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Lawrence GORDON Departs for the Boer War

A report from the local paper

The employees of Messrs. A. L. Gordon and Co., met at Mr. Andrews Railway Hotel last evening to bid farewell to Mr. L. Gordon, who has been accepted for the Ninth Contingent, and who has been connected with the above firm for the past five or six years. The gathering took the form of a social, Mr. Spraggan occupying the chair. Several songs were contributed, and the health of the guest was toasted with enthusiasm, Mr. Gordon suitably responding. During the evening the chairman, on behalf of the shop employees, presented Mr. Gordon with a bracelet watch, and the latter also received a silver-mounted spirit flask from the factory employees, and which was handed to him by Mr. Channon, foreman of the workshop. The gathering was of a very enjoyable nature, and was brought to a termination at 11 o'clock with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne".

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