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Marble found on Motueka Hill

Some short while since we published a letter from a scientific correspondent describing a very valuable discovery of marble at the Motueka Hills. The find was stated to extend over a large extent of country, and to be illimitable in quantity.

Mr. Joseph Jacobsen, one of the Crown lessees of the ground in which the marble was found, arrived by the s.s. Waitapu from the Motueka wharf this morning, bringing with him several rough blocks of the marble and also a number of smaller pieces, which have been partially polished. These samples are not only very beautiful, but they are somewhat extraordinary, in so much as they are not only all of varied colour, but have been found in close proximity to each other. There are twelve varieties of marble found in the quarry, and amongst them are specimens of granulated marble, suitable for statuory or monumental work; Rosa Antico, used for pillars, columns, and mantlepieces, and delicately veined specimens in varied hues.

Mr. Jacobsen informs us that there is a spring of water on the ground of sufficient volume and velocity to drive the most powerful polishing machinery. It is, we are informed, the intention of the discoverer to float a company to work the quarry. Specimens of the marble may be seen at Mr. Miller's monumental yard, Customhouse Quay.

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