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"Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America. Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear, that another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and that other men be ready to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine guns and new battle cries of war and victory."
- Ernesto Che Guevara

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This is my new personal site, after dedicating my old site to the Vinings Punk Rock Scene/ Gang. All of my personal updates will be posted here, so if you care you can check back as often as you want, to find out what i am up to.

Update #1: I have been thinking a lot about my future, college has a tendency to do that to people, and i have decided something. I love studying politics, but don't want to be a lobbyist- which is one of the few jobs you can get with a degree in political science. So i have decided that punk rock is the best way for me to go. It is the colmanation of Politics and Music (my two favorite things) and i can get paid to do it. That is where Buried Electric Cable (BEC)comes in, me and Xian's punk/industrial band.

Speaking of, BEC just released a demo tape (edited and composed by Xian). So if you don't have one yet, you should wait until this summer to buy one so you can get a tape with both me and xian on. Also BEC Productions (our company) just finished another short film (#2) which should be on sale shortly.

Mister Fister, the Twisted Sister coverband that is a BEC sideproject, should also be getting off the group this summer. So keep and eye out for that.

I was home (in Atlanta) last week and worked with Xian on making that second film. Other than being my commrade in arms he is a great person to work with (a little over bearing). We sat at Waffle House for a couple of hours and 'Fine- Tuned' a concept that i had been kicking around in my head. We plan to film it in May. I am really excited about seeing it come to life!

BEC titles areWoman With Train Plant Atkinson(still in progress) Demolition 101 and soon The Onset of Destruction

Some people would Criticis BEC films for being poor quality or point less... but i think Xian sums it up best when he said "Rather than maticulously planning out the execution of a film, we are standing the process on its head. We lack skilled actors, a budget, equipment, a studio, and most importantly, TIME to write scripts. Instead, we take a very basic concept, and have an outline, which itself is little more than a primitive form of a script. Then, the other 99% of the process depends entirely on mis-en-scene as a subsititute for planning things out before hand. Rather than being able to plan out shots, we take the environment we are given, and rely on spur of the moment artistic inginuity to sieze hold of the art being presented to us, and capture it in the frame. After the outline is completed, we take it to the editing room and piece together a narrative from the material we have at our disposal. For time, financial, and legal resons, this process has developed."

Other than that... I can't tell you much. I have considered leaving Fort Collins for a more active setting (too many pot heads here), but have come to no real conclusion on that matter.

Enjoy the site!
