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M. Shield and Company
437 Pixi Circle
Wingate, NC 65428
Phone: 203-777-9311


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Catalog of Carvings for Sale
Tips for Protecting Your Wood Items (Independent site not affiliated with M. Shields, but they offer great tips!)
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Our business started in 1992.

This craft started as giving gifts to family members during the holiday seasons. Many family members told me people wanted to know where they had purchased their unique pieces. Some said people ask if they were willing to sell their piece of art. Hearing this from my family, I felt it was nice, but I did not think anything else of the issue. Well in 1990, my eldest son took one of my pieces to an auction. The response was phenomenal! The piece sold for over $1000. My son was sorry for what he had done, but wanted to prove a point. He brought me the money and said, "Mom, I would like to be your first investor."

Ten years later M. Shields and Company continues to carve intricate pieces of art as it did when wanting to make family happy! We at M. Shield and Company believe in making quality products.