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The Miscellaneous, Group, and Baby Pic's

Here Are Miscellaneous Pic's
Plus Group and Baby Pic's

17th Birthday Party
Kristen, Jeremy, Kimmie, Krystina

Ben, Daniel and Jeff

This is a really strange pic of Jeff, Brandon, and Myself

Rebecca and Krystina

Kimmie and Jeremy

Daniel and Krystina

Rachel and Krystina

Mary Jean and Machaela

Lucas and Krystina

Krystina and Brandon

Machaela and Kimmie (That's Jeff's arm)

Summer 2001
[in back] Kristen, Daniel, Kevin, Rebecca, Ben, Naron, Kimmie [in front] Tiffany, Me and Jeff

Heather, Me, Kevin, Ben, Kimmie, Naron, Tiffany and Jeff

Ben, Kevin, Jeff and Daniel

Jeff, Kevin, Naron and Ben

Jeff, Kevin, Ben, and Naron

Kevin sitting on Jeff, and Ben

Naron, Jeff, Kimmie and Ben...a pretty scary pic!

16th Birthday Pic's!
Preston, Nick, Paul, Angela, Me, Rebecca, Kimmie, and Dustin

Here I am with Toby(Left), John(in back) and Justin(right)
16th b-day

Here we are again!
16th b-day

A really bad picture of Tiffany, Me, Heather, Stephanie (in front)
Amanda Valerie and Lauren (in back)

Keri, Kelly, Me, and Rachel

Recital 2000 Pic's!
Rebecca, Angela, Melissa, Tara, and Me goofing off onstage

Rebecca,our dance teacher Ms Michaele, Angela,Machaela and me .

Pic's From Boston!

Andrea and myself in front of a fence!

Me and Heather on the Boston Subway!

Heather and me at a restaurant at Quincy Market in Boston.

The Group Pic's:


Me and Keith!

Heather, Machaela, DirtyBaby and Me!

Revival: Tiffany and Me in '93


Goofing off on my 10th birthday! (Me, Tiffany, Amanda, Valerie, Stephanie, and Heather)

Revival of 1995

My 15th Birthday

Easter Of 1993! First pic:[After Church] Tiffany, Lauren, Cody, Dustin, Valerie, Amanda, Stephanie, Tyler and Me.

Second Pic:[Egg Hunt]{In Front}Bradley, Dustin, Ethan, Tyler, Stephanie, and Cody. {In Back} Tiffany, Me, Amanda, Valerie, and Lauren.

Lauren, Tyler, Bradley, Tiffany, and me Halloween 1989


Tiffany, Valerie, Me, Amanda, Stephanie, and Heather on my third birthday!

The Parents!!
Sheila and Scott (Lauren and Tyler)
Pam and Joey (Bradley and Tiffany)
Sherrie and Chuck (Valerie, Stephanie and Ethan)



Friends | Friend Pics | Main

Amanda D. | Amanda L. | Angela | Ben | Daniel | Heather | Jeff | Jessica | Kelly | Kimmie
Kevin | Lauren | Mary Jean | Naron | Pam | Rachel | Rebecca | Stephanie |Tiffany | Valerie
Mama | Daddy | Grandmama | Granddaddy | Mona | Papa