Foxylady's Poetry and Short Story Corner

FoxyLady's Biography: Foxylady was born on April 11, 1987. She was born in Atlanta, Ga and hasn't left the b!tch since. She is currently making preparations to attend college in the fall and is also in the works for having her first novel published called "Played". Strugglin' from day to day has really had it's effect on her and she brings this out in her poetry and short stories. Most writers are people who have never lived a hard day in their lives but Foxylady has. At the age of 18, she has had plenty of bad days. So many bad days that it's now hard for her to cry. People who know her always see her smiling and giggling but it is through her poetry that she is really able to bring out her real feelings and thoughts. Foxylady is a very determined lady and in her heart she knows one day she WILL make it out the hood even if she has to die trying.

Three Things One Should Know About Foxy and her Poems And Short Stories

This is where you can find some more of Foxy's works

Destee- Get Your Flow On (Name there has been changed to krazelyricks)
