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Kaitangata Railway and Coal Company

From the book Pioneering in South Otago by Hon. F. Waite

In 1875 the company was reconstructed as the Kaitangata Railway and Coal Company. The first shareholders were Frederick Fuell, storekeeper, Kaitangata, 20 shares; Jarnes Davidson, engineer, 15 shares; David Maitland, settler, Clutha, 50 shares; William Aitchison, settler, Kaitangata, 100 shares; Alexander Jerusalem Smith, engineer, Dunedin, 60 shares; Reginald Macdonald, settler, Kaitangata, 50 shares; and William Hodge, coal miner, Kaitangata, 50 shares.

The share capital was originally £25,000, in 2,500 shares of £10 each.

The list of provisional directors is interesting, i disclosing representatives of the country districts and f Dunedin. The local directors were: Frederick Fuell, Williarn Aitchison, Reginald Macdonald, Williana Hodge (who became the first manager), all of Kaitangata; Robert (;rigor, T. T. Ritchie, Dr. J. Gibson Smith, and W. S. Pillans of Balclutha; Fitzclarence Roberts, of Popotunoa; David Maitland, of North Molyneux; and James Davidson, Horace Bastings, Robert Wilson, James P. Maitland, John Batllgate, A. Jerusalem Smith, and Walter Guthrie of Dunedin.

As the southern railway was being pushed on from Dunedin to Balclutha, it was decided to construct a branch line from Stirling to Kaitangata. A contract for the construction of the line was let to Mr. Jerusalem Smith. On June 18, 1875, the first sod was turned by Major (afterwards Sir John) Richardson. The main trunk line from Dunedin to the Clutha River, was opened on September 1 of the same year. The branch line was completed on June 16, 1876. The cost of the line, rolling stock, and buildings was £26.500.

On July 19, the first coal was railed to Dunedin. The output for the first year was 7,000 tons. Thus commenced an era of prosperity for Kaitangata, and incidentally a valuable service for South Otago. By 1889, the output had increased to 54,000 tons, or nearly eight-fold.

Kaitangata Mine Disaster
More on the Kaitangata Mine Disaster
A Poem for the Kaitangata Mine Disaster
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