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RainSong's Sunny Day Real Estate Page

The Band (currently) Consists of:

Sunny Day Real Estate is a group that has a different approach to success. Not only is their music phenomonal, but they truly appreciate their fans. You can find the group after live performances talking with fans, or on their website chatting with them or pinning their thoughts on the official message board. At every concert, and in their album inserts, one will notice the many times the fans are thanked for their support and adoration. Sunny Day Real Estate's music takes rock to a new level, by making the highs higher and lows seem easier to get through. Sunny Day's music can be described as "pin your heart on your sleeve" music, with songs that delve into love, sadness, joy, and personal desires. Soft songs crescendo into emotionally powerful and potent climaxes, with the haunting vocals of Jeremy Enigk guiding you through your tour through the human heart. They are a band that has survived the test of time, and come out on top. Expect to see pictures from the new tour soon, as well as song lyrics, band portraits, and other SDRE multimedia and downloads. If you have anything you'd like to contribute, please e-mail me.

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