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Updated: 8/23/00 5:28Pm EST
Sorry for the lack of entries. School has started and I am in the 8th grade if you wanted to know. I also run this site by myself. If you havn't already noticed I got a new counter, guestbook, mailing list, and search engine for the page. Take a good look at the mailing list and search because on some pages it looks different and it does not work.
Updated: 8/16/00 10:49Pm EST
OK, now you can use both the search engine and newsletter. I also need anyone who signed up for my news letter to please resign or you will not be added. Thank You!

Webmaster: Anakin3271

Updated: 8/14/00 2:05pm EST
 Sorry to say but the search engine is down and if you try to subscribe to my news letter and you get a error message then tell me and I will get a new one.

Webmaster: Anakin3271

Updated: 8/13/00 11:17pm EST
 Alright! ALRIGHT! So what? I keep changing my mind on my banners and page layouts. I'm trying to get the most dynamic I can without causing the page to go slower when loading. Please report any bugs if you find them. Thanx!

Webmaster: Anakin3271

Updated: 8/11/00 10:59pm EST
 As you can see I have totaly changed the pages layout. I figured I had better take a break on you people with amazingly slow browsers. So now the page should load faster. It may take a while to work the bugs out of the layout, but hey cut me some slack. School is starting back so I have to get ready.

Webmaster: Anakin3271

Get my banner for your site! Just copy the lines of HTML below by pressing Ctrl-C and paste it on your site by pressing Ctrl-v! And if you do, please e-mail me so I can tell you whenever, if I ever change the site again.

<!-- Beginning of Banner Code Insertion-->

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="">


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All Star Wars TM & © Lucasfilm 2000-2001.
All Star Wars CCG TM & © Decipher 2000-2001.