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Online Devotional. You can e-mail me with questions/comments at

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Even a Mosquito doesn't get a slap on the back until it starts to work.
Work hard so God can say to you, "Well Done." Be a good workman, one who does not need to be ashamed when God examines your work... 2 Timothy 2:15
Many Christians have the attitude of, "God always wants me to do work... when will He ever get off my back." Now God isn't really 'on your back.' Some Christians will make themselves feel better with the complacent attitude towards work and say, "It sayt in the Bible, that all I have to do is accept the gift and I am saved, therefore I don't have to do any work." Well, this is also true, to a certain degree. It does say in the Bible that all you have to do is accept the gift ot be saved, but as you can see it also says right here in 2 Timothy that we have to work. Now that's not saying we have to do work to get into heaven, but what it is saying is 'since we are saved, we should WANT to do work for Him.' Think of it like this, you've been wanting something for so long, let's say for example purposes, a new car. You've wanted that new car for so long, you dream about it. Well, one day you actually get the money to go out and get it. You bring your new car home, and what is the first thing you are going to do? Most people would want to TELL someone. Most people would want to USE their new car. People watching you drive this car would want one. Well, let's say that car is Jesus. When you get him in your heart you want to TELL someone. You would want to USE this to do works for Him. And people watching you work for him would want him for themselves. You see how this all works out. As Christians, we should be compelled to work. We should feel so elated about our relationship with Christ that we would want to go out and share it with everyone. Thank you for reading. Love in Christ.

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