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Hanson at Wherehouse Music in Buckhead
7 June 2000

If you would like to use these pics on your site, I would much rather you just link to this page. If you must put them on your page however, e-mail me and ask first. I will need to know the URL of your page in the email. Also, be sure to give credit to me for them. If I come across any of these pictures anywhere without due credit I will ask you to remove them from your site.

*ADDED 30/6* At the end of the story I've added a links page that includes links to accounts by people I'd met and pages that give more background on things like the Jacket that we've all grown to know and love. Video and pictures taken by my grandmother still to come, so check back soon!

This page will account in words and pictures my experience meeting Hanson at Wherehouse. I feel that I was very lucky to have got to meet them, and even luckier that I was so close the whole time. I met a lot of great people (aside from Hanson), and despite the somewhat anal staff it was an overall great experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. The guys are great, they are very very nice, and although they were pressed for time they did their thing, talked to the fans, and still got nearly everyone through. About 400 people total showed up and Hanson was only there for an hour, but they still took time to visit with all of the fans (much to the dismay and EXTREME irritation of the record label reps and the security guards). Everyone there was so polite to everyone else and very courteous. I think that the staff should have followed our example and acted the same way toward us, but they didn't, I can't do anything about it now, and I didn't let it ruin my day. So, here I go on about what all happened.

Getting There

© 2000 LaMenta Johanson
New Milwaukee, Mars Home
This page is not afiliated with Hanson, Island/Def Jam, Triune, etc. All of the material on this page was written by me, and all of the pictures were taken either by me or someone I'd asked to take a picture for me. DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION!