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ALTHOUGH Mercury, the Lord of Gemini, is the herald of Jupiter, Jupiter himself is in detriment in this sign, because the dispersive effect of Gemini upon the mentality cools the generous and magnanimous influences of the altruistic planet. Fiery and watery signs, especially the latter, are far more suitable for the development of these sides of Jupiter's nature. In Gemini, while Jupiter's position is favorable for culture and the intellectual side of religion, the native is mentally restless or changeable, and there is often a tendency to mysticism or to the eclectic in religious expression. As, however, there is no antagonism between Jupiter and the Lord of the sign, much, as usual, will depend upon the elevation and aspects. 

One of the greatest religious geniuses of modern times -- very Jupiterian both in devotionalism and humanitarianism -- was Anna Kingsford. Here Jupiter, though in Gemini, has the sextile of Uranus, which prevents any conventionality in the religious nature; and the square of Mars and the Sun makes it necessary for her to realize her convictions rather than blindly to believe. Jupiter being in the tenth house is easily the most important planet in the figure, so that he moulds the native's whole life to his liking. 

It must always be remembered that the most important point in judging a figure is to diagnose from the start the key to the horoscope. In every fortunate nativity, there is one planet, and one only, cardinal to it; the others group themselves naturally around this significator. Where, as in the case of Dr. Wallace, recently mentioned, we find two independent and contradictory groups, there is usually a clash sooner or later, with disastrous results. Another religious genius, now somewhat obscured in the mists of antiquity, was Proclus. Here Saturn is in close conjunction with Jupiter in the second house, but with no planet ascending above them. It is a very strong combination; but, with no help from Uranus, revolutionary tendencies could hardly be expected. Saturn kept Proculus to a scholarly and wise type of orthodoxy; Gemini emphasizes the intellectual side of the religious impulse. {365} 

A very great scholar was Erasmus, with a trine of Mercury and a square of Mars to Jupiter. Jupiter is in the ninth house, giving much force to the aspiration toward religion and science; but, once again, Uranus has no part in the complex, and the religious impulse is bounded by the limitations of the period in which he lived, and the schools in which he studied. He clarified and organized; he could not overturn. 

Compare with this figure Archbishop Laud's Jupiter, also in the ninth house. Here there is a close square of the Moon and another of Mars from the other side. There is a semi-sextile of Neptune, but this appears as additional weakness, and, perhaps, gives a strain of hypocrisy. Neptune is close to the cusp of the Midheaven, which may account for the extraordinary fame of Laud; there are not half a dozen archbishops in English history whose names are as well known. But Jupiter being decidedly weak, the religious qualities are shallow, perhaps merely assumed as a cloak for the ambition. The Sun rising, and Saturn on the cusp of the third house, are far more significant factors in this nativity. 

Dickens has a much stronger Jupiter, hence his strong sense of humanitarianism. There are no aspects, however, to influence his quality one way or the other except the trine of the Sun, and accordingly there is some diffuseness -- some, perhaps, may say even shallowness -- in the expression of the religious instinct in his art. His is a very good example of a strong Jupiter in Gemini without the admixture of other influences. Two other and greater stars of literature have this position of Jupiter, Balzac and Byron. 

With Balzac, Jupiter is in the tenth house. Mars and Venus are semi-sextile; so, on the other side, is Mercury; and the Sun is only seven degrees from exact conjunction. The humanitarian aspect is stronger than in Dickens, and the whole configuration is more compact and better directed. Mars and Mercury, friendly, add truth; Venus, tenderness and beauty of form; while the Sun adds to the fire and art. The vast superiority of the close-knit intensity of "La Comedie Humaine" to the more diffuse novels of the English author is in exact accordance with the prediction of their horoscopes. 

Byron's Jupiter is helped by the semi-sextile of Mars and a trine of Neptune, but the Neptunian influence makes the action {366} of Jupiter rather sporadic and intermittent, and he is further constricted by being in the twelfth house. A rising Mars with Uranus just below him seem more important significators in the nativity; and the Moon, as Lady of the Ascendant in close conjunction with Uranus, is easily discernible as the key of the complex. Hence we do not find any great humanitarianism, but that strong love of freedom which is given to the Moon by Uranus. 

Of the truly religious type, Cardinal Gibbons furnishes a fine example. Jupiter being in the house of friends, preferment was sure; but a trine of Saturn makes the religious nature strong and sincere; a square of Venus is in this respect favorable, since her affliction makes asceticism the rule of his life. 

In Edison, the square of Venus to Jupiter indicates the life of self-denial; Saturn, however, also square, forbids any religious bias; while Uranus being sextile to Jupiter turns the development all to the side of science. 

A study of the Jupiter of Wilhelm II is of unusual interest, since its analysis should indicate whether he is the ambitious, self-seeking tyrant and despot his enemies contend, or whether he really did his best to keep the peace in Europe. Astrology gives no uncertain answer. Jupiter has the sextile of Saturn, and the trine of the Sun and, though Jupiter is near the cusp of the twelfth house, and Saturn is rising in the second, the opposition of the Sun to the latter seems to make it unreasonable to call Saturn stronger than Jupiter. The matter is, however, complicated by the conjunction of Mars and Neptune in the tenth house, which dominates the horoscope. On the whole, it appears that the European catastrophe was a fatality beyond the power of any man to cause or avert, or even to hasten or retard to any great extent. In any case the Kaiser's Jupiter in Gemini is a very evident cause of the airy way in which he ventilates his religious convictions, and his "I and my God" goes one better than Cardinal Wolsey's "I and my King." 

The occupations and material affairs, over which Jupiter rules, will develop prominently in the native's life, with a natural tendency to professional or diplomatic pursuits; but, if Jupiter is afflicted, this position often tends to produce differences with, or separations from, the near relatives. There is much sympathy, benevolence, {367} and charity in the disposition, and the diplomacy of the native usually amounts to a positive gift, enabling him to get his own way without arousing opposition. 

The following well known persons were born with Jupiter in the sign Gemini: 

C. W. Leadbetter 

Harry Thaw 

Joseph Pulitzer 

Thomas W. Lamont 

Col. George Goethals 

Cardinal Gibbons 

Roy Howard 

George Westinghouse 

Theodore Roosevelt 

Augustus Thomas 

Julia Marlowe 

Charles Hayden 

For the benefit of those who are not in possession of Raphael's Ephemeris, or who are not able to interpret the symbols contained therein, the years when Jupiter is in the sign Gemini are as follows: 

From June 11th 1846 through June 25th 1847 

May 26th 1858 " June 9th 1859 

May 10th 1870 " May 23rd 1871 

April 22nd " September 19th 1882 

November 18th 1882 " May 4th 1883 

August 21st " October 19th 1893 

April 2nd " August 18th 1894 

January 2nd " April 10th 1895 

July 21st " December 4th 1905 

March 10th " July 30th 1906 

June 30th 1917 " July 12th 1918 

June 12th " December 31st 1929 {368}