dc2001 klingon101 intro demo (from eric k.) I'l work on the translation and see how close I can get. Thanks to differences in sentence construction, the meaning may get tweaked a little. I think the only sentence that'll see much change is the "I think he needs professional help" ---------------------------------------------------- K1: yuch vIneH DaH! 'e' ghaj 'Iv? I want chocolate now! Who has it? K2: 'e' vIghajbe'. yuchwIj vISopta' I don't have it. I ate my chocolate (says while grinning and rubbing his stomach) K3: yuch vIghaj. 'ach tajwIj qanob QaQ law' yuchwIj qanob QaQ puS I have chocolate. (takes out chocolate, and puts it on table) But (I give you my blade) is better than (I give you my chocolate) (pulls out dagger, and points to its blade) K1: yuch vIneHqu'! 'e' vIje'laH! I really want chocolate! I can pay for it! (pulls out money, puts it on table) K2: yablIj QaHnIS vIQub I think his brain needs help. (says to k3, while swirling a finger around towards his own head) K3: vaj, bIje' pagh bIHegh! Then, buy or die! bIje'be'chugh vaj bIHegh (motions with empty open hand and then hand with dagger in it)