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Welcome to the official RotA website!

This is the Riders of the Apocalypse clan for quake2.

RotA Server, Unavailable

Updated 03/23/06
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Main News

Thursday, March 24th 2006

Exciting news!!
I've begun a new project to convert the Pentagram project, a remake of Ultima 8, into a multiplayer game. I have ideas flowing out the Wazoo. has approved my project and given me some webspace and other great features for the project.

My project site is

Two wonderful Twin girls BTW. Alexandra and Isabella born 12/20/05.

Wednesday, August 23rd 2005

I've been doing so much webediting lately for work that I've been creating some secialized tutorials that I've had to learn for myself. They're just simple things that don't seem to be in anyother tutorials, like how to use the space characters and the < and &;gt symbols to write out code for examples.

I'll fix the links soon, but for now click here to load the Tutorial in a new window.

I think that I'll re-vamp the site with some nice flashy frames and such soon. Even though I hate frames, I've been getting very good at them.

Monday, August 22nd 2005

This is out of place, and nothing else is really updated but I have some knowledge to share so that it comes up on a search engine. When you search the internet you can find a million resources on how to open a link in a new window and a million on redirecting a website, but there is no information on how to open a new browser window on a redirect. Here is the simplest and only way I've found.

<html >
<head >
<script >"");
</script >
</head >
<body > </body > </html >

this will cause problems in XP SP2, so click the "yellow shield" tool bar and tell it to allow this script.

Thursday, June 16th 2005

Love and marriage... Go together like a horse and carriage.

Yeah I got married. It's great. I love my wife. There's not really much more to say about that because not that much actually changes.

I'm focusing my efforts (and tiny bit of time) towards my Marine DM mod. Yes it is true, I did make a map for it while I was on my honeymoon. My server's always running this. Maybe sometime I'll leave up a different mod, but I like this one better.

The apoc demo still exists but I'm over worked and beans seems to have disapeared APOC MOD v0.1b DM test

Suposedly Quake2 is no longer on the Zone but my retarded router won't even let me log on to find out. You can find me at at either the madhouse DM or the Tastyspleen Vanilla server.

Qoute of the.. time I decide to update.

Me: "Picture 2 yellow M&M's. A Mom and a Dad. The mom is giving birth and a little green on pops out. Everyone just looks over at the Blue guy and he just says 'What?!'"

Here are some links -- the place for gaming

Chaosdm -- Very nicely made mod for quake2

planetquake -- your resource for everything quake

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