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On this page, you will find links to articles and websites that are meant just for you! We hope you will find these links useful and informative and that they will help you and your child have a very successful year in First Grade!

Wondering What to Do With Your 1st Grader? Go Read These!!!

The ABC's for Parents

Reading Strategies for Parents

"How Was Your Day at School?" Getting More than a "Fine"

Ages and Stages:First and Second Grade

Some Home Learning Recipes


Parent Soup

**A terrific place to meet other parents and discuss school, growing pains, and other family issues.

Parent's Place

**Another parent site similar to Parent Soup

Positive Parenting

**Offers great tips and ideas for working with your child and disciplining

The Multicultural Store

**Wonderful website that provides books and products for all nationalities and ethnicities...terrific links to other similar sites can be found here too.

Multicultural Kids

**Another good resource for families of all different ethnicities and backgrounds. This site offers educational material, books, videos and more that are designed to promote self-esteem and cultural pride in children.

National Parent's Network

**A good site for networking with other parents and searching for information on child rearing.


**A resource for parents who don't speak English. Select "English" as your language when you visit.

Bilingual Brochures for Parents

**Parenting brochures to help Spanish speaking parents. Topics include: helping your child learn to read, family communication and relationships, making career choices, etc.

**A website with 120 different languages to choose from. A good source for translating what you'd like to say or write.

Fun with Languages

**Have fun with word play or learn about words, phrases, and holidays around the world. Also a great site for kids to visit!

**A fun website for kids and parents! You can make your own word puzzles, mazes, etc. Really neat.