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How It Arrived...

I got the car with 55,000mi on the odometer, everything was still there and most intact for
$1500.00cdn, it didnt run but the owner assured me that everything had worked.
(Since I am going to use my 351w anyways, it didnt bother me if it was dead.  As long as the frame and body were good)

As you can likely see I've got the tank removed. I was going to have it cleaned, and sealed and then replace it but while I was taking the retaining ring off the sending unit I managed to slip and my large screwdriver went through the tanks side.  It already had a couple of pinholes in it and it was REALLY grungy inside so I scrapped it.  Found a tank from a donor car within about 20kms.  These things seem to be popping out of the woodwork now that I have one and am looking.

The previous owner told me that a brake job was done on the car not long ago (Original drums still) and that they should all be good.  The pedal had nothing, so I decided to diagnose the problem, took off the drums, looked almost new, lots of pad, no tell tale leaks here.  Look under the hood, not much fluid in resevoir so I top it up.  Give the pedal a few pumps, works when pumped.  So I bleed the brakes with this nifty one person tool I got (Replace bleeders too), still takes one pump.
I get looking under the dash at the pedal arrangement and notice some fluid coming down the firewall where the master cylinder mounts up.  Rear seal is leaking.  Need a new master.
(Dont care, as I am going to convert to Geo Metro power brakes)

Notice the Owen Sound tag on the back, this car is originally from around here, where I live and considering thats in Ontario Canada, where the salt eats cars like a california scrapyard run by the government thats pretty damn good since there is
NOT A SINGLE BIT of considerable rust.  Pretty much a couple of rust stains.  NOT a hole or even near one.
Anyways,  I ran some new fuel line and filters, and after some labour, I get the damn thing running, and it runs pretty darn good, starts right up all the time.  Since then me and a friend have taken two days of long houred rubbing with some good ol Mothers rubbing compound and have cleaned all the overspray, tree sap, etc off the body and the paint looks brand new.

Well, thats the story of my car so far, I'll keep you updated as interesting things happen to it.

Anyways, ya wanna go home?