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David Dobbs

English Comp 1101

Ron Betz

5:00pm - 6:15pm Class


The Chosen



It had just been a terrible week to begin with. The name's David, David Banere. I ran a small trading post in the grand city of Calimport. I traded everything from spices sold out of the exotic lands of the Moonsheas, to Mithral weapons from the grand Dwarven kingdom of Mithral Hall. At least, this is what I told the men and women who came to my shop. In truth I merely sold items for the numerous thieves guilds that populate Calimport. I'm not proud of what I did, but in the city of Calimport you do what you have to do to survive.

Unfortunately business had been really bad these last few months and I was on the verge of ruin. There did not seem to be anything that I could do about it, anything legal that is. But in Calimport legality is merely a formality. The laws of its rulers do not run the city. Instead the various Pashas, leaders of the numerous guilds through out Calimport's bustling streets, run it. It was to one of these Pashas that I went to for help with concerns of my financial distress. I had to pull in a few favors just so that I might even meet with this much-feared man called Pasha Pook.

The entire meeting was conducted with an air of secrecy. Two of the Pasha's men lead me through the streets of Calimport to his guild house. Both of who seemed to be no more then minor underlings in the hierarchy of Pook's guild. However, underlings needed to be dealt with some respect, for they can be just as deadly as trained assassins to a man such as my self. Each man walked through the streets with a confidence that only those who have little or no fear can posses. But in this city, if you don't fear these streets, you will die in them. My eyes scanned these men over several times as we walked in silence; they would be dead before the year was out.

I often wondered during that hurried walk why they bothered to take such a seemingly confusing route. Anyone with the good common sense that Denier, god of knowledge and wisdom, gave an orc knew the location of Pasha Pook's guild house, and knew to stay away from it. As we pressed through the crowded streets I was incredibly grateful that I had not been stupid enough to bring my money purse with me, for I felt numerous hands try for it as Pook's lackeys led me towards our mutual goal. Finally we arrived at Pook's guild house. Nowhere in Calimport did you see anything so plain and ordinary than when you looked upon a building that housed a thieves guild. The ironic aspect of it all is that the people of the streets treat these seemingly unimpressive, and sometimes run down, buildings with more fear and respect than that paid to the grand homes in which the nobility of Calimport lived. This further showed the true hierarchy of the city of thieves, as Calimport was often called.

We approached the doors and my eyes caught movement from one of the windows on the second floor overlooking the entrance. I could not help but to shutter as I pictured a crossbow bolt aimed directly at my head. The man to my right nodded to the vagrant, whom seemed to be passed out beside the door. The vagrant then nodded in return and smiled a gap-toothed grin at me. It was only then that I noticed the cool clarity in the eyes of the street urchin, and the small crossbow pointed in my direction, partially concealed by the man's ragged cloak. I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized how easily I could have been duped and killed if I had not been led here by Pook's men. Before I could contemplate this fact any further I was yanked into the building, and at once I was swallowed in darkness, for not a torch was lit, nor was there a window without boards in it. Suddenly from my right I heard the brief scraping noise of flint and steal as one of my chaperones lit a torch off to my right. Instantly the room was filled with light. I could see the bare emptiness of the room and was not surprised by this. The man holding the torch smiled at me with a glint of malice in his eyes.

"You wait here while we go tell the boss that you have arrived." the torchbearer rasped in a grating voice, it was only then that I noticed the scar running across the man's throat. The man smiled again and set the torch in a wall scone as he and his compatriot slipped through a curtained door in the back wall.

I was left there to wait for what felt like an eternity. Every time my eyes passed over the curtained door I pictured someone watching me, waiting for me to do something that would warrant a quick death. I soon grew anxious and began to look around the room in an attempt to get my mind off of matters. It was then that I noticed the strange set of holes in the wall off to my right. It may have been a trick my eyes were playing on my mind, but I thought I saw a flicker of light. Now let it be known that I believe in acting in accordance with what ever will keep me alive, and investigating strange holes in one of the most powerful guild houses in Calimport is not very high on the list of life extending activities. However, my curiosity has always been my weaknesses and I could not resist the temptation of the unknown. My feet took on a life of their own as they led me towards the wall. I placed my shaking hands upon the wall and leaned forward to peer through them. Through the holes I could see to the neighboring room, and the sight that greeted my eyes may forever be burned upon my brain.

In the other room I could see a man hanging by his wrists against a wall. The man looked like a living, breathing skeleton. His skin was like parchment and his hair looked like thin wisps of straw. Yet his eyes; it was his eyes that hit me the hardest. There was no ounce of sanity left within them, but only a well of loss and helplessness, which made my heart cry out for this man's suffering to stop.

Before I could take another breath I was spun around and I felt the air knocked out of me as well as the crunching of a few ribs. A sudden blow to the back of my head took any strength I might have still had in my limbs and I soon dropped to the floor, holding my stomach, and trying to retain consciousness. I saw before me a pair of black leather boots. I followed the boots up until I was looking at the face of a young and extremely beautiful woman. The first thought I had was how could this woman have struck me so damn hard?

The woman leaned over slightly as she purred, "Certain things should remain unseen my little puppet." She smiled as she leaned down to pick me up off of the floor. Again I was amazed by her strength as she hefted me up with one arm. She held me out and then brought me close, I was so close that I could smell the wondrous sent of her perfume, it reminded me of some of my own stock. Funny what you think of right before you pass out.


I soon awoke, only to find my hands were bound behind me and the pain in my gut had increased. I could only guess that I had a few broken ribs. I quickly tried to take stock of my surroundings. I was surprised to find that I was not locked away in some deep and dank dungeon, but instead kneeling upon a dark red carpet with numerous and intricate designs woven into its fabric. The room that I was currently in was large and seemingly filled with treasures from all over the land of Faerun. I beheld numerous tapestries depicting the stories from various and far away lands. Glass cases holding other exotic treasures rested against the walls of this grand throne room. All of this was observed through a haze of fogginess. My mind still addled from the blow and the short stint of unconsciousness. My eyes again focused on the designs of the carpet below me for a few moments as I tried to bring back some much-needed clarity to my mind.

"I'm glad you have finally awakened. I had thought my dear Madelyn had hurt you far more than was necessary." The voice startled me and caused me to whip my head up, an action I soon regretted as the pain in the back of my head resurfaced and caused me to loose my focus and teeter on the brink of consciousness once again. I regained my focus, how I do not know for sure, and raised my gaze slowly to the man seated in front of me.

At first I hardly believed that this man could be Pasha Pook, for this is who I assumed him to be. He was a short man with an ample belly sticking out over his belted waist. He wore some of the most outlandish clothing I had ever seen, and in my business I have seen a lot. His pants were that of a coarse looking material and held a deep blue color that seemed to look washed out. His shirt appeared to be made of white silk, with a deep V cutting straight down from his neck. The gold vest that he wore only accentuated this. Upon the vest were odd designs, some seemed elvish in design and others more like those found on the clothing of the nomads that roam our deserts. But I had not lived in Calimport and survived as long as I had by letting appearances fool me. In this man's eyes was a look of hunger, and I knew that this was the kind of man that would do anything to sate that hunger, whatever it may be.

Pasha Pook leaned back in his cushioned throne and smiled as he motioned to the woman standing beside him. "I'm afraid that Madelyn gets quite excited sometimes and forgets her own strength," Pasha Pook said as he smiled and patted Madelyn's shoulder.

I slowly nodded and then said, "Yes my Pasha, I must say that your Madelyn is surprisingly strong, I was shocked that a woman such as her self could so easily handle a man of my size." My voice shook with uncertainty, which only seemed to weaken the validity of my statement and bring a smile to both the Pasha and the woman at his side. I silently berated myself and swore to keep silent through out this meeting unless spoken to first. I figured my chances of living would probably increase greatly if I followed this course of action.

Pasha smiled wider at the expression of fear upon my face. He then snapped his fingers and a small weasel faced man appeared from behind one of the curtains behind the throne. He quickly hurried towards Pasha and went to one knee as he held out a sheet of paper for the Pasha to take. Pasha Pook took the sheet of paper and without another word the weasel faced man quickly left the room, his head kept low and his eyes focused on the ground. Pook looked at the sheet and then back towards me. He then set the paper down and laughed. He crumpled up the paper and tossed it at me. The paper fell short by a few feet, but I did not pay attention to it, for my attention was instead locked upon the Pasha and the dangerous Madelyn.

Pasha Pook leaned forward and his voice poured out of his throat laced with venom as he said, "So you came here to ask for help aye Banere? You expected to just come in here and ask for my help in keeping your little piss hole of a shop open? I'm sorry my friend but why in the nine hells should I lift a finger to help you?"

I was shocked by the sudden outburst from the man before me. My mind raced for a reason that might appease this man that could have me killed with the same ease that he could summon up one of his servants. Then it hit me. I bowed slightly and said in the most meek and humble voice I could muster, "Forgive me my Pasha, I did not assume for you to do anything."

This captured Pook's interest, for he raised an eyebrow and said, "Go on."

"I merely hoped that you might find it in your heart to show pity to a humble and dedicated servant such as my self. I have dutifully sold your guilds merchandise for many years now and have always been honest and on time with my payments. I only thought that you might wish to continue this lucrative arrangement by helping me." I looked up form the floor for the briefest of moments, trying to read the Pasha's expression. Pook seemed quite interested, but not quite convinced, so I threw pride to the wind and continued. " I am almost hesitant to point out to someone as brilliant as you that it would be foolish to give up such a low cost expenditure that brings in so much profit."

That clinched the deal it seemed, for the Pasha smiled and chuckled. He looked at me for a few moments and then cried out happily, " Very Well Banere, I'll help you."

I was elated and I quickly raised my head and was about to thank him profoundly when his next words froze my blood, "I'll help you provided you do me a favor in return."

Normally I would not have hesitated, but there was something in the way that Pook spoke that had me on edge and put me on my guard. I dreaded the answer, but I asked anyway, "Whatever my Pasha asks, I will strive to do. What is it that My Pasha asks of me?"

Pasha Pook smiled as he spoke; " There is a Weapons merchant who lives in the south east section of my territory. He is being quite difficult in concerns to his tributes. He feels that he does not owe me anything and refuses out right to pay me my tribute for allowing him to remain and do business in my territory. I want you to dispose of this problem for me."

My thoughts were going a mile a minute and my heartbeat was racing to keep up. He wanted me to kill someone, to kill an innocent man. I had never killed anyone in my entire life, and I did not wish to start now. I quickly tried to think of a way out of this predicament. Madelyn eyed me carefully and a crooked grin came to her features. "Perhaps the little puppet does not have what it takes to do the job, perhaps he is afraid of wetting his hands in blood," Madelyn laughed.

"No, that is not it my lady," I quickly replied, " I just do not know why you would need me to do a job that I am sure anyone in your grand guild would be more than happy to do." My voice was tinged with hysteria, and both Pasha Pook and Madelyn noticed this. The Pasha sat back in his chair and stared down at me with an unrelenting gaze.

"I need you to do this for two reasons Banere. One, I want you to prove that you are loyal to the guild, and the best way I know how to do that is to pull you in closer to the fold. That way, the guilds interests become your interests." The Pasha smiled and steepled his fingers together as he continued. "Secondly, I need this to look like someone from outside my guild did this. This weapon's merchant has connections in the Basadoni Guild, and I do not want any trouble with them as long as I can help it."

I could not honestly blame Pasha Pook for this. The Basadoni Guild was the most powerful guild in the whole of Calimport; no one went against them without a very good reason, or a death wish. But all the same I could not find it in me to accept this assignment. But how could I tell this to Pook?

Pasha Pook began to idly clean his fingernails with a small stiletto that he had pulled out from somewhere in his clothes. "So, do we have a deal Banere?" Pasha Pook Yawned.

I was up against a wall here. On one hand I had certain death, and on the other I had the prospect of bringing death to an innocent man and thus condemning myself to some level of the abyss. I looked from Madelyn to Pasha Pook and then let out a sigh, accepting my decision for what it was. My voice rang out the clearest and strongest it had since this meeting had begun. " I'm sorry my Pasha, but I can not take this man's life for you. May the gods help me."

To say the Pasha became livid is an understatement. His eyes were full of rage as his shouts burst forth. "The gods help you indeed Banere. You are destined for the city of the dead, have no doubt of that. May Cryric torment your soul for eternity!"

I could do nothing but watch as Pasha Pook turned to Madelyn and nodded his head. Madelyn only smiled and then adjusted the bracers on her wrists. It finally clicked in my mind that the bracers were what gave Madelyn her incredible strength. By the time this realization struck me, so did Madelyn, and she did not stop for quite some time.


I've lost track of how long I have been out here, the days and nights all seem the same out here on the desert. My mind has lost the desire to keep track of such mundane details. I can now vaguely remember waking up out here on the desert, being dropped from Madelyn's horse. Landing in the hot, roasting desert is not my idea of the best way to start things off out here. But I doubt that Madelyn cared. The only water she spared me was that which she gave me when she spat on me before riding off. My body hurts all over, and there is no telling how many of my ribs are broken. Breathing comes very hard to me. So I can only assume that I've punctured a lung. The number of bruises and scrapes are too many to be counted. Where is a Priest of Illmater when you need one?

I don't know how but my body keeps moving onward, I figure if I follow East long enough I may come upon one of the Nomad settlements. I seem to remember that they could be found to the East of Calimport. My mind appears to be wandering aimlessly as I trudge onward; it has even begun to play tricks on me. I could almost swear there is an oasis out there. I mean, what are the odds of finding an oasis out here in the middle of nowhere? Then again, that water looks so cool, and that shade is so inviting. Before I know it my feet are carrying me towards the oasis that I see before me. My body's aches disappear as my mind pictures what it will be like to dive into that cool blue water. The gods be praised! I won't die out here, I will survive! I'm almost to the water and I can smell the moisture in the air as I draw closer, closer, and closer. My legs propel me forward to dive into the water. It is amazing, but you would never believe how far you can dive into loose sand. It took me a few minuets to spit out all the sand that had gone into my mouth. My mind is a torment with rage; I can not help but hammer my fists into the desert sand. I begin to cry out to the gods, cursing each one in turn. My anger knows no bounds as my voice cries out the names of the gods that I feel have abandoned me. Soon my anger is spent, as too is my energy. I lay down exhausted in the sand letting my body rest, and the sweet bliss of oblivion takes me.


The moon is so bright tonight, as too are the stars. I never really noticed the beauty of the night sky when I lived in the city. I wonder how long I have been lying here. Painfully my arms bring me up to a sitting position. I look around and soon realize that I have no idea which way is East. Without the sun to guide me, I am lost. Time is not on my side so I know I can not just wait here till morning, I may be dead by then. Suddenly I hear a loud bark from behind me. I turn around as quickly as my body will allow and sitting there in the cool night sand before me is a coyote. The dog's coat is a beautiful shade of white and brown mixture. Maybe it is my addled mind, or maybe its is the heat, but there is something very strange about this coyote. I can not exactly explain it; maybe it is its eyes. They seem to posses something close to intelligence. The coyote only stares at me with those piercing eyes, I feel something strange, a new energy seems to fill me. Maybe that nap in the sand did my broken body some good. The coyote barks at me once and then begins to trot off. After it goes a few yards it stops and looks back at me with an expecting look on its face.

I can't help but smile as I say, " You want me to follow you girl? Is that it?"

The dog barks once more and begins to trot off a little more, stopping to wait for me. "Might as well. Following a wild coyote is just as good as stumbling around here in the dark." I laughed.

I slowly get to my feet and begin to follow this most peculiar coyote. Part of my mind tells me that I am crazy to be putting my life in the hands of a wild animal, but then the other part of my mind tells that part to go to the abyss.


To the nine hells with this damned Dog! It has been leading me around this cursed desert for two days now I think, and I haven't seen one sign of life out here yet. I've begun to wonder just what Coyote tastes like. I'm sure it might be a little tough, but beggars can't be choosers.

Wait, what is that off in the distance? I know the heat has finally fried what little brain I might have had left after all of this, because I think I see a forest line out there in the distance. I must be seeing things because those look like evergreens, and I know for a fact that there aren't any evergreens anywhere near this part of the world. The coyote seems to be very excited now because it starts barking a lot and jumping around. It quickly begins to run towards the forest. I shrug my shoulders and begin to head towards the forest line. I know this might be another illusion, but I don't care anymore.

As I draw closer I smell the fragrance of fresh pine and the sounds of woodland animals can be heard within. This can't be real, then again what if it is? My hand hesitantly reaches out towards the first tree I come to. It's real! The tree is real! I walk into the forest enjoying the shade that the trees provide and then fall to my knees thanking the gods for delivering me. My senses are bombarded with sounds and smells from the forest around me. I can barely take it all in. A familiar bark wakes me from the trance that the woods had seemingly put over me. I look over to my right to see the coyote sitting by what looks like a trail, not a regular trail mind you, but an animal trail, one often used by the numerous beasts of the woodland. Luckily I was not raised in Calimport, but came to live there with my father when I was fifteen. Before that I lived on the Sword Coast near Baulder's Gate. So I knew the ways of the forest, it has just been a long time. I don't waste any more time and I trudge over towards the trail and begin to stagger down it, always keeping the coyote in sight.

The going is not easy; my body continually tells me that the next step is going to be my last. My hope is beginning to waiver as I look out and see nothing but more trees. My heart grows heavy with despair as I see and end to the trail at a cliff face. The coyote is at the edge of the cliff barking at me, wagging its tail. I shake my head and grasp hold of a tree limb to steady my self. I look around, hoping to see another trail somewhere else in the woods, but I can find nothing. Even the trail I used to get here is hard to discern now. I turn back towards the cliff face.

"Well girl it looks like we're out of luck...." I stop as I realize that the dog is nowhere to be seen. I look all around, but there is still no sign of it. I walk over to the edge of the cliff on unsteady legs, using the trees for support. I look down over the cliff edge, seeing that it is not a cliff face exactly, but a steep slope, and I can see the trail continuing on down below. Suddenly, before I can do anything, I feel a strong force knock me over the edge and down the slope. I can not describe the pain that wracks my body as it hits the slope and rolls down to the bottom. I finally come to a stop face up. My body is riddled with pain, and some of my old wounds have opened up again. I let out a small curse as I try to get some air back into my lungs. Without warning I feel wetness on my face. I open my eyes to find the coyote is standing over me, licking my face. I can not help but smile and the foolishness of the whole situation. Oddly enough, I feel a little better after the impromptu tongue bath. The coyote backs away and barks and wags its tell as I slowly get to my feet. I can't believe my body is still going after all of this. I look around. The trail is once again in front of me and I begin to go down it.

Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of something reflecting the sunlight that is streaming in through the leafy canopy above. I turn towards a small pule of rocks and boulders, and there, within the shadows of a small outcropping of rock, I see it again, that strange glint of metal being hit by sunlight. I don't know why, but I find myself drawn to whatever this strange item is. I crawl up the rocks towards the outcropping. And there, resting in the shadows, is a key.

This key is like nothing I have ever seen before. The key is natural in shape and size, but it the materials used to make this are like none I have ever seen before, at least not used together. The key looks to be made of wood that has been fused with a fine metal, I'd almost want to call it mythral, and something within me tells me that the wood is oak. I don't know why I think this, but it feels right in my mind. I grasp the key in my hand and then quickly put it in the pocket of my ripped and bloodied tunic. I carefully climb down and head back towards the trail.

I am soon on my way again. Every now and then I pull the key out to look it over again. There is a strange resonance coming from this key. I don't know what that might mean, but as long as it does not kill me I do not mind.

The trail continues onward, twisting and turning, I'm glad I have no particular goal in mind, because I know I'd be very lost by now. The coyote seems to be enjoying her self immensely as she continues to lead me through the brambles and trees that surround me. After what seems like an hour goes by, I catch a glimpse of a bright light ahead. As we draw closer I see that there is a large clearing just beyond the next hill. I hurry my steps towards the opening in the wood line, hoping upon hope that there might be something that could help me in this clearing, a pool of water, a few berry bushes, anything that might alleviate this thirst or hunger within me.

I step out into the clearing and into the sunlight. My eyes scan the small clearing for a source of nourishment, but there is none to be found. My hopes fall into a deep pit of despair as I slowly walk through the clearing. I can see that the trail continues on the other side and I slowly begin to head towards it. As I lumber through the tall grass my mind picks up on a very odd occurrence. I look up from my feet and see a small fledgling tree growing in the center of the clearing. I could have sworn that the area was clear when I first stepped into this clearing. I shake my head slightly and rub my eyes, thinking that maybe that fall earlier did something to me. I stop rubbing my eyes and look again, but only to see that the tree is still there, but it looks like it has grown bigger. I don't know how to explain this strange occurrence. My hands make the sign of protection from evil. And as my hand goes through the age old motions I begin to laugh, thinking at the absurdity of the gesture, one that is taught to all children when they are young. I walk over to this strange tree, which I instantly designate as oak for some reason, and put my hand on its bark covered trunk. A sense of peace washes over me like a soft rain. I don't know what is going on, but I shake my head to disperse this strange magic feeling. I open my eyes again and this time I see something that makes me stagger back in shock. A large hollow has suddenly formed within the tree trunk, and resting within that hollow is a small chest.

The chest looks to be made of intricately carved oak. The designs on the side of the chest are various and numerous, many are depictions of animals, while others are actually words, or what I assume to be words for they are in a language that I do not recognize. The most notable feature of the chest is the tiny keyhole in its center. I can not help but stare at this intricately wrought chest before me. As my eyes devour every detail of the box, I feel a strange warmth burning within my tunic. I reach down and find the key that I had put there. The key feels warm to the touch and the wood no longer has that dead look to it, it now looks as if it had been freshly taken off of the tree used to make it.

Not exactly knowing why, I slowly put the key into the lock. Something within me says that this is the right thing to do. I turn the key slowly until I hear a tiny click noise. My hands are visibly shaking and my legs are weak. I do not know if this is from my ordeal, or because of some unexplainable nervousness. I grasp the lid to the chest and carefully, almost reverently open it. Within the chest I see an amulet. My hands grasp the chain and slowly pull it out of the chest and into the light of day.

The amulet attached to the chain is made of a material that I have never seen before, it does not seem to be a metal, nor does it feel like any kind of wood I have ever known. Etched upon one side of the amulet is the image of a Unicorn rearing up, its horn shining in the sunlight from above. On the other side are strange words. They look like they might be some kind of incantation, but my knowledge of such things is very limited.

Not knowing exactly why, I place the chain over my head and let the amulet rest upon my chest. As soon as I do this, I feel something well up deep within me. I can not contain whatever this is it is too much. All at once I feel enveloped in a sense of peace, and hope. My heart is lifted from the pit of despair that it had fallen into, and everything surrounding me seems to take on a new and greater beauty.

"Mielikki." The word escapes my lips without my knowing it, but as soon as it is said I know that it was the right thing to do. I have never been a devoted follower to any of the gods, but I know of most of them. And upon speaking her name, I knew that the God Mielikki had something to do with all of this. Her symbol now rested upon my chest, and my thoughts were racing as I tried to remember all that I could about the Lady of the Forest, goddess of Rangers and Druids. I tried to think of something that I might have done to warrant her attention. But as I continued on down the path before me I can not think of anything that would put me in any kind of favorable light when it came to the Mistress of the woods. My Four legged companion was once again ahead of me, barking and running about, egging me on to continue. And this time I could not help but smile as I too felt her elation.


The Trek continued on throughout most of the day. While my spirits were now high, my body was still wrought with pain. My body could take no more as the light began to fade beyond the horizon. And just as the sun dipped below the edge of the forest, I saw it.

It was a small cabin off in the woods. I might never have seen it, were it not for the fact that my eyes watched the last rays of the setting sun. Somewhere within, I found the strength to stagger towards the cabin. I used the trees to support me as I stumbled on to the door of the cabin. I collapsed on to the steps leading up to the door. I lay there for a few moments, trying to breathe and pick my self up to get into the cabin. Again I felt the wetness on my face and hand. My canine friend was once again giving me support in the only fashion that she could. I reached towards the amulet at my chest and drew strength from it. I took in a deep breath and got to my knees and then I was on my feet again.

I took a moment to look at the cabin. In this light I could not see much, but I could tell that it was abandoned, and had been abandoned for quite sometime. But this did not matter to me. I walked over towards the door and reached for the handle, but the door opened before me. And what was inside the cabin took my breath away from me as surely as one of Madelyn's punches had. The room inside was huge. There was no way that this room belonged to the cabin I was looking at. Not only was the room's size out of proportion, but it was furnished as well. I saw a table full of food and drink waiting before me, a fire burned heartily in the fireplace off to the back of the cabin. The walls were decorated with numerous furs from so many animals that I could not begin to identify them. I tried to take it all in, but could not. I took hold of my amulet and said a quick prayer to Mielikki.

I walked over to the table first and with out any sense of embarrassment I gorged myself on the feat before me. After I had sated myself, I leaned back in the chair. I should probably search for some kind of dressings to try and fix up as many of my wounds as I can.

With much reluctance I lifted myself out of the comfortable chair and began to look around this remarkable cabin in search of something to aid me. As I walked towards a large chest resting against the wall, something in the corner of the room caught my attention.

Standing in the corner upon an intricately wrought wooden stand rested a large full-length mirror. My eyes were glued upon its detailed form. The mirror's frame was made of dark obsidian, and carved into the obsidian were the forms of animals of all kinds. Without really noticing it some unknown force seemingly drew my body to the mirror. Something quickly struck me as odd about this mirror as I looked upon it, I could not see anything in its reflective surface. All that I beheld was a strange mist swirling around within it. My hand reached out to grasp the obsidian frame when with out warning the image began to clear up. I let out an audible gasp as the image in the mirror took shape.

I was looking eye to eye with myself. I know that is the whole purpose of mirrors, but in this instance it was me, but not me. The man in front of me had my features, but he was different in so many ways. His clothing reminded me of the Rangers that used to live around my village as a child. Upon his waist he had two scimitars buckled, and he wore them with a casualness that I had never known and instantly envied. Even his body was stronger and more toned than I had ever been in my life. But it was the look in his eyes that froze me. There was a sense of purpose in those eyes, a look of confidence in himself that I now realized I have never possessed. No injury marked this man's body, and no starvation marked his features. So this man was me, but not me. Time stood still for me as I looked upon my altered reflection, but in truth only seconds passed.

Without warning, the mist began to return to cloud the image again. I did not want to loose this image. It was everything that I wished that I could be, and I would not let it go. Without thinking I reached forward towards the mirror. My hand passed through the mirror's surface and the image of me on the other side smiled and his hand reached up, and I felt for the briefest of moments another hand take mine. Then there was a blast of light so bright that I could not stand it, then there was only darkness.


I awoke dazed and disoriented. Hours had probably past while I had been knocked out. I slowly sat up, and instantly I realized that I did not hurt anymore. I looked down at myself and was startled to discover that my ripped clothes were gone and in their place were the tooled leather and dark green garments of a Ranger, the exact clothing that my mirror self had been wearing. Strapped to my waist were two Scimitars exactly as they had been for my other self. I quickly got to my feet and looked to the mirror. In the mirror I saw the image of myself from last night, but with one significant difference, this image wore the amulet of Mielikki around his neck. This image was me.

And as soon as I realized this, more things began to enter my head, I knew how to use these weapons at my side, I knew the secrets that the woods kept from all but those who had learned its mysterious ways. I knew, but I did not know how. I grasped my amulet and said another prayer to Mielikki. I glanced back over to the table, and instead of last night's leftovers I saw a fresh breakfast waiting for me. I sat down to eat, still trying to piece everything together. But the puzzle pieces would just not fit together for me. As I finished my meal I heard a loud bark from the doorway. I turned and saw my coyote friend waiting for me, tail wagging as always.

"The road still beckons us aye girl?" I sighed with a smile.

Without any further hesitation I was on my feet and out the door. I was amazed with the world that awaited me outside the cabin doors. With my new view of the world everything looked so different, so alive. I could see where a family of badgers had traveled past my doorway. I spotted a fresh dear rub on a small sapling near by. Everything was there before me, the forest told me the story of the past few hours with out having to say a word. I took it all in and enjoyed it as I walked on down the trail, wondering what I would discover next.


I did not have to wonder for very long. By midday I happened to come upon the signs of a very large grizzly. Judging by the paw prints that I found along the trail the bear was possibly as big as eleven feet. I had hoped not to find this particular bear because by the over powering scent I found around the area, it was mating season. But luck was not on my side in this instance. I rounded a bend in the trail coming around a large hill only to come face to furry chest with a large, snarling, and enraged bear. My hands rested lightly on the hilts of my twin scimitars, ready to pull them out if necessary. The bear continued to growl and bear its teeth at me, but something within me told me not to attack. I soon felt a strange connection form between my self and the bear. The bear ceased to roar at me and lowered it self so that all four massive paws rested on the leafy ground.

I slowly raised up on hand and calmly said, "Listen friend, I don't want to bother you, and you don't want to bother me. So let's just leave each other alone and leave it at that? Sound good to you big guy?"

The bear looked at me for a second and cocked its head to the side as if considering my words. It then let out a loud sneeze and began to shuffle off into the woods and away from me. I let out a sigh of relief as I continued on down the trail, eager to be away before the bear changed his mind and decided I might make a fine meal after all.

It was three hours past midday when I heard the sounds of water off in the distance. I chuckled as I thought about how incredibly wonderful that sound would have been to me yesterday. I casually made my way towards the sound of the water, my furry friend running along at my heels. I soon stepped into a small clearing and before me I could see a humble pool with a gentle waterfall pouring into it. A few deer startled slightly at my approach, but decided that I was no threat to them and continued to drink from the pool. I looked to the waterfall and followed the trail of water up towards the large rocky mountain behind it. I could only assume that the water cam from some underground river. I strolled up to the pool and stuck a hand in and then took a drink. The water was cool and clear, and very refreshing. I laughed softly as my coyote friend lapped at the water of the pool and then with out any warning, jumped into it. She seemed to be enjoying her self as she swam around the pool. I laughed as the deer near by stared at the coyote and she swam around the middle of the pool. After a few laps she emerged and quickly shook her self, spraying me in the process. My four-legged friend then hopped up on a rock and began to sun her self to dry off. I smiled and decided that maybe a dip in the pool would not be such a bad idea after all. I was soon disrobed and in the cool water, enjoying the revitalizing feel that I received from it. After a while of this I was back out and after I took the time to dry off and dress my self I was once again on my down the trail. Oddly enough I felt like it was once again the beginning of the day and I had not been walking for over nine hours.


The trail soon came to a sudden and abrupt end. There was no real way to explain what had happened. I came upon a very thick entanglement of branches and bushes, I could see no real way around it. I was about to turn around and try to see if the trail branched off somewhere else earlier on the trail, but to my astonishment, and horror, the same entanglement that barred my trail now surrounded me. I could see no possible way through this barricade of foliage. I began to reach for my Scimitars, thinking to chop my way through when that now familiar feeling came over me. My hand ceased in its path towards my sword, but instead went up and grasped my amulet. I looked down at the image of the unicorn upon the amulet and with out any real reason I turned it over to look at the strange words written on the back of it. The feeling got stronger within me and I suddenly knew what the words meant.

I smiled and began to recite the words on the back of amulet of Mielikki, " Kuashnya lampar, terbong kilat mati yangjahat raistlin."

As each word passed through my lips the word on the amulet began to shine with a brilliant white light, and as I spoke each word I felt a power building within my very being. It was a power that I had never even thought to dream of it was so extraordinary. As the last word was sounded, the amulet itself shone with a stunning light that shot out to hit the forest barricade in front of me. In a matter of moments the limbs and brambles took on a life of their own and began to pull apart from one another creating a space that I could step through. Soon the trail was once again revealed to me. The light began to fade from the trees, and then from my amulet. I smiled as I felt the power begin to drain from me, but it was a sad smile. For I knew not if I would ever experience something so incredible again in all of my life.

My eyes lifted from the magical amulet that I had come to cherish so much and looked upon the trail a head of me. Siting there, tail wagging as always, was my little friend. I then realized that my guide had been behind me when we came upon the barricade, so how could she have gotten in front? My answer was fast in coming.

A white light began to shine around my coyote guide's lupine form. I stared in amazement as the form began to alter and the light grew even brighter. In no time it seemed, I was no longer standing in front of a small brown and white coyote. Instead I was standing in front of a goddess.

I feel to my knees without second thought and grasped the amulet of Mielikki tightly. Instead of saying a prayer in my mind I simply looked to the goddess before me and said, "Thank you."

For this could only be Mielikki, goddess of the woods and patron of Rangers and Druids. The goddess Mielikki smiled down at me and I felt as if I would die with happiness. I looked upon her beauty and was changed. Mielikki's hair was a deep brown like that of the strongest and proudest of her trees. Her face reminded me of the mystic dryads, for their beauty is reputed to surpass all living things upon this earth. Her Eyes, I could not help but fall into the beauty of her eyes and be held captive. Their color was like that of the autumn days, myriad's of browns and reds and yellows all swirling together to draw me in. She wore a simple white gown that did nothing to hinder her incredible figure. But all of this was nothing compared to her voice.

She glided to me, as if carried upon the fall wind itself, and laid a hand upon my shoulder as her lovely voice sang out to me, " David Banere, you have come to the end of this journey and will now begin another, one that you have been destined for since the day of your birth."

Somehow I dared to speak, " Mistress, who am I to deserve such attention from you? Who am I to carry out this destiny that you say has been waiting for me?"

"You are the chosen, the one that I have been waiting for. You will go out into the forests of the world and guard them for me, destroying the evil that plagues them," Mielikki cooed as if explaining matters to small, frightened child.

I nodded my head, and looking at my goddess in the eyes, spoke from my heart, "I vow to do as you ask of me my Mistress, I will not falter, and I will not fail you."

Mielikki only smiled and said, "I know. Take my gifts to you and go out and do what has always been in your heart to do."

I nodded once more and whispered, "Yes my lady."

Mielikki turned to depart and then quickly spun around, "Oh, and one more thing." She said with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Take this last gift, she will keep you safe," Mielikki laughed as she tossed a small obsidian figurine into my hands. I looked down at the stone figurine and saw it was in the shape of a wolf. I looked up to my Mistress.

"Her name is Katessa, guard her well, and she will do the same," replied Mielikki to my unasked question.

With that said, Mielikki turned away from me and stepped into a doorway of pure light, and then she was gone, and I was alone. Well not quite alone, I looked down at the wolf figurine in my hands and smiled. I held the figurine out and smiled as I said, "Well Katessa, lets get better aquatinted."

Merely calling out the magical creature's name was enough to summon it. After a few seconds a dark black mist began to form, and then standing before me was a giant wolf, larger than any other wolf I had ever seen. Katessa looked up at me, and instantly there was a kinship. I smiled and rubbed Katessa between her ears and laughed, "Well, lets get moving girl, we have a long road ahead of us, and lot to do along the way."

Katessa cocked her head at me and if I did not know any better I would have sworn she smiled at the prospect of a grand adventure. I guess I could not blame her, I was smiling too.