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{Disclaimer This Roleplay was written by me Ashley, this has nothing to do with Edge or Lita from the WWE and this is not a fan web site ither. Please do not steal anything from this RolePlay at any time. If you see anything you like on here, you may e-mail me at End Disclaimer}


Battle Royal

People Mentioned: Read & Find Out!

Titles Held:

None Yet!

+Lita Is The Xtreme Princess+

...:::... The fans are waiting to see what will happen next then ' It Just Feels Right ' hits over the PA. The fans are booing as Lita and Edge are on the stage with a smile on their face. They make their way down the ramp and get inside the ring and does their pose. Then Lita walks over and she gets a mic and she says ...:::...

+ | Lita | +

What the hell happend last night?? Stephanie beat me? OH man. What the hell -- I don't even know what to say I mean, i'm lost for words. But Thank God I have another match with Stephanie and this time the title is on the line. Thank you God! I'm so happy about that. But you know before I get to this match. Sable, I think you're geting on everyone's back. How dare you say that I would not beat Stephanie, who the hell do you think you're messing with? I'm not some one you can just psuh around! I'm the Xtreme Queen! I can take you down in 2 seconds! Yeah you took me down last week, you know why, because you came from behind, just like you like it with Vince, where is Vince anyways? He is not up you're ass now is he? Or should I say the other way around bitch face. Sable if you think you can fuck with me, well think again sister because you're NOTHING to me.

Now on to my match! Stephanie yeah you did beat me, so what that match really did not count! But this one does you nasty whore. Because the title is on the line, and it will sure as hell count this time! You keep talking about the people you beat so what. Who cares When was the last time you seen Dawn or Trish? I mean give me a break Steph. You have a title, and you really have done nothing for it! You're have a whorish mouth, and I will do what ever it takes to shut IT once and for all bitch! Steph you said you will always be the best diva? You may be the diva on top.. well you always are that. But what's the diff Steph you will not be the champ for long because that title has my name all over it sister! You got " agression " where did you get that from? I mean why are you pissed? You won you're match. You're pissed because you have to face every diva and you know you can't win again and beat them all again. Because Steph all you are IS talk, and everyone is tired of you talking about everyone where, their was not one person you did not talk about! Alright so Steph don't be pissed when you're the 1st person out of this match. So Steph you think you're pissed now, wait until you match when you lose that women*s title! Stephanie you don't have the balls to beat me try I dare you Stephanie because you are nothing but a fat cow, and you are a low life! I hate o break it to you, I would be a better women*s champ then you will ever be. I'm not a slut like you whore. Steph just get over the fact that we will face again! Stephanie how do you know what I like in bed? You said i'm on my back, okay you're nothing but a nasty whore, who the hell do you think you are huh? If I was you, I would back the fuck up before you do get fucked up Stephanie Maire McMahon. Stephanie i'm going to mess you up so bad, that you will really wont know what has hit you in the face, lets face it Stephanie i'm going to be the next women*s champ and thats the bottom line. And for the other divas, come out here and say what you want, but I will be the winner, why you ask... because i'm that damn better if you like it or not.. I stand here as soon to be WOMEN*S CHAMP!

...:::... As Lita looks in the camera ...:::...

...:::... Lita smiles and hands the mic to Edge with a smile on his face, He takes the mic and he looks around at the fans and he says this about his match with Johnny and Triple H ...:::...

- | Edge | -

FANS: Boo, Boo, Boo, Boo...

Lita that was right, you will be the next women's champ. I can tell you have that fire inside you. But anyways, Triple H and Johnny Nitro we will face. Now who the hell is Johnny, he may be a good wrestler. I think i'm not really. Sure, just like Lita I really don't talk about people that has not said crap about me, but i'm sure they will because they are out here for the same thing and that is -- to be champ! But Johnny i'm not reallu worried about you, because like I said, I don't know you, so when I see what type of wrestler you are then I will worry! But now NOSE FREAK it's time. We will see just how great you really are. You talk the talk but can you wlak the walk? You're ego is bigger then you're nose okay. Triple H, you think you're that better then everyone? Why because you want to think that day after day, well I will show you how damn good I am freak. You are nothing but shit. I walk over shit, so Triple H if I was you, I would get ready now for this match, yeah you may be bigger then me, but you're not better then me fucker. I'm Edge and if you push me over you will see just how great I really am you no good trash! Triple H I will prove more ways then one. So Triple H who do you really think you are? I seen at the end of the match you and Stephanie posed, what does that mean you geting back together? Going to have another fake baby and a fake wedding what? What is it now? You will do anything so people talk about you and buy you're stuff. You see Triple H I earn people's respect around here i'm true to the fans. I don't buy their way, i'm a way better person then that. SO Triple H you think you have what it takes, well come on down you're the next person to get his ass kicked my Edge! SO Triple H you seen that you always have to prove you're self, well do that okay, do what ever you need, I don't need to, because I know how good I am. So Triple H get ready because you're ass will be on the line. Now Triple H did you know that the Heavyweight title is on the line? Of course you did, because that's all you ever talk about, and talk about how many times you won it. BUT you don't talk about how many times you lose it now do you? NO, then people would down to you. Triple H, you are a sad peice of man, you are worth less, but I will show you how fake you are when I beat you IN the center of this very ring 1..2..3! SO Triple H get ready because if you're ass is not ready well i'm not quite sure what to tell you jack. SO Triple H the fact of the matter is, i'm ready for this match are you? Are you ready for a beat down by me? I hope you are because Triple H get ready because you're going down because i'm just that damn BETTER then you any day of the week shit face!

...:::...Edge and Lita smile as Edge drops the mic and they both go backstage. And the camera fades as Edge's music hits over the fans are booing as they make their way up the ramp as the camera fades down ...:::...

...:::... Camera fades back on backstage ...:::...

...:::... Edge and Lita are walking down the hallway and they get into their locker room and they begin to chat to each other about their match and they say this is one another ...:::...

+ | Lita | +

You seen like you're really fired up with this match with Hunter and Johnny guy. I can't wait to see the look on Triple H's face when you cover him in the middle of that ring and the ref hold up you're hand in victory!

- | Edge | -

Damn right, he has pissed me off one to many times. This will be my 1st match and I will prove to Triple H, I will prove to the world that i'm much better then the stupid game. I will show then that i'm no hasbeen and I will show them that i'm the right man for this job and Vince hired me for a reason, and I will be going home with the gold if Triple big nose like it or not because i'm way better!

+ | Lita | +

I wish I could say the same...

- | Edge | -

What does that mean Lita?

+ | Lita | +

This is you're 1st match and it will be the 2nd match and I lost and I am facing the same diva again. I mean what the hell, I lost to a McMahon, even worse I lost to STEPHANIE MCMAHON. How lame is that shit, I don't have anything to fall back on now, it's sucks because --

- | Edge | -

Stop! I can't believe i'm hearing this from you! THE QUEEN of Xtreme, so you lost one match that was like how long ago, just think like this.. it's in the past and people can't be mad about stuff in the past because it's already happend! SO Just think about now, just like you said out their, that match did not count because their was NO title on the line, now their is, and that will get you to win the match, you have it in you, because you're way better then STEPHANIE in 100 differant ways! And you have proven it time and time again!

...:::... Lita smiles and the camera fades down out ...:::...

...:::... Lita & Edge Are The Golden Couple ...:::...