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I looked upon slumbering Nature

And with deep reflection

discovered the reality

of a vast and infinite thing...

something no power could demand,

influence, acquire, nor riches purchase...

it is something

that gathers strength with patience,

grows despite obstacles,

warms in Winter, flourishes in Spring,

cast a breeze in Summer,

and bears fruit in Autumn.

I found love.

(Kahlil Gibran)

All Can Hear,

But Only The Sensitive

Can Understand....

Peace is...

...Seeing A Sunrise And

Knowing Who To Thank...

Beauty is that

Which attracts your soul

...and that which lives to give

and not to receive....




God still walks in gardens,

When tis cool and dim...

And if you go there often,

You may walk with Him!!

To be upset over


You don't have


to waste


You do have!!


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I asked Jesus, "How much do You love me?"
And Jesus answered, "This much."

And He stretched out His arms and died!


Andy's Dream Cabin

A barn that Andy saw in a field on the way home.


Valdosta State College

July 26, 1988

To whom it may concern:

On July 13, 1988, I was priviledged to review the surving art work of James Andrew, better known to his family as Andy. Having spent the greater part of my lifetime in pursuit of goals unique to the visual language, I was mentally prepared to witness primitive renditionsof a host of stereotyped images created for the specific purpose of displaying mastery of the oil painting medium.

Andy's work is different. Although lacking in skills of the formally trained artist, Andy found a way to match his technique to images which were obviously distillations taken from nature and literature; this young man acknowledged influences from each of these sources in an honest and direct manner. He forged a primitive technique into a compelling artistic statement. While the term primitive is used here, it is only a word which is universally applied to artists who lack formal training in the arts; it is never used as a yardstick of quality. Motivation, dedication, and personal conviction are more persuasive evidence one seeks when judging the merit of any artistic work. In final analysis all paintings speak in a language unique to the placement of line, shape, or color on a flat surface, and they function as concrete evidence of the artist's relationship
to his environment and general lifestyle.

Having viewed Andy's paintings, I feel that I know him. He was a sensitive and caring young man who left all of us tangible evidence of his innermost thoughts. The legacy he leaves to his children and family can never be sullied with words, changed by worldly concerns, nor manipulated to fit yet unborn times and conditions. As long as they survive, a great part of Andy will survive.

Russell G. McRae
Professor Emeritus of Art




My Favorite Family Links

More Of Andy's Art
Andy's Final Act Of Faith
Lord's Prayer
Between Dawn & Dark
Stars In My Eyes
Special Moments
We Will Never Forget
Woodwork by Dad