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I hope that you will find something that you like & can use.
Please, drop me a line and let me know if you use one of my sets.
I would love to visit your site, and see how you are using my sets.
Please, where noted, give the artists there respected credit.
If not for all of these artists we could not have
the beautiful art that they furnish us to use in our Graphics.

Also, please remember to link the graphic set that you use to
Graphics by Sassy

(Please take the time to look at the permission emails)
that I received from the various artists) Permission from Artists

Graphics best viewed with Internet Explorer browser
Sets 1 are newest sets added.

To view the entire set just click your mouse on the picture.


Set 37

Set 38

Set 39

Set 40


Set 42

Set 43

Set 44

Set 45

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