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who has served as Past-President.   GA HIMSS could not have reached the level we are at today without their leadership and guidance.

I also want to recognize all of the returning and new board members. 
Cherryl McKee will remain on the board as Past-President.  Mary Ellen Skeens, who stepped in to perform the Secretarial duties last year, has now taken on the role of Vice President of Programs, serving a one-year term.   Adrienne Jarvis Dickerson will also serve in the Programs capacity, taking on a two-year term.  Dean Athanassiades will be staying on the board as Treasurer and Web Master, and Melissa Rehberg is in her second year as Publications Director.  We also have two return

ing Student Representatives, Amanda Mewborn and Alexandria Combs both from Georgia Tech.  In  addition, Perry  Nicodemus and Chris Feagin will be joining the board as Director of Membership and Secretary, respectively.   Finally, Michelle Shores was elected President-Elect. 

I also want to thank those of you who have volunteered to serve on committees this year.  Your time, creative talents, and dedication have helped make GA HIMSS a truly volunteer organization.  While our board members have done an outstanding job, none of this would have been possible if committees had not assisted with programs, publications, and other services provided for
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Inside this issue: