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in or about the Premises.
  2. The Landlord has NO records or reports relating to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in or about the Premises.
Date: August _____, 2004_____________________________________
Signature of Mary John

Tenant's Acknowledgement

The Tenant ACKNOWLEDGES receipt of:

(a)    the information contained in the above Landlord's Disclosure ; and
(b)    the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (EPA-747-K-94-001) or an equivalent pamphlet that has been approved for use in its state by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Date: August _____, 2004_____________________________________
Signature of Angie White

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