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angel7Angel's Looking Over Me

Love of Angels

It is the love of angels I am told That turns cold hearts to ones of gold Who brings us in from the shivering rain Who cuddles us close to them in our pain.

It is the love of angels who live on high Who journey with us in our lives until we die They shelter and keep us through the night And gives us their strength so we can fight.

It is the love of angels from another world Who believe in us - gives us wisdoms of pearl They wake with us each day in birds and song And help us forgive ourselves for all our wrong.

It is the grace of the angels that let us see The kindness of the souls and lifes' misery They help us accept both the love and the fear Of being human and - most of all - being here.

It is the laughter of the angels that let us play So that we can become children of another day They want us to invision the dreams we have let go Yes, it is the love of Angels that has told us so. cherubl Thanks to God for the Angels all around. They encircle us to send their love... Their messages are profound. I feel so fortunate to feel their love. They send thoughts to me all day long. It's just nice to know that they're above. Clear your mind of everyday things And open the door to your heart... Soon you'll be hearing the whisper of wings. Some people call it intuition, Others say "Higher Self"... Whatever you call it, it's like spiritual wealth! Spirits of Nature and Angels near, If there's anything I can do for you Please don't hesitate to appear! May The Angels Be With You




May you always have an angel by
your side.
Watching out for you
in all the things you do...
Reminding you to keep believing
in brighter days........

Finding ways for your wishes to
take you to beautiful places...
Giving you hope that is as certain
as the sun giving you the strength

May you always have love and comfort
and courage. And may you always have
an angel by your side....
May you always have an angel by
your side.....

Someone there to catch you if you fall.
Encouraging your dreams
Inspiring your happiness, holding your
hand and helping you through it all.

In all of our days, our lives are always
changing. Tears come along as well as
smiles. Along the roads you travel, may
the miles be a thousand times more lovely
than lonely....

May they give you the kind of Christmas
gifts that never, ever end: someone
wonderful to love and a dear friend
in whom you can confide....

May you have rainbows after every
storm. May you have hopes to keep
you warm......

And may you always have an
Angel by your side......

~~~~Emilia Larson~~~~


Hello God

Hello God, I called tonight
To talk alittle while...
I need a friend who'll listen

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day, just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never be alone

I want to ask you, please to keep
my family safe and sound,
come and fill their lives with confidence
for whatever fate they're bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
and not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home
and listening to my call,
for giving me such good advice
when I stumble and fall.

Your number, God is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal
Never had to pay a dime.

So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night God. I love you.
And I'll call again tomorrow.

~~~~Author Unknown~~~~


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