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Jefferson's Website of Wonder page 2

- J e f f e r s o n's - W e b s i t e - O f - W o n d e r -

Through the Looking Glass, Darkly
(a.k.a. - page 2)

"All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement inhabits here; some heavenly power guide us out of this fearful country!" - The Tempest, act V, sc i

Self-portrait, 1989 (right)

"For the eye sees not itself, but by reflection." - Julius Caesar, act I, sc. ii
I've attached this, one of my all time favorite pieces of music, while you were still mid-way on page one, ducking out of camera range like an errant gaffer or the sound boom guy just before this page pulled up. Oww, I stubbed my toe.... This Jerry Goldsmith masterpiece lasts like 8 minutes; for the record you don't have to stay for the whole thing... it's not a ballet or opera or anything you purchased tickets for. And unlike ballets or operas, no one dances and no one dies (proud to say, this site has gone 134 days without any deaths or injuries, not counting my poor toe). Okay, if you're just joining me, I'm Jefferson, and I'm a smart-ass. (The first step in escalating a problem is admitting it....) God only knows how you stumbled on this page without the first; you must be consorting with some great evil. Whatever. Be sure to check out page 1. I can't stand those sites & blogs that go on so long you have to scroll down until you strike oil or find dinosaur bones, so I've divided and expanded, kind of like some terrible hydra... like Paris spreading over the banks of the Seine.... Like London expanding over the Thames... Or like Crunchberries spilling out of the bowl and rolling all over the table.

Everything has its context... and here is "Everything's" Context: (Jefferson Hall, 2007)
Everything has its context... and here is "Everything's" Context: If the 13.7 billion years of the universe could be compressed into the timetable of one 24 hour day, a million years would pass every 6.3 seconds. At 4.5 billion years of age the Earth would form at about the 2/3 point of the day, say about 4 in the afternoon. Our lovely planet--not so lovely at first, but more like Rachel Leigh Cook in She's All That--would require at least that feature length's time to become hospitable (yeah, again, much like Rachel Leigh Cook in She's All That). Dating back more than 3 billion years, Stromatolites represent the earliest fossil record of life; appearing at about 7 in the evening, they would remain the dominant form of life on the planet for the next 4 hours. Land based animals would begin heaving themselves out of the broth at about 11pm, or 500 million years ago. The last half hour of the day, then, would see the upheavals and excitement of the Cambrian Explosion, Great Permian Extinction, Age of Dinosaurs, a few meteor impacts & more ice ages than there are cubes in your freezer. Stone-age man, therefore--pushed off the program like a green comedian on the Tonight Show when better segments are allowed to run long--would emerge in the last second before midnight (roughly 11:59:59, plus or minus a few milliseconds, depending on your definition of when man picked up a tool other than his own... which in & of itself, you have to imagine probably delayed the process...). Our entire civilization--all our hopes, deeds and accomplishments of the past 10,000 years--would comprise barely a .063 second. To put such an abstraction into perspective, if film plays at 24 frames per second and video at 30, our existence of the last ten thousand years wouldn't even consume two frames, shorter than a subliminal message.

"The Universe" is like one of those epic 24 hour Mini-Series Events, featuring an all star cast (but) crammed into just the last single frame and a half: with Jesus Christ, Gene Hackman, Leonardo da Vinci and Leonardo the Ninja Turtle all sharing the same frame with Steve Guttenberg (who as the joke goes WAS in everything for a while), William the Conqueror & his swath of destruction, William Hung & HIS swath of destruction, Charles Barclay towering over Charles the Great (Charlemagne) with grandson Charles the Bald (not to be confused with bald Charles Barclay) next to "Charles in Charge" star Scott Baio (who arguably conquered more "territory" than Charlemagne), Kanye West & his silly Ego, the Kellogs corporation & its equally silly Eggo, 270 Catholic Popes, 43 US presidents, 31 dynasties of ancient Egypt, 14 incarnations of the Dalai Lama, 2 incarnations of Darren on "Bewitched," 18 seasons of yellow people on the "Simpsons," 11 seasons of blue "Smurfs," 1 blue-blooded Paris Hilton posturing for the paparazzi and drunk redhead Lindsay Lohan (who despite her brief screen time STILL manages to flash her crotch & go to rehab. Go, girl; do your part to advance the species!)... 400 generations of human civilization, and if you were God watching this program from the sofa and blinked You would have missed all of our precious drama while wondering how they made the dinosaurs look so real.

..."Holy Crap, I did that? You can't even see the strings. Better than Phil Tippet; he and that Harryhausen can 'stop-motion' in hell now. Yeah, MINE were awesome.... Whatever happened to THOSE? Rewind the footage, 'Me'dammit...."
"GROCERY STORE AS LIFE" ANALOGY: There are two types of people in the world--Those who won't go in the ten items or less aisle because they have nine, and those who will because they have eleven.
AM I RELIGIOUS: I must be; I pray every day... if indeed "Goddammit" is a prayer. Yes, then one might say I pray often, repeatedly and in public. I pray everytime I'm mad, merely frustrated or annoyed, amazed, otherwise speechless or when I can find nothing on tv. All about the Goddammit, goddammit. And it runs together like one word, as though it were Latin and accepted by the Church.
IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? It just needs more ice.
IF I COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED IT WOULD BE... Being lazy. Because I'm so good at it. I don't mean to be; it's just a talent I was born with, kinda like I can draw... only it's true I never pick up a pencil because I'm... lazy. Vicious lazy circle. Lazy circle, by the way: more of an oval, really.
IF I COULD MEET ONE PERSON, DEAD OR ALIVE, IT WOULD BE... Me, on the last day of my life, just to see how I turned out and to make sure I'm not an asshole (then again, if I am, I'm glad that asshole is about to die).
"BREAKFAST CEREAL AS LIFE" ANALOGY: Crunchberries crumble, as is their way; the prize disappoints, as it was made in Taiwan to do; and disillusionment comes at an early age and with an empty bowl.

My sister Sherry and her family

My one and only sister Sherry married my one and only brother-in-law Andrew in 2002, they had their one and only son on Jan 12, '05... followed by their one and only daughter on June 13, 2007. (Hi, my little Maddie!! [this welcome within the parenthesis is like a time capsule, posted 6/13/07, the very day of your arrival] I had to log in just to say hi to you!! Jack is already amazing, but you will be too...! Your daddy thought he was being clever at 2:04 this afternoon when he told me--after making all of us guess for months as to whether you were a boy or a girl--that your mommy had delivered a non-gender-specific "baby"... A "baby," he just continued to say... Yes, your daddy is a non-gender-specific "poo-poo.") I still remember when my parents named Sherry. I refused to recognize their name choice for most of her first year, calling her instead my own overlooked alternative: Coco (or Co-Co; mind you, I had not the wherewithal at the time to consider its spelling or whether or not there was a hyphen.). It would be years before Courtney Cox would validate my instincts by naming her daughter Coco. I should have married Courtney Cox. Yes, thank you; I should have married Courtney Cox.... You and I agree. Now Coco would now have a cousin named Jack. Jack & Coco.... Sounds like something you'd order at a bar. Bet it would be good. Bet it would get ya intoxicated. So intoxicated you might act like a child. A child like Jack. Some pictures of Jack & Maddie, by the way:

Jack at Christmas, 2006:
"It's Raining, part 1"
(Jack figures out his umbrella more successfully than "Gammy" figures out her camera)

87 seconds |
"It's Raining, part 2"
Jack, his umbrella & a penguin and pity for poor Uncle Jeffy
* cough, cough *

| 156 seconds |

WHAT I DID FOR MY LAST BIRTHDAY: I got "Birthday drunk". I know I did more than that, but the details are fuzzy. Birthday Drunk is magical, kinda like Christmas Snow... sure, it fades, dissipates and melts away, leaving nary a trace of itself, but it never truly goes away. It comes back every year and we revel in it.
MCDONALDS OR BURGER KING? God or Allah--the same deity, under different names. I worship daily at the alter of fast food. I will go to a greasy, greasy heaven. Behold, The Fries.
THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: I've always said there's nothing better than the feeling of looking at something "still in the box"... beautifully-wrapped and full of potential. In the end, you open it... and it is what it is. But nothing beats wondering about all of the things that it COULD BE....

My Philosophy on Phood....

Various celebratory pictures... ABOVE: Christmas candids and Jack at the refrigerator. BELOW: Sherry's wedding and Jack enjoying cheerleaders

Okay, I don't think anyone is a pickier eater than the guy mispelling these words on the kjeyfboafrd. Thanksgiving used to scare me the way Halloween scares most kids. See, Halloween was MY Thanksgiving; I could make a five course meal out of the M&Ms alone. Mmm, candy.... I know, I know, Thanksgiving is supposed to be more about Family than the Turkey, but hey, I don't eat the family. (Might taste better, though. I hear family tastes like chicken. Hehe.) Many a holiday dinner I spent in childhood glaring in horror at the portion before me. Like the US policy of refusing to recognize Castro, I wouldn't acknowledge the plate set before me. (And like Castro, I wished it was 90 miles away from my shores, too) My appetite stopped growing at the age of three. Hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos and pizza are the only reason I'm still alive this day. And the only reason I'll be dead ten years from now. There doesn't exist on the earth a fruit I like or would intentionally purchase, and vegetables might as well be called "carrots," because that's all I know of them. Fish? Processed into a McDonalds fillet it's good. Chicken? Oh yes... as long as it's one of those mysterious breeds known as McNugget. And while I'm on the subject, woe to the guy who doesn't like chicken, 'cause everything tastes like it...

Gone from my universe--wiped away, if you will--are the Four Food Groups, replaced by my Four "C"s.... Chips, Cookies, Candy and Cokes. Hehe.

Come to think of it, the letter "C" is well represented; it's just those other 25 letters I have a problem with. I'm not picky against food, just CERTAIN consonants and vowels, really... Take asparagus, for example--it starts with the letter "A" and I don't like it. Broccoli--now that's "B," and well, no thank you. Delectable Entrees Fancily Garnished? Well that one kills four letters right there--"D" "E" "F" and "G". I just don't like their kind. Of course, Cotton Candy (note: with 2 "C"s), I like twice as much.... Maybe it's the Caffeine that I like in Coke. Or the Calcium in the Cream in my Coffee. Pizza I like, but Cold pizza? Even better. And when it's Covered with Cheese? Cascading over the Crust? Or, for that matter, Complementary and without Charge because they Care about their Customers? (Especially when it's Carryout) Yumm. SEE, THIS IS MY THESIS: everything just tastes better with "C"s. Really, the more "C"s in a food's name, the better. Oh, now, I know what you're thinking.... I just said I didn't like broccoli, and it's got two "C"s, right? Fatal flaw? No, I don't think so(!); it just makes my point; think how much worse it might taste if it didn't have those "C"s. Who's to say the "C"s don't make it taste as good as it does? I mean, if it were just "Brooli", that doesn't even sound good. I'd never even try something called brooli. And without the "C" chips would be hips, where I think they go anyway. See, I'm on to something; the whole food pyramid rests on the "C"rux of the "C". And without the "C" it doesn't quite "crumble," but it at least... "rumbles." Okay, I'm wearing out the "C" on my keyboard now. Please stop me before I hurt someone. I'll never forget the art history professor--I forget his name... [Hehehe. I'm rolling on the floor here]--who wrote on one of my papers that wordplay would be my undoing.

"Robin," 1997 (left)
"Mom in Paris," 2001 (right)
Shhhh, it is one of my better kept secrets that I can draw...
Call it "some craven scruple of thinking too precisely on the event"(Hamlet, act IV, sc iv)... but we spend our whole lives trying to be something more than we are... to "elevate the conversation" of the human discourse. But too often we end the "conversation" with four letter expletives where we intended prose.
We aspire to the Angel, but to what baser natures we inevitably fall!
WHAT IS HOPE: Hope is a concept as elusive as Bigfoot. And we all go rushing after, making plaster casts as though that proves anything. Hope is as shaky as that Bigfoot footage in the famous 1967 Patterson film, glancing back in disdain as it wanders away from us.... And even after one of the participants claims it a fraud we're still actually... HOPING... (against hope...) that hope is still somehow real.
PARTING WORDS OF WISDOM: We come from different places but are united in our common plea as we look up to the sky and think (after we've felt it) "God, I hope that was a raindrop."
Remember, never smile. Always smirk.

A brief review...
12 mos a g e 3 a g e 9 T o d a y

Today is A.D.
of the Holocene epoch of the Neogene period of the Cenozoic era of the planet Earth

...Remember where you parked.... Pictures, text and design: Jefferson Hall, 2000 - 2007
Jerry Goldsmith (1929-2004)