# # mutay.txt [mu'tay' - vocabulary] # Klingon vocabulary for mu' HaqwI' # # This file contains the vocabulary used by the Klingon analyzer / # dictionary program mu' HaqwI'. It may be distributed freely for use # with this program. If you plan to use it for other purposes, please # contact the original author Lennart Steinke # and ask for his permission. # # You may change this file to correct errors or add new words. If you # do so, please add your name, the date and a short description of # your changes to the list below, and if you don't mind, drop me a # line. The format of the file should be quite obvious. # # The Klingon names are taken from a list maintained by Jarno Peschier # . They may be out of date at the time you read # this. For more up to date info watch the tlhIngan Hol mailing list or # Jarno's website at , # or look for new versions of this file on my homepage at # . # # Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # # Change History # -------------- # 12/27/95 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # first released with mu' HaqwI' 1.0 # 01/17/96 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # typo corrected ("leS") # 02/14/96 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # name list updated (posted by Jarno on 02/05/96) # 04/19/96 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # name list updated (posted by Jarno on 04/05/96) # 04/19/96 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # added new vocabulary from "The Klingon Way" # 07/03/96 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # name list updated (posted by Jarno on 06/15/96) # 03/01/97 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # added new words from the KLI list as of 10/18/96 # 07/24/97 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # added new words from the KLI list as of 7/15/97 # 07/25/97 Christoph "bIQHurgh" Pfisterer # name list updated (with the current one downloaded from # Jarno's web site), with some corrections and additions # # names # from The Klingon Dictionary mara= Mara matlh= Maltz qeng= Kang qeylIS= Kahless qolotlh= Koloth qor= Kor qoreQ= Korax QaS= Kras Qel= Krell Qugh= Kruge torgh= Torg valQIS= Valkris # from The Klingon Way 'aqtu'= Aktuh mellota'= Melota # from Hamlet wIlyam= William SeQpIr= Shakespeare tlhaw'DIyuS= Claudius Hamlet= Hamlet polonyuS= Polonius Horey'So= Horatio layerteS= Laertes voltImaD= Voltimand qornelyuS= Cornelius roSenQatlh= Rosencrantz ghIlDeSten= Guildenstern 'oSrIq= Osric marSe'luS= Marcellus bernarDo= Bernardo veranchISqo= Francisco reynalDo= Reynaldo vortIbraS= Fortinbras ghertlhuD= Gertrude 'ovelya= Ophelia # from various sources qarghan= Kargan mogh= Mogh wo'rIv= Worf DuraS= Duras toral= Toral beytor= B'Etor be'etor= B'Etor lurSa= Lursa lurSa'= Lursa qurIn= Kurn ghowron= Gowron qItI'nga'= K'Tinga (class) qIvo'rIt= K'Vort (class) ghorqon= Gorkon chang= Chang 'atlhetbur= Azetbur Qanqor= Krankor tlha= Klaa vItlhIS= Vixis beylana= B'Elanna mayqel= Michael Do'rIn= Dorn raqSan= Roxann bIQ-DawSon= Biggs-Dawson rabe'rIt= Robert 'o'raylIy= O'Reilly 'anSa'ra= Ansara jan= John qalI'qos= Calicos barbara'= Barbara ma'rIch= March ghwI'nItlh= Gwynyth wa'lIS= Walsh HolQeD= KLI's magazine # real persons yarno= Jarno Peschier (jpeschie@cs.ruu.nl) peSHIr= Jarno Peschier (jpeschie@cs.ruu.nl) ghunchu'wI'= Alan Anderson (caanders@netusa1.net) maSqa'= Christian Matzke (cmatzk51@maine.maine.edu) mu'vaj= Adam Walker (walkera@dbu.edu) Qogh= Adam Walker's old name (walkera@dbu.edu) DaraQ= David Barron (dbarron@primenet.com) yoDtargh= R.B Franklin (randall2@netcom.com) Qeygh= Craig Altenburg (craig.altenburg@kt.com) qo'ran= Anthony Curran (acurran@airmail.net) 'etlhqengwI'= Garrett Michael Hayes (GHAYES@cslinc.com) Holtej= d'Armond Speers (dspeers@thomtech.com) marqoS= Mark J. Reed (mreed@hp.com) tlheghmeQ= Elizabeth C. Hoyt (claech@tec.nh.us) vanya= Chris Atherton (christine.atherton@strath.ac.uk) SuStel= David A. Trimboli (SuStel@msn.com or DTrimboli@aol.com) 'angghal= Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen (lawrence@kli.org) najwI'= Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen (lawrence@kli.org) DevwI'= Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen (lawrence@kli.org) veghwI'= Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen (lawrence@kli.org) jejQIb= Michiel Uitdehaag (michiel@sci.himeji-tech.ac.jp) jeHoch= Michiel Uitdehaag (michiel@sci.himeji-tech.ac.jp) QIbaQa'bItan= Michiel Uitdehaag (michiel@sci.himeji-tech.ac.jp) Do'val= Matt Whiteacre (m-whiteacre@tamu.edu) rojche'wI'= James Frederic Bisso (jbisso@us.oracle.com) Seqram= Mark E. Shoulson aka ~mark (shoulson@cs.columbia.edu) ghor= Anttila Riku-Pekka (a153814@proffa.cc.tut.fi) achghuQ= Joe Schelin (JKS3900@ritvax.isc.rit.edu) majIq= Matt Gomes (matt.gomes@ebay.sun.com) qorDayt= Keven A. Geiselman (kelly1+@pitt.edu) ta'SIghor= Keven A. Geiselman (kelly1+@pitt.edu) taSIghor= Keven A. Geiselman (kelly1+@pitt.edu) r'Hul= Rachel Wyman (RrrHul@aol.com) bIQHurgh= Christoph Pfisterer (bIQHurgh@khemorex-klinzhai.de) marqem= Mark A. Mandel (mark@dragonsys.com) Qob= Bill Willmerdinger (qob@frontiernet.net) peHruS= Daniel Morse (WestphalWz@aol.com) HomDoq= Marc Ruehlaender (ruehli@iastate.edu) taghqIj= Matt Treyvaud (cthulhu@ariel.its.unimelb.edu.au) qu'= Joe Steger (jcs@accelr8.com) DaQtIq= Bart Barker (DaQtIq@ntplx.net) qeSmIv= Paul J. Coffey (MBVV99a@prodigy.com) HarghwI'= Paul J. Coffey (MBVV99a@prodigy.com) qSeroHS= Niall Hosking (884744ho@udcf.gla.ac.uk) choHwI'= Stan Goliaszewski (stan@franklin.com) Dotlh= Rens Duysens (rens@pi.net) bangteH= Frank Truelove (Frank_M_Truelove@rohmhaas.com) HetaQ= Chester Braun (cbraun@bseng.com) HoS'etlh= Ben Warren (jtbbenw@earthlink.net) taj'IH= Astrid Jekat (tajIH@khemorex-klinzhai.de) Soqra'tIS= Steve Weaver (asewpo1@peabody.sct.ucarb.com) rojpuqloD= Joel Peter Anderson (andersjp@freenet.msp.mn.us) majIQ= Sally Field (ron@cruzio.com) tevram= Susan Farmer (sfarmer@sabre.goldsword.com) toDbaj= Michael McConnell (u06rmm@abdn.ac.uk) QlojmIt= Adam Winnington (winnina@enterprise.ca) ter'eS= Terry Donnelly (tdonne01@mail.coin.missouri.edu) Suvbogh'Qib= Paul van Berlo (pvb@plex.nl) K'Eertah= Dona Bazley (dbazley@u.washington.edu) choq= Howard Rowner (bishop.x@hs.wisenet.com) De'chaq= Tara Aiken (trmagic@ucinet.com) SIvan= Siobhan Gormley (sgormle2@chat.carleton.ca) ghormlIy= Siobhan Gormley (sgormle2@chat.carleton.ca) targhtlhuH= Bryce Platt (boplatt@azstarnet.com) qen= Ken Crissey (kcrissey@csq295a.mail.att.net) qriS'ey= Ken Crissey (kcrissey@csq295a.mail.att.net) macheq= Maciej St. Zieba (#gdp@musica.mcgill.ca) noychoH= Maciej St. Zieba (#gdp@musica.mcgill.ca) jembatoQ= Maciej St. Zieba (#gdp@musica.mcgill.ca) 'eSqIl= Eskil Heyn Olsen (deity@find2.dbc.bib.dk) pagh= Eric Andeen (eandeen@ips.iac.honeywell.com) maregh= Dave Coulter (KlngonDave@aol.com) Doq= Althea Katz (soferim@Netvision.net.il) janSIy= Jeremy Cowan (ujcowan@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu) nuqHm= Robert E. Newcombe (R.E.Newcombe@cranfield.ac.uk) SraH= Sarah A. Stear (S.Stear@cranfield.ac.uk) SanQIb= Christine Tschoegl (S.Tschoegl@t-online.de) qoro'nIn= Linda Hunnefield (LJHunnef@aol.com)) toQDoq= Redhawk (redhawk@ois.com.au) HoHwI'= Faber (faber@goodnet.com) voqHa'wI'= Daniel Noll (fprefect@mailhost.net) ghuy'Do= Andrew 'Guido#1' Strader (DLS9@aol.com) kaylar= Suzann Dodd (kaylar@colis.com.jm) B'Elanna= Katie Moncelsi (ustrek@concentric.net) chIya'ghu= Thiago Miranda (waterway@shadow.net) Qetlh= Jeff Velten (veltenkjs@tri-town.net) nIchyon= Nick Nicholas (s_nickn@eduserv.its.unimelb.edu.au) beHwI''av= Daniel Crompton (dancat@.netland.nl) torghaS= James Hager (darkfall@aros.net) HeghmoHwI'= Scott McCool (ragorn@locke.ccil.org) pe'rIy= Perry J. Brulotte (perryb@equinox.shaysnet.com) berulat= Perry J. Brulotte (perryb@equinox.shaysnet.com) Qov= Robyn Stewart (Qov@direct.ca) HurghwI'= Adrian K (peregrine@jwp.bc.ca) voragh= Steven L. Boozer (sboozer@midway.uchicago.edu) mayq= Michael Classic (dviper@spectranet.ca) 'aDam= Amos Ezer Hadani (hadani@inter.net.il) qotlhpach= Lee Lewis (llewis@ci.orlando.fl.us) jubchuQun= Lee Lewis (llewis@ci.orlando.fl.us) qrlIH= Dennis Shortliffe (dd215@freenet.carleton.ca) veStaySortlhIH= Dennis Shortliffe (dd215@freenet.carleton.ca) lo'rel= Laurel Beckley (laurel@li.net) DloraH= Roger Cheesbro (cheesbro@rpa.net) mIqIraH= R. McReynolds (rmcrey@flash.net) qeq= Paul Dixon (blakkrow@freenet.hut.fi) qoror= Marian Schwartz (70313.1636@compuserve.com) Qermaq= Neal Schermerhorn (neal413@msn.com) QIb Tai yabHuj= Volker Tanger (tanger@khemorex-klinzhai.de) QIb= Volker Tanger (tanger@khemorex-klinzhai.de) yabHuj= Volker Tanger (tanger@khemorex-klinzhai.de) jey'el= Jerry L. Walker (jwalker671@aol.com) Qeltor= Ralf Gebhart (Qeltor@khemorex-klinzhai.de) # verb prefixes bI= you (n/o) bo= you (pl)-him/her/it/them che= you (pl)-us cho= you-me Da= you-him/her/it/them DI= we-them Du= he/she/it-you gho= imp: you-us, you (pl)-us HI= imp: you-me, you (pl)-me jI= I (n/o) ju= you-us lI= he/she/it-you (pl), they-you (pl) lu= they-him/her/it ma= we (n/o) mu= he/she/it-me, they-me nI= they-you nu= he/she/it-us, they-us pe= imp: you (pl) (n/o) pI= we-you qa= I-you re= we-you (pl) Sa= I-you (pl) Su= you (pl) (n/o) tI= imp: you-them, you (pl)-them tu= you (pl)-me vI= I-him/her/it/them wI= we-him/her/it yI= imp: you (n/o), you-him/her/it, you (pl)-him/her/it # verb suffixes ba'= obviously be'= not beH= ready, set up (referring to devices) bej= certainly, undoubtedly bogh= which (relative-clause marker) choH= change chu'= clearly, perfectly chugh= if chuq= one another DI'= as soon as, when Ha'= undo jaj= may laH= can, able law'= seems, apparently lI'= in progress lu'= indefinite subject meH= for (purpose-clause marker) mo'= because moH= cause neS= honorific nIS= need pa'= before pu'= perfective qa'= do again, resume qang= willing Qo'= don't!, won't qu'= emphatic rup= ready, prepared (referring to beings) ta'= accomplished, done taH= continuous vIp= afraid vIS= while 'a'= interrogative 'egh= oneself # verb to noun suffix ghach=v-> nominalizer wI'=v-> one who is, one who does, thing which does # noun suffixes chaj= their Daj= his/her Daq= locative Du'= plural (body part) Hey= apparent Hom= diminutive lI'= your (noun capable of using language) lIj= your ma'= our (noun capable of using language) maj= our mey= plural (general) mo'= due to na'= definite oy= endearment pu'= plural (beings capable of using language) qoq= so-called ra'= your (pl) (noun capable of using language) raj= your (pl) vaD= for vam= this vetlh= that vo'= from wI'= my (noun capable of using language) wIj= my 'a'= augmentative 'e'= topic # nouns bach= shot baHwI'= gunner bang= love, one who is loved baS= metal batlh= honor be'= female, woman be'Hom= girl be'nal= wife be'nI'= sister begh= deflectors beH= rifle bel= pleasure ben= years ago bep= agony beq= crew, crewman betleH= hand weapon (type of) bID= half bIghHa'= prison, jail bIj= punishment bIng= area below, area under bIQ'a'= ocean bIQ= water bIQtIq= river bIreQtagh= bregit lung bo'DIj= court bobcho'= module bom= song boQ= aid, assistance boq= alliance, bloc, coalition boQDu'= aide-de-camp bortaS= revenge botlh= center, middle bov= era bu'= sergeant burgh= stomach butlh= dirt under fingernails buv= classification cha'Hu'= day before yesterday cha'leS= day after tomorrow cha'puj= dilithium cha'pujqut= dilithium crystal cha= torpedoes chab= pie, tart, dumpling chach= emergency chaDvay'= hertz (frequency) chal= sky chamwI'= technician chap= back (of hand) chav= achievement chaw'= permit chemvaH= animal (type of) chetvI'= torpedo tube chIrgh= temple (structure) cho'= succession choH= change choljaH= ponytail holder chom= bartender chor= belly choS= twilight chovnatlh= specimen chu'wI'= trigger chuch= ice chunDab= meteor chuq= distance chuQun= nobility chuS'ugh= musical instrument (type of) chut= law chuvmey= leftovers (grammatical term) chuyDaH= thrusters Da'= corporal (rank) DaHjaj= today Dap= nonsense DaQ= ponytail Daq= site Dargh= tea DaS= boot DaSpu'= boot spike Dat= everywhere Daw'= revolt, revolution De'= data, information De'wI'= computer Deb= desert Degh= helm Degh= medal, emblem, symbol, insignia DeghwI'= helmsman DenIb= Denebia Dep= being (nonhumanoid) DeQ= credit (monetary unit) DeS= arm (body part) DI= litter, rubble, debris DIb= privilege, right DIch= certainty DIlyum= trillium DIp= noun DIr= skin DIS= cave DIS= year (Klingon) DIvI'= federation, organization, association, league, union DIvI'may'Duj= Federation battle cruiser Do= velocity Doch= thing DoD= mark (in coordinates) Doghjey= unconditional surrender Dol= entity, whole Dom= radan (crude dilithium crystal) Dop= side DoS= target Dotlh= status Doy'yuS= Troyius Du'= farm Dub= back (of body) DuH= possibility, option Duj= instincts Duj= ship, vessel Dung= area above, area overhead DungluQ= noon Dup= strategy DuS= torpedo tube DuSaQ= school Duy'= defect Duy'a'= ambassador Duy= agent, emissary ghar= diplomacy ghargh= serpent worm gharwI'= diplomat ghe''or= netherworld (where dishonored go) ghem= midnight snack ghew= bug, cootie ghIch= nose ghIgh= necklace ghItlh= manuscript gho'Do= sublight speed gho= circle ghob= ethics, virtue ghoch= destination ghogh= voice ghojmoq= nurse, nanny, governess ghojwI'= student ghol= opponent, adversary ghom'a'= crowd ghom= group, party, band (in the non-musical sense) ghong= abuse ghop= hand ghopDap= asteroid ghoqwI'= spy ghor= surface (of a planet) ghot= person (humanoid) ghu'= situation ghu= baby ghuH= alert ghum= alarm ghuv= recruit Ha'DIbaH= meat, animal HablI'= data transceiving device Hal= source HanDogh= nacelle Hap= matter Haq= surgery HaQchor= saccharin Haqtaj= scalpel HaqwI'= surgeon HaSta= visual display Hat= temperature Hatlh= country, countryside He= course, route HeDon= parallel course Hegh= death HeH= edge Hergh= medicine HerghwI'= hypo, pneumatic hypo HeS= crime HeSwI'= criminal HI'= dictator HI'tuy= dictatorship HIch= handgun HIchDal= airlock HIDjolev= menu HIp= uniform HIq= liquor, ale, beer HIvDuj= attack fighter HIvje'= glass (tumbler) Ho''oy'= toothache Ho'= tooth Hoch= everyone, all, everything HoD= captain Hogh= week (Klingon) HoH= killing Hol= language Hom= bone Hong= impulse power Hoq= expedition Hoqra'= tricorder HoS= strength, energy, power HoSchem= energy field HoSDo'= energy beings HotlhwI'= scanner Hov= star Hovtay'= star system Hu'= days ago Hu= zoo Hub= defense Hubbeq= Defense Force Huch= money HuD= mountain, hill Hugh= throat HuH= bile, gall, slime Human= human Hung= security Hur= outside Hurgh= pickle (cucumber) Huy'= eyebrow ja'chuq= succession ritual (ancient) jabbI'ID= data transmission jagh= enemy jaj= day (from dawn to dawn) jajlo'= dawn jan= device jar= month (Klingon) jat= tongue jaw= lord jech= disguise, costume jey= itinerary jIb= hair (on head) jIH= monitor, viewing screen jIl= neighbor jInmol= project jIp= penalty jo'= machinery jo= resources jogh= quadrant joH= lord joj= area between jojlu'= consul jol= transport beam jolpa'= transport room jolvoy'= transporter ionizer unit jonta'= engine jonwI'= engineer joqwI'= flag jorwI'= explosive joS= rumor, gossip juH= home juHqo'= home world jup= friend la''a'= commandant la'= commander la'quv= Supreme Commander lagh= ensign laH= ability laj= acceptance lalDan= religion lam= dirt laSvargh= factory latlh= additional one, other one leH= maintenance len= recess, break leng= trip, voyage lengwI'= rover (grammatical term) leQ= switch leS= days from now leSpoH= shore leave leSSov= foresight lInDab= espionage lIngwI'= generator lIy= comet lo'= tactics, use loch= mustache loD= male, man loDHom= boy loDnal= husband loDnI'= brother logh= space loH= administration lojmIt= door, gate lolSeHcha= attitude-control thruster lom= corpse loSpev= quadrotriticale lot= catastrophe lotlhwI'= rebel luch= equipment, gear lulIgh= refuge lup= second (of time) lupDujHom= shuttlecraft lur= pupil (of eye) lurDech= tradition lurgh= direction (spatial) luSpet= black hole lut= story mab= treaty maghwI'= traitor malja'= business mang= soldier mangghom= army mangHom= cadet maQmIgh= omen (dark), sign of evil coming maS= moon maSwov= moonlight matHa'= gunner mavjop= paper clip may'= battle may'Duj= battle cruiser may'morgh= battle array meb= guest megh= lunch meH= bridge (of a ship) mem= catalog mep= plastic meq= reason, motive meqba'= legal proceeding (type of) mI'= number mIch= sector, zone mID= colony mIn= eye mIp= wealth mIqta'= machinery mIr= chain mIS= confusion mIv= helmet mIw= procedure, process mo'= cage moch= superior moHaq= prefix mojaq= suffix mol= grave mon= capital (of a place) mong= neck mongDech= collar mop= robe moQ= sphere moy'bI'= slingshot mu'= word mu'ghom= dictionary mu'qaD= curse, insult mu'tay'= vocabulary mu'tlhegh= sentence much= presentation muD= atmosphere, weather mughato'= mugato mughwI'= translator mung= origin mut= species muvtay= initiation nab= plan, procedure nach= head naD= commendation naDev= here, hereabouts naDHa'ghach= discommendation nagh= rock, stone naH= fruit, vegetable naQ= staff nav= paper nawlogh= squadron nay'= course (at a meal), dish (at a meal) ne'= yeoman negh= soldiers neHmaH= neutral zone nejwI'= probe nem= years from now nenghep= Age of Ascension nentay= Rite of Ascension ngan= inhabitant ngaq= support (military term) ngat= gunpowder ngav= Writer's cramp ngech= valley, woman's cleavage ngeHbej= cosmos ngem= forest, woods ngeng= lake nger= theory ngoch= policy ngoD= fact ngong= experiment ngoq= code ngoQ= goal, purpose ngup= cape (clothing) nIch= ammunition nIH= right (side) nIHwI'= thief nIn= fuel nIQ= breakfast nItlh= finger nItlhpach= fingernail nIvnav= pajamas no'= ancestors nob= gift noch= sensor noH= war nol= funeral noSvagh= deodorant nov= alien, foreigner nubwI'= predecessor nuch= coward nugh= society, group of people with shared culture nuH= weapon nuHHom= small arms nuHmey= arsenal nuj= mouth nur= dignity nural= Neural nuralngan= Neuralese nuv= person (humanoid) pa'= room pa'= there, over there, thereabouts pab= grammar pabpo'= grammarian pach= claw pagh= none paH= gown paq= book paQDI'norgh= teachings paSlogh= socks pat= system patlh= rank (military, governmental) pegh= secret peHghep= Age of Inclusion pem= daytime pemjep= midday peng= torpedo peQ= magnetism per= label pey= acid pIch= fault, blame pIgh= ruins pIn'a'= master pIn= boss pIp= spine pIpyuS= pipius pIqaD= Klingon writing system pIvghor= warp drive pIvlob= warp factor pIw= odor po= morning pob= hair (on body) pogh= glove poH= time (period of) poj= analysis pom= dysentery pong= name pop= reward poq= indigestion porgh= body poS= left (side) potlh= something important pov= afternoon pu'= phaser pu'beH= phaser rifle pu'beq= phaser crew pu'DaH= phaser banks pu'HIch= phaser pistol puch= toilet puchpa'= washroom pugh= dregs puH= land pujwI'= weakling pum= accusation pung= mercy puq= child, offspring puqbe'= daughter puqloD= son puyjaq= nova Qa'= animal (type of) qa'= spirit qa'vam= Genesis qab= face Qab= theragen qach= building, structure qaD= challenge Qagh= error, mistake qagh= serpent worm (food) QaH= help qaH= sir qam= foot qama'= prisoner Qang= chancellor Qapla'= success Qargh= fissure QaS= troops Qaw'= destroy qawHaq= memory banks, data banks (singular) Qe'= restaurant Qeb= ring (for finger) qech= idea QeD= science QeDpIn= science officer QeH= anger Qel= doctor, physician qelI'qam= kellicam qempa'= ancestor qep= meeting qeq= drill (military) qeS= advice qevaS= kevas qevpob= cheek QI'= military QI'lop= holiday (name of a) QI'tomer= Khitomer QI'tu'= Paradise qIb= galaxy QIb= shadow qIbHeS= galactic rim QIch= speech (vocal sounds) qIgh= shortcut QIghpej= Klingon agonizer QIH= damage, destruction qIv= knee qo'= world, realm Qo'noS= Kronos Qob= danger qoch= partner Qogh= animal (type of) qogh= belt qogh= ear (outside head) qoH= fool qoj= cliff QonoS= journal, log QoQ= music qoq= robot qorDu'= family qoS= birthday Qu'= duty, quest, mission, task, chore Quch= forehead QuD= insurrection Qugh= disaster qughDuj= cruiser quHvaj= dandruff Quj= game qul= fire qum= government QumpIn= communications officer QumwI'= communicator, communications device qumwI'= governor qun= history qup= elder quprIp= Council of Elders QuQ= engine quS= chair QuS= conspiracy qut= crystal (geologic formation) qutluch= hand weapon (type of) Quv= coordinates quv= honor ra'ghomquv= High Command ra'wI'= commander ram= night ramjep= midnight raQ= camp (military term) raQpo'= passenger rav= floor ray'= targets reghuluS= Regulus reghuluSngan= Regulan rejmorgh= worrywart rep= hour retlh= area beside, area next to rewbe'= citizen rI'Se'= hailing frequency rIHwI'= energizer rIp= council, assembly rIvSo'= embassy rIymuS= Remus ro'= fist ro'qegh'Iwchab= rokeg blood pie ro= trunk (of body) roghvaH= population roj= peace rojHom= truce rojmab= peace treaty rol= beard rom= accord romuluS= Romulus romuluSngan= Romulan rop= disease ropyaH= infirmary rugh= antimatter ruStay= bonding ritual ruv= justice Sa'= general (rank) Saj= pet San= fate Saqghom= landing party Sar= variety Satlh= agriculture Se'= frequency (radio) Segh= race, type, sort, class SeHlaw= control panel Seng= trouble Sep= region Seq= fault (seismic) Ser= progress SermanyuQ= Sherman's Planet SeS= steam Sev= bandage SIbDoH= satellite SID= patient SIp= gas So'wI'= cloaking device SoD= flood Sogh= lieutenant Soj= food Som= hull Somraw= muscle SonchIy= death ritual (for a leader) SoQ= speech, lecture, address Sor= tree SoS= mother SoSnI'= grandmother Sotlaw'= distress call Sov= knowledge Sun= discipline Sung= native Sup= resource Surchem= force field SuS= wind, breeze Sut= clothing SuvwI'= warrior Suy= merchant SuyDuj= merchant ship ta'= accomplishment, deed ta'= emperor ta= record tach= bar, saloon, cocktail lounge tagh= lung taj= knife, dagger taQbang= exhaust tar= poison targh= targ taS= solution (liquid) tat= ion tay= ceremony, rite, ritual tayqeq= civilization teblaw'= jurisdiction tej= scientist tel= wing tengchaH= space station tep= cargo tepqengwI'= cargo carrier tera'= Earth tera'ngan= Terran, Earther tev= prize tI= vegetation tIgh= custom tIH= ray tIq= heart tIr= grain tlhab= freedom, independence tlham= gravity tlhaq= chronometer tlhegh= line, rope tlhIch= smoke tlhIl= mineral tlhIlHal= mine tlhIlwI'= miner tlhIngan= Klingon tlho'= appreciation, gratitude tlhogh= marriage tlhon= nostril tlhoQ= conglomeration tlhuH= breath to'baj= animal (type of) toch= palm (of hand) toD= rescue toDuj= courage, bravery tongDuj= freighter toplIn= topaline toQDuj= Bird of Prey (vessel) totlh= commodore toy'wI''a'= slave toy'wI'= servant tuH= maneuver (military term) tuj= heat tum= agency tup= minute (of time) tuQDoq= mind sifter (Klingon psychic probe) tut= column vaH= holster vaj= warrior van'a'= award van= tribute vaS'a'= Great Hall vaS= hall, assembly hall vatlhvI'= percent vav= father vavnI'= grandfather vay'= somebody, something, anybody, anything veH= boundary veng= city vengHom= village veQ= garbage veQDuj= garbage scow veqlargh= devil, demon, Fek'lhr verengan= Ferengi vergh= dock veS= war veSDuj= warship vetlh= cockroach vI'= marksmanship vIj= thruster vIt= truth voDleH= emperor vogh= somewhere voHDajbo'= ransom volchaH= shoulder vu'wI'= manager vub= hostage vuD= opinion vulqan= Vulcan (planet) vulqangan= Vulcan (person) vutpa'= galley wa'Hu'= yesterday wa'leS= tomorrow wanI'= phenomenon, event, occurrence waq= shoe waw'= base (military term) wem= violation wep= jacket, coat weQ= candle wIch= myth wIgh= genius wIv= choice wIy= tactical display wo'= empire woj= radiation woQ= authority, political power woS= chin wot= verb wuS= lip wutlh= underground ya= tactical officer yab= mind, brain yaD= toe yagh= organism yaH= duty station, station yaS= officer yav= ground yay= victory, triumph yej= assembly, council yejquv= High Council yIb= vent yIH= tribble yIn= life yInroH= life signs yIntagh= life-support system yIvbeH= tunic yo'= fleet (of ships) yoD= shield yoj= judgment yol= conflict yopwaH= pants yoq= humanoid yoS= district, area yot= invasion yotlh= field (of land) yu'egh= wave yuch= chocolate yupma'= festival yuQ= planet yuQHom= planetoid yuQjIjQa'= United Federation of Planets 'aD= vein 'aH= paraphernalia 'aj= admiral 'avwI'= guard 'ay'= section 'eb= opportunity 'ech= brigadier 'ejDo'= starship, starship class 'ejyo'= Starfleet 'ejyo'waw'= star base 'elaS= Elas 'eng= cloud 'er= animal (type of) 'et= fore 'etlh= sword 'evnagh= subspace 'Ip= oath 'ISjaH= calendar 'Iv= altitude 'Iw= blood 'Iwghargh= bloodworm 'o'= aft 'och= tunnel 'orghen rojmab= Organian Peace Treaty 'orghen= Organia 'orghengan= Organian 'oSwI'= emissary 'otlh= photon 'oy'= ache, pain, sore 'oy'naQ= painstick 'uD'a'= laser 'uQ= dinner 'urmang= treason 'uS= leg 'utlh= officer 'u'= universe gheD= prey ghIlab ghew= glob fly ghIlaSnoS= Glasnost - ancient political movement Heghbat= ritual suicide Heghba'= ritual suicide moQbara'= a type of martial art mupwI'= hammer qa'vaQ= weapon training using a hoop and stick qIvon= an unspecified body part quvHa'ghach= dishonor tuq= House, clan, tribe yIrIDngan= Yridian # verbs (and adjectives) ba'= sit down bach= shoot bagh= tie baH= fire (e.g. a torpedo, rocket, missile) bav= orbit bech= suffer bej= watch bel= be pleased belHa'= be displeased bep= complain beQ= be flat bergh= be irritable bIj= punish bIr= be cold bIt= be nervous, uneasy bIv= break rules boch= be shiny boch= shine bogh= be born boH= be impatient boj= nag bom= sing, chant boQ= assist boS= collect bot= prevent, block, prohibit buD= be lazy bup= quit buQ= threaten buS= concentrate on buv= classify cha'= show, display chagh= drop chargh= conquer chav= achieve chaw'= allow, permit che'= rule, reign, run, preside chech= be drunk, intoxicated chegh= return cheH= defect chel= add chen= build up, take form chep= be prosperous chep= prosper cher= establish, set up chergh= tolerate chev= separate chID= admit chIj= navigate chIl= lose, misplace chIm= be empty, deserted, uninhabited chIp= cut (hair), trim (hair) chIS= be white cho'= succeed (to authority) choH= alter, change chol= close in, get closer chong= be vertical chop= bite choq= preserve, save choS= desert chot= murder chov= assess, evaluate chu'= be new chu'= engage chun= be innocent chung= accelerate chup= recommend, suggest chuq= be distant chuS= be noisy chuv= be left over Da= behave as Dach= be absent Daj= be interesting Dal= be boring Dan= occupy (military term) Daq= eavesdrop Daw'= revolt Dech= surround Dej= collapse Del= describe Dev= lead, guide DIl= pay for DIng= spin DIS= confess DIv= be guilty Do'= be fortunate, lucky Doch= be rude Dogh= be foolish, silly DoH= back away from, back off, get away from Doj= be impressive Don= be parallel Don= go parallel to Doq= be orange, red DoQ= claim (territory) Dor= escort Doy'= be tired Dub= improve DuD= mix Dugh= be vigilant DuH= be possible Dum= nap Dun= be wonderful, great DuQ= stab Duv= advance Duy'= be defective ghagh= gargle ghaj= have, possess ghaq= contribute ghar= diplomacy (conduct it) ghatlh= dominate ghegh= be rough ghIb= consent ghIH= be messy, sloppy ghIj= scare ghIm= exile ghIpDIj= court-martial ghIQ= vacation, take a vacation ghIr= descend ghItlh= mark (upon), write gho'= step on ghoch= track, track down ghoD= stuff ghoH= argue, dispute ghoj= learn ghojmoH= teach, instruct ghom= meet, assemble ghomHa'= scatter, disperse ghong= abuse ghoq= spy ghor= break ghoS= approach, go away from, thrust ghov= recognize ghuH= be alerted ghuHmoH= alert, warn ghum= alarm ghun= program (a computer) ghung= be hungry ghup= swallow ghur= increase ghuS= be prepared, ready (to launch) Ha'= undo Hab= be smooth Hach= be developed (civilization) HaD= study Hagh= laugh Haj= dread Har= believe Hat= be illegal Haw'= flee, get out Hay'= duel He'= smell, emit odor He'So'= stink Hech= intend, mean to HeD= retreat Hegh= die HeghmoH= be fatal Hej= rob Hem= be proud HeQ= comply HeS= commit (a crime) Hev= receive HIgh= fight dirty HIj= deliver, transport goods HIv= attack Ho'= admire Hob= yawn HoH'egh= commit suicide HoH= kill Hoj= be cautious Hon= doubt Hop= be remote, far HoS= be strong HoSghaj= be powerful Hot= touch, feel Hotlh= scan Hoy'= congratulate Hu'= get up Hub= defend Huj= be strange Huj= charge (up) Hum= be sticky Hup= punish Huq= transact Hurgh= be dark HuS= hang Huv= be clear, not obstructed ja'= tell, report ja'chuq= discuss, confer jab= serve (food) jach= scream, cry out, shout, yell jaH= go jang= answer, reply jaq= be bold jatlh= say, tell, speak jaw= chat je'= buy, purchase je'= feed (someone else), enrich (spirit) jech= disguise jeD= be thick jegh= surrender, give up jeH= be absentminded jej= be sharp jen= be high jeQ= be selfconfident jeS= participate jev= storm jey= defeat jIH= monitor jIj= cooperate jIv= be ignorant joch= be harmful joD= stoop jol= beam (aboard) jon= capture joq= flutter, wave jor= explode joS= gossip jot= be calm jotHa'= be uneasy jotlh= take down joy'= torture jub= be immortal jubbe'= be mortal jum= be odd jun= evade, take evasive action juS= overtake, pass juv= measure lab= transmit data (away from a place) lach= exaggerate laD= read lagh= take apart, disassemble laj= accept lam= be dirty lan= place lang= be thin laQ= fire, energize (e.g. thrusters) largh= smell, sense odors law'= be many lay'= promise le'= be special, exceptional legh= see leH= maintain lel= get out, take out leng= roam, travel, rove leS= rest, relax let= be hard (like a rock) lI'= be useful lI'= transmit data (to a place) lIgh= ride lIH= introduce lIj= forget lIm= panic lIng= produce lIq= round up lIS= adjust lo'= use lo'laH= be valuable lo'laHbe'= be worthless lob= obey lobHa'= disobey loH= administer loj= be all gone lon= abandon lop= celebrate loS= wait (for) lotlh= rebel loy= guess lugh= be right, correct luH= yank luj= fail, lose (a contest) lum= postpone, procrastinate lup= transport lutlh= be primitive ma'= accommodate mach= be small magh= betray maq= proclaim maS= prefer matlh= be loyal maw'= be crazy maw= offend may= be fair mech= trade mej= leave, depart meQ= burn meq= reason mer= suprise mev= stop, cease mIgh= be evil mIm= delay mIp= be rich mIS= be confused mISmoH= confuse mIy= brag mob= be alone moD= hurry mogh= be frustrated moH= be ugly moj= become mol= bury morgh= protest moS= compromise motlh= be usual motlhbe'= be unusual mub= be legal much= present mugh= translate muH= execute, put to death muj= be wrong mul= be stubborn mun= intervene mup= impact, strike muS= hate, detest mut= be selfish muv= join muvmoH= recruit nab= plan naD= praise, command, approve naDHa'= discommend, disapprove nagh= mate with naj= dream nap= be simple naQ= be full, whole, entire, complete nargh= appear nargh= escape naS= be vicious naw'= access nay= marry (wife does this) nech= be lateral nech= move laterally neH= want nej= look for, seek, search for nep= lie, fib nga'chuq= sex (i.e. perform sex; always subject) ngab= disappear, vanish ngach= debate ngaS= contain (have inside) nge'= take away ngeb= be counterfeit, false, fake ngeD= be easy ngeH= send ngej= infect ngep= override ngev= sell ngIl= dare ngIm= be putrid ngIp= borrow ngIv= patrol ngo'= be old (not new) ngoH= smear ngoj= be restless ngong= experiment ngor= cheat ngoS= dissolve ngotlh= be fanatical ngoy'= be responsible ngu'= identify nI'= be long, lengthy (duration) nIb= be identical nID= attempt, try nIH= steal nIj= leak nIS= disrupt, interfere nIv= be superior nob= give noD= retaliate nogh= writhe noH= judge, estimate noj= lend non= be rotten nong= be passionate nop= omit notlh= be obsolete nov= be foreign, alien noy= be famous, well known nub= be suspect nuD= examine num= promote nung= precede nup= decrease nuQ= annoy, bother nuS= ridicule pab= follow (rules) paj= resign par= dislike parHa'= like pav= be urgent paw'= collide paw= arrive pay= regret pe'= cut peD= snow pegh= to keep something secret, be secret pej= demolish pep= raise per= label pI'= be fat pIch= blame pIH= be suspicious pIH= expect pIm= be different pIv= be healthy po'= be expert, skilled poch= plant poD= be clipped poH= time poj= analyze pol= keep, save pon= persuade, convince pong= name, call poQ= demand, require poS= be open, opened poSmoH= open potlh= be important pov= be excellent pub= boil puj= be weak pujmoH= weaken pum= accuse pum= fall pup= be perfect, exact pup= kick puQ= be fed up puS= be few, several puS= sight (with gunsight) puv= fly puy= wreck qab= be bad QaD= be dry qaD= challenge Qagh= be mistaken qagh= interrupt Qagh= to make a mistake QaH= help qal= be corrupt qalmoH= corrupt Qam= stand qan= be old (not young) Qan= protect qap= insist Qap= work, function, succeed, win QaQ= be good qaq= be preferable qar= be accurate qaS= occur, happen Qat= be popular qat= wrap Qatlh= be difficult Qav= be final, last qaw= remember qawmoH= remind qay'= be a problem, be a hassle Qay'= blow one's top Qay= transfer qeD= vacate QeH= be angry, mad qeH= resent qej= be grouchy, mean qel= consider, take into account qem= bring qeng= carry, convey Qeq= aim qeq= practice, prepare qeS= advise qet= run, jog qetlh= be dull, uninteresting qev= crowd Qey= be tight QeyHa'= be loose QeyHa'moH= loosen QeymoH= tighten qI'= sign (a treaty) qIch= condemn QID= wound QIH= damage, destroy qIH= meet (for the first time) qIj= be black QIj= explain qIl= cancel qIm= pay attention, concentrate qImHa'= disregard QIp= be stupid qIp= hit (with hand, fist, implement) qIQ= mutiny qIt= be possible QIv= be inferior Qob= be dangerous Qoch= disagree Qochbe'= agree QoD= maneuver (engines) Qoj= make war Qol= beam away Qom= experience an earthquake or tremor qon= record, compose music Qong= sleep qop= arrest Qop= be worn out QopmoH= wear out qor= scavenge Qorgh= take care of, care for QoS= be sorry Qot= lie, recline Qotlh= disable qotlh= tickle qoy'= plead, beg Qoy= hear qu'= be fierce qub= be rare Qub= think Quch= be happy quch= kidnap QuchHa'= be unhappy qugh= cruise Quj= play (a game) Qul= research Qum= communicate qum= govern qun= scold Qup= be young quq= happen simultaneously qur= be greedy QuS= conspire Qut= be vulgar quv= be honored, be honorable quvmoH= honor ra'= command raD= force, compel ragh= decay, rust ral= be violent ram= be trivial, trifling, unimportant rap= be the same rar= connect ratlh= remain reH= play rI'= hail rIgh= be lame rIH= energize rIn= be accomplished, finished rIQ= be injured rIQmoH= injure roj= make peace rop= be sick, ill roQ= put down ror= be fat roS= lick roSHa'moH= paralyze rotlh= be tough ru'= be temporary ruch= proceed, go ahead, do it rup= fine, tax ruQ= control manually, by hand rur= resemble Sab= decline, deteriorate Sach= expand Sagh= be serious SaH= be present (not absent) SaH= care (about) Sal= ascend Sam= locate, seek and find Sang= obliterate Sap= volunteer SaQ= cry Saq= land Sar= be varied, various SaS= be horizontal Saw= marry (husband does this) Say'= be clean Say'qu'moH= sterlize SeH= control Seng= cause trouble Sep= breed Sev= contain (an enemy) Sey= be excited SeymoH= excite SIch= reach SIgh= influence SIH= bend SIj= slit SIm= calculate SIQ= endure, bear SIS= rain SIv= wonder So'= hide, cloak SoD= flood Sol= quarrel Son= relieve Sop= eat SoQ= be closed, shut SoQmoH= close, shut Sorgh= sabotage Sot= be distressed, be in distress Sov= know Soy'= be clumsy Sub= be solid Such= visit SuD= be green, blue, yellow SuD= take (a chance) Sugh= install (in office) Suj= disturb Sup= jump Suq= acquire, obtain, get SuQ= be toxic Surgh= skin Sutlh= negotiate Suv= fight ta'= accomplish taD= be frozen taDmoH= freeze tagh= begin (a process), initiate taH= be at a negative angle taH= continue, go on, endure, survive tam= be quiet tam= exchange, substitute tammoH= silence taQ= be weird tay= be civilized taymoH= civilize tay'= be together teb= fill teH= be true tem= deny ten= embark teq= remove, take off tet= melt tey'= confide tI'= fix, repair tIch= insult tIj= board, go aboard tIn= be big tIQ= be ancient tIq= be long, lengthy (of an object) tIS= be light (weight) tIv= enjoy tlha'= chase, follow tlhab= be free, independent tlhap= take tlhaQ= be funny tlhe'= turn tlheD= depart tlhej= accompany tlhetlh= progress tlhIb= be incompetent tlhIj= apologize tlhIl= mine tlhIv= be insubordinate tlho'= thank tlhob= ask tlhoch= contradict tlhoj= realize tlhol= be raw, unprocessed tlhong= barter, bargain tlhov= wheeze tlhu'= be tempted tlhu'moH= tempt tlhuch= exhaust tlhuH= breathe van= salute vIt= tell the truth vI'= accumulate tlhup= whisper tlhutlh= drink tob= prove toD= save togh= count toj= deceive, trick, bluff toq= be inhabited tor= kneel toS= climb toy'= serve (a master) tu'= discover, find, observe, notice tuch= forbid tuH= be ashamed tuHmoH= shame tuj= be hot tul= hope tun= be soft tung= discourage tungHa'= encourage tuQ= wear (clothes) tuQHa'moH= undress tuQmoH= put on (clothes) tuv= be patient val= be clever, smart, intelligent vang= act, take action vaQ= be aggressive vaq= mock vem= wake up, cease sleeping vemmoH= wake up (someone) vID= be belligerent vIH= move, be in motion vIng= whine vo'= propel vong= hypnotize voQ= choke voq= trust, have faith in voqHa'= distrust vor= cure vu'= manage vul= be unconscious vum= work, toil vup= pity vuQ= fascinate vuS= limit vut= cook vuv= respect wam= hunt waQ= obstruct watlh= be pure wav= divide web= be disgraced wegh= confine weH= raid wem= violate vergh= dock wew= glow wIb= be sour wIH= be ruthless wIj= farm wIv= select woD= throw away woH= pick up wov= be light, bright wuq= decide wuQ= have a headache wuv= depend on, rely on yach= pet, stroke yaH= be taken away yaj= understand yajHa'= misinterpret yap= be enough, sufficient yatlh= be pregnant yay'= be shocked, dumbfounded yem= sin yep= be careful yepHa'= be careless yev= pause yIn= live yIQ= be wet yIt= walk yIv= chew yob= harvest yoD= shield yoH= be brave yon= be satisfied yong= get in yonmoH= satisfy yot= invade yov= charge (military term) yoy= be upside down yu'= question, interrogate yuD= be dishonest yuDHa'= be honest yuv= push 'ang= show, reveal 'argh= worsen 'av= guard 'aw'= sting 'el= enter, go in 'IH= be beautiful, handsome 'Ij= listen 'Il= be sincere 'Ip= vow, swear 'IQ= be sad 'It= be depressed 'Itlh= be advanced, highly developed 'oD= arbitrate, mediate 'ogh= invent, devise 'oj= be thirsty 'ol= verify 'ong= be cunning, sly 'oS= represent 'ov= compete 'oy'= ache, hurt 'oy'= be sore 'ugh= be heavy 'uH= have a hangover, be hung over 'um= be qualified 'ut= be essential, necessary 'uy= press down ghob= do battle, wage war nen= be ascended, adult pe''egh= keep score (lit. "cut oneself", usually on the face) regh= bleed 'uch= hold # pronouns jIH= I, me maH= we, us bIH= they, them chaH= they, them ghaH= he, she, him, her net= that (previous topic) SoH= you tlhIH= you (pl) 'e'= that (previous topic) 'oH= it # conjuctions joq= and/or (joining nouns) qoj= and/or (joining sentences) pagh= either/or (sentences) ghap= or, either/or (joining nouns) je= also, and (joining nouns) 'a= but, nevertheless, even so, however 'ach= but, nevertheless, even so, however 'ej= and (joining sentences) # exclamations Ha'= let's go, come on ghobe'= no (answer to a question) HIja'= yes, true (answer to yes/no question) HISlaH= yes, true (answer to yes/no question) luq= yes, okay, I will lu'= yes, okay maj= good (expressing satisfaction) majQa'= well done, very good nuqjatlh= what did you say? huh? what? nuqneH= what do you want? (greeting) pItlh= done Qo'= no SuH= ready, standing by Su'= ready, standing by toH= so, well wejpuH= charming (used only ironically) 'eH= ready # curses QI'yaH= *?!#@ (curse) ghuy'cha= *@&% (curse) ghuy'cha'= *@&% (curse) Qu'vatlh= #'@! (curse) petaQ= (epithetical curse) toDSaH= (epithetical curse) taHqeq= (epithetical curse) yIntagh= (epithetical curse) Qovpatlh= (epithetical curse) va= #'@! (curse) ghay'cha'= (curse) baQa'= (curse) Hu'tegh= (curse) # question words 'Iv= who? chay'= how? ghorgh= when? nuq= what? nuqDaq= where? qatlh= why? 'ar= how many? how much? # adverbs batlh=ad honored, with honor, honorably chach=ad auxiliary, backup Do'=ad luckily neH=ad only, just reH=ad always vaj=ad so, then, thus, in that case wej=ad not yet bong=ad accidentally, by accident chaq=ad perhaps chIch=ad purposely, on purpose, intentionally DaH=ad now ghaytan=ad likely jaS=ad differently jay'=ad intensely (invective) loQ=ad slightly, little bit nIteb=ad alone, acting alone nom=ad fast, quickly not=ad never pay'=ad suddenly pe'vIl=ad forcefully, by force pIj=ad often, frequently QIt=ad slowly rut=ad sometimes SIbI'=ad immediately tugh=ad soon wa'logh=ad once # numbers pagh= zero wa'= one wa'DIch= first cha'= two cha'DIch= second wej= three wejDIch= third loS= four vagh= five jav= six Soch= seven chorgh= eight Hut= nine wa'maH= ten maH= ten vatlh= hundred SaD= thousand SanID= thousand netlh= ten thousand bIp= hundred thousand 'uy'= million DIch= ordinal number suffix logh= repetition suffix (e.g. twice) # new words from various sources, taken from the KLI's # list of new words as of 10/18/96 baj= earn (with sentence as object) batlhHa'=ad dishonorably batleH bey'= Bat'telh display bIQ bal= water jug bIreqtal= Brek'tal ritual bol= drool bom mu'= lyrics boq ru'= coalition bortaS DIb= Right of Vengeance (a legal right) botjan= shields, protective force fields on a ship buSHa'= ignore charghwI'= conqueror, victor cha'nob= ritual gifts chenmoH= form, make, create chon= hunt chonnaQ= spear chontay= ritual hunt Daqtagh= warrior's knife, a specific type of knife DenIbngan= Denebian DenIb Qatlh= Denebian slime devil DevwI'= leader Do'Ha'=ad unfortunately DuQwI'= spike Duran lung DIr= Durani lizard skins (food, never uses plural suffix) gha'tlhIq= GaTH'K, Ode of Respect ghIntaq= Battle Spear, a specific kind of spear ghogh HablI'= telephone ghojmeH taj= boy's knife Ha'quj= Klingon sash Heghtay= death ritual HochHom= most HoS choHwI'= transtator Hutlh= lack, be without jabwI'= waiter jejHa'= be dull lay'Ha'= break one's word lem= hoof le'be'= be unexceptional, nonspecific lIghon DuQwI' pogh= Ligonian Spike Glove lItHa'= get off lIw= temporary substitute, stand-in lopno'= "party" - probably an event or persons celebrating the event lung= lizard-like, salamander-like creature lupwI'= bus matlhHa'= be disloyal mon= smile motlh=ad usually mu'qaD veS= curse warfare naHlet= nut(s) nalqad= mate challenge naQjej= hunting spear nav HablI'= FAX machine nISwI'= disruptor nISwI' beH= disruptor rifle nISwI' HIch= hand-held disruptor, disruptor pistol nobHa'= give back norgh= shark-like sea carnivore no' DIr= ancestor hanging (decoration, not ritual) nughI'= give (someone) a noogie nuH bey'= Pride of Weapons ngagh= mate with ngaQ= be locked paS= be late peghmey vItlhegh= secrecy proverb poDmoH= clip puq poH= generation qa'meH= replacement qa'vIn= coffee quH= heritage qurgh= bean, beans qutlh= be cheap quvHa'= be dishonored quv bey'= honor display Qa'Hom= little animal QongDaqDaq= in bed raHta'= racht (Klingon food) roD=ad usually Sum= be nearby targh tIq= heart of targ (food) teS= ear (hearing organ, inside head) tIjwI'ghom= boarding party tIqnagh lemDu'= Tknag hooves (food, always plural) tonSaw'= Klingon fighting tuj muvwI'= thermo-suture tu'HomI'raH= T'oohomIrah, something useless tlhach= faction, sect vatlh DIS poH= century verengan Ha'DIbaH= Ferengi dog - a classic insult vIno'va' qurgh= finova bean(s) vItHay'= the truth test voQSIp= nitrogen wamwI'= hunter wornagh= warnog, Klingon ale woj= sterilize yejHaD= institute, institution - larger than yej'an yej'an= society - smaller than yejHaD yeq= cooperate yInSIp= oxygen yoHwI'= the brave yuQjIjDIvI'= United Federation of Planets 'ampaS= academy, specialized school 'eq= be early 'I'= armpit 'uD= laser 'uD Haqtaj= laser scalpel 'ur= commit treason 'urwI'= traitor ghawran= Gowron janluq pIqarD HoD= Captain Jean-Luc Picard rura' pente'= Rura Penthe (Klingon penal colony) tI'ang= T'Ong (ship) 'entepray'= Enterprise (ship) ghobchuq loDnI'pu'= The Brothers Fight One Another - famous statue mIStaq= sculptor who made Blood Oath Circles 'Iw 'Ip ghommey= blood oath circles - famous sculpture qeylIs betleH= Sword of Kahless qeylIs mInDu'= Eyes of Kahless qul tuq= "House of Fire" - name of an opera # more new words from various sources, taken from the KLI's # list of new words as of 7/15/97 bem= sole of foot bey= howl bey'= display be'joy'= ritualized torture by women cham= technology cha'DIch= second, aide DeSqIv= elbow Do'Ha'= be unfortunate ghaytanHa'=ad unlikely ghochwI'= the constellation "Tracker" je=ad also jom= install mov= top of foot mum= taste (perceive flavor or flavors) natlh= drain ngIb= knee parmaq= love, only with more agressive overtones qa'meH vIttlhegh= replacement proverb SeQ= be ceremonial Soq= gain tugh= hurry up! tlhuD= emit veb= be higher (in rank, status) vIttlhegh= proverb wagh= be expensive waH= try out, use (experimentally), taste food yeb= wrist 'ab= measure (object is length) 'awje'= root beer, any non-potent beverage 'op= some of ... 'uj= unit of measure (approx. 14 inches) 'ul= unit of electric shock vegh= to go through (without touching) # eof