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Dear Athletic Trainer,

I am a master’s degree candidate at California State University, Fresno, and conducting research regarding the characteristics of mentorship in athletic training via an online survey titled: Mentorship in Athletic Training.

The questionnaire consists of 5 demographic questions, 8 Likert Scale questions, and 8 general response questions. The survey should take about five to seven minutes to complete.

This survey while available online, can be requested in paper form by contacting myself at (559) 313-4867. Your participation in this questionnaire is completely voluntary, and you have the right to choose not to participate. Please keep in mind that this research is intended to help advance the profession of Athletic Training and aid in future education of Athletic Trainers. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Consent is assumed upon completion of the survey. This survey has been approved by the graduate faculty of the Department of Kinesiology at California State University, Fresno.

This is a completely confidential questionnaire and no attempt will be made to link your responses to you; your information will be kept in strict confidence.

As a fellow certified athletic trainer, your knowledge and opinions regarding this topic makes your input invaluable. Please take a few minutes to fill out the confidential questionnaire you will find by clicking the link below.

Here is a link to the survey:
Mentorship in Athletic Training

Thank you for your time during this busy time of the year.


Nancy A. Furcsik, ATC
California State University, Fresno
Cell: 559-313-4867

Scott Sailor, Ed.D., ATC
California State University, Fresno
Office: 559-278-2543