American people, like so many others are a curious breed. As Americans, we represent nearly every other nation, race and creed. Like everyone else, we don't always get everything we want in life. But when a tragedy strikes, we know where to go to get what we need. With the helpful hand of God, we will, in time, glean a measure of triumph from this field of tragedy. With the strength of our unity, we will take back our joy from the hand of sorrow. This nation stood against terrorism yesterday. It stands against it today. And it will continue to stand against terrorism tomorrow. Although the Twin Tower’s of the World Trade Center no longer brighten the skies of New York, the fire of freedom in each of us will continue to light up our lives and the lives of others forever. Let history record us as a living testament to the entire world, that the evil hand of hell will never quench our fire of freedom. Though we remain, many do not. Though they are gone, we will never forget them. Though their voices have fallen silent, their blood bought cry for freedom; friendship, peace and justice will be heard around the world forever. Let Freedom Reign!