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Brendas Chiari and Syringo Pages

Info For all Other Sufferers

Chiari Links



   Chiari 1 Malformation is a rare congential disorder known usually to occur during the early stages of fetal developement. It is the result of an underdeveloped posterior crainal fossa. ( the back bottom of the head ) In resent years with the use of MRI technology chiari has been easier to diagnose. Early detection is extremely important in preventing permenent neurological damage to the patient.The longer chiari goes undetected in the patient the more likely they are to develope a syrinx.( A fluid filled cyst in the spinal cord ) Most doctors consider a syrinx the single most dangerous condition associated with chiari 1. Unfortunately, the damage the syrinx causes to the spinal cord is irreversable. Early detection can prevent most cord damage.


    Syringomyelia is the development of a fluid filled cyst also known as a syrinx in the spinal cord. This is usually associated with chiari 1 malformation and tends to occur in approximatly 50% of all cases.  A syrinx generally occurs because of the blockage by the cerebellum in the cervical area.This is associated with numerous neurological problems. In the US the estimated figures on this disorder are about 8.4 cases per 100,000 people. In one study, half of all people with syringomyelia what ever the cause were in whats considered clinically stable condition. Doctors have been unable as of yet to determine the occurrence of syringomyelia w/chiari in different races but they do know it occurs more frequently in men than in women. Syringomyelia usually progresses slowly and the formation may take years. It usually involves the cervical area and symptoms depend on where its located some include but are not limited to sensory loss, pain, headaches, vision problems, muscle atrophy, loss of temperature sensation,respiratory problems may occur, sexual dysfunction,impaired bowel and bladder function,

      Early diagnosis and treatment of even the mildest form of chiari 1 is imperative to avoid progression. The earlier it is detected the better the future will be. Also know that the neurologist you choose will be the most important decision you will make! Find one that is expierenced with this disorder, and unfortunatly there aren`t many.

WARNING!!! This website is for information only! and is not to be used in place of a medical opinion!!!  
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