Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 1
Date: 08/19/1999 9:54:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 1
Date: 08/06/1999 12:07:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und, Cerineth, Skorbel4, TWSHyena
BCC: CrazedMogX

/ |::|____'| '| |::\'| |:| / /\ \\'| |__\ \:\ | |:/ /:/ / |::|____'|
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\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

August 6th 1999
Issue 66

Table of Contents
-Part 1

[Club News]
[Message Board]
[Sharks Webpage]
[Quitting/Changing Screen Name]
[Loma's Editorial]
[Editorial Response]
[Flying with Kit]
[End of Part 1]

-Part 2
[Intro to Part 2]
[Shark Rankings]
[Legendary Sharks Note]
[Shark of the Month]
[Shark of the Week]
[Shark Hall of Fame]
[Old Shark Newsletters]
[Tokens Information/Games]
[Shark Interview]
[End of Part 2]

-Part 3
[Loma's Survey]
[Loma's Survey Results from Last Week]
[Club Poll]
[Last Week's Club Poll Results]
[EarthBound Poll]
[Last Weeks EarthBound Poll Results]
[Kit's Poll]
[Kit's Poll Results from Last Week]
[Skorbel's Best Video Game Poll]
[Kit's Feature Story]
[Amateur Story Writing]
[End of Part 3]
-Part 4
[Intro to Part 4]
[Video Game Codes]
[Chris's Final Fantasy Beginner's Hall]
[Onett - From an Experienced Player's View]
[A Bear's Mid-Afternoon Snack]
[End of Part 4]

-Part 5
[Intro to Part 5]
[EarthBound Area Focus]
[EarthBound What Ifs]

It never fails, does it? I got grounded again for Friday, couldn't get on Saturday or Sunday, and come back to find a wonderful mess between us and the EarthBound Gang. Anyway, we're on our own, so lets just have fun. (That's all it really is about... Right?)
I'm also going to apoligize for the 10 hour delay and a thanks to EBG for pointing out a mistake in the points, and trying to beg my dad for me to let me stay on...

Club News
Hmm... It's much more helpful when you got to the meetings WITHOUT a reminder. Reminders are only effective if there is somewhat of a "club base" or people who come early to greet those who come at the reminder, similar to the better days of the Sharks. (People showing up at 6:30 Eastern for a meeting... But 7:50 is just fine with me!)
And yet again another leader resigns. This time it's Loma. He resigned and decided that he'd join the EarthBound Gang... Well, let's see now what it all looks like...

President - EB0und
VP - Cerineth
AVP - Skorbel4
AAVP - TWSHyena*
(* = Decided on between current Legendary Sharks)
Meetings are still at 8 PM Eastern (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific) in Onett Arcade EVERY Saturday!!

That doesn't mean that you can only be there then. Those are just when we surpervise it. That's it!

Message Board
Go to the Sharks Message Board! There's lots of interesting posts to read! Enjoy!!! Sharks Message Board (And of course, post some new ones!)

Check out the Sharks Webpage at I'll have MogBacca (webmaster) write a little thing here for future weeks!

Quitting/Changing Screen Name
If you quit or change your Screen Name, just E-Mail it to me. Thanks!!!


Member Recruiter:

All you have to do is recruit members. Get 6 members and you're promoted! Also have them e-mail EB0und. Its that easy!
Room: No Limit! (Mr N64
, Goku194257, MasterJ808, NikeBoy453, BaTZero)

VB Expert\Prog Maker:

Make a prog for the Sharks! All you have to do is know VB, and if you make a prog. You'll get promoted 3 times! For another version, you get promoted 1 times.
Closed: 4/4 (Kjleftin
, Fmbw15, RPGEmerald, Nu1KoRnfan)

Pic Sender:
Upload or give pictures of EB, EB64, or EB0 so we can put them on our web-site. An easy task. Every 4 pictures gets a promotion.
Closed: 5/5 (Idesign99
, JBlitz5154, Nautauka, Yesman jr, Wolf MiG)

Web-Site Helper:

Do you know Java, CGI, DHTML, HTMl, VBScript, ActiveX, Shockwave or any other web source to make web-sites? Well send it to us! Every 2 descent thing we get earns a promotion! Just make it into a .htm file and send it in! Be sure to put all the right colors, logos, etc in though!
Open: 3/9 (BearBear13
, Mr N64, EBG Dragon)

Game Hoster:

If you go to the meetings a lot, and have a trivia game program like scrambler, be a Game Host!
Open: 3/6 (Chocoabo
, EBG Dragon, ChanneLXZP)

Newsletter Helper:

Every week, send in an article you made! Every 2 articles get a promotion. A very pleasing job thats easy and gets you noticed.
Open: No Limit (ChrisNbr1
, JAY3983, Magus41290, TAILS825, JHK6557369, HI87, NeoCid)

Newsletter Poster:

Post the Newsletters on our message board
- it's THAT simple!
Closed: 1/1 (Tanarin

Club Catapult Bartenders:

After the meeting we go to Club Catapult! Serve drinks, food, etc!
Open: 1/5 (RPGEmerald


Every week, interview someone and send it in!
Closed: 1/1 (ChanneLZXP


Make sure there's peace within clubs!
Open: 3/6 (CrazedMogX
, JAY3983, BearBear13)


Just fill this Application and you can get a job.
E-Mail address:
Job Title:
Why should you have this Job:

Send your Application! E-Mail it to me

Editorial "Online 'Wars'"
By: EB0und, President of the Sharks

Note: Remember it's only opinion! It doesn't have to be your opinion, though!

Online Wars - What ARE they for?

Well... This is just something I've always wondered about... What exactly ARE online "wars" for? I think I'm going to hear SOMETHING back from EBG Ness, but I think he has declared more "wars" against the same person than anyone... Us. He has declared war on us for everything! If we do anything he doesn't like? War. If someone remotely affiliated with the Sharks does something he doesn't like? War. He threatens to virus us and steal/send the Sharks mailing list to spam groups if one person does something he doesn't like. Even more interesting... Over half the time I'm not online when "war" is declared. Oh well... Most often he comes in and raids meetings. And tries to stamp us out. Yet every time he says he's trying to "keep us from dieing". But I guess that's how it goes. All I can say is just ignore the war. Don't back down (Diplomats, other leaders) and don't run away! I think that's it, but that still leaves one HUGE question... Maybe you can answer it? What IS online "war"?

Don't agree with him? Maybe you do? Then write your rebuttal/response to his article and send it to us!!! We're hoping to bring back showing the best in next weeks NL!

Flying with Kit
Flying. It's something we all dream of doing at some time or another. Hey, if I have, everyone must have, right? Of course! Well, I have here a variety of ways, most of them using common household objects, to defy those evil laws of gravity that keep us all firmly on the ground and go FLYING-Even if it's only for a few moments.
Take a chair, for instance. Boring, right? Wrong! A chair, is one of the easiest ways to fly! I'm sure you are thinking "Oh, sure, I stand on the chair and jump off. That's stupid," right? Nope! What you do, is you take someone ELSE and coax them onto the chair. Say that you need something that you can't reach. And then you push them off! They fly! It's magic! Just beware, the person might be a little bit upset...
Another, simpler, way of helping yourself fly is this: take a package of construction paper. Cut out paper feathers. Thread these feathers onto a string or stick (preferably a stick) and hold on tight. Start flapping your arms wildly and run straight off a small hill (not a tall one or you'll get hurt). You may not necessarily FLY, but you'll give anyone watching a good laugh! It works best if you make yourself a beak to go with the wings.
This next way is a little bit more difficult. To begin, expose yourself to obscene amounts of radioactivity. Then, encourage your cells to mutate. Finally, you will realize that you have the power to fly, look through walls, and other fun things!
One final way to make another person fly, perhaps the easiest, is best done in the cafeteria at school. Position someone between two tables so that there is a backpack behind their feet. Announce that you will use your superior mental abilities to make them fly. They will almost definately step backwards involuntarily-right into the stratigically placed backpack and BAM! Your friend will go flying backwards across the room!

For the saftey of everyone involved, please, do not try this at home. The author is not responsible for the actions of those who read this.

End of Part 1!
That it for this one! Click next for Part 2! Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 2
Date: 08/19/1999 9:54:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 2
Date: 08/06/1999 12:07:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und, Cerineth, Skorbel4, TWSHyena
BCC: CrazedMogX

/ |::|____'| '| |::\'| |:| / /\ \\'| |__\ \:\ | |:/ /:/ / |::|____'|
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|Ż\_________ /:||____|::\ '|____||___|:::|__'||__'|:::| \__'\||__ |:'| \___\:|Ż\_________ /:'|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|::| \::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:'| \::::\\::::\| '\:::::\:\'|:::::::::::::::::|::|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

August 6th 1999
Issue 66

Intro to Part 2!
Hey again! Welcome to Part 2. Here's where you get your ranks... Enjoy...

Shark Ranks
Leader Ranks

Spectrum Shark(President)-
Gold Shark(Vice-President)- Cerineth
Silver Shark(Asst. Vice-President)- Skorbel4
Bronze Shark(Asst. Asst. Vice-President)- TWSHyena

Regular Ranks

Legendary Shark-(4 people)
CrazedMogX, DHG Down, MogBacca, Loma359

Premeire Shark-(2 people)
JAY3983, Yeerk543

Elite Shark-(0 people)

Frankystein Mark II-(0 people)

Jr. Frank-(0 people)

Pogo Punk-(0 people)

Yes Man Jr.-(0 people)

Skate Punk-(0 people)

Arcade Shark-(2 people) BigPyro007, Moondoggey

Shark Level 5-(2 people) Aeris500, Rebo1234

Shark Level 4-(2 people) Melichior, TheRealGau

Shark Level 3-(4 people) BearBear13, EBG Dragon, Nikeboy453, Rodimus401

Shark Level 2-(7 people) Bull218, ChanneLZXP, HI87, MasterJ808, RPGEmerald, The mitey1, Un667

Shark Level 1-(about 100 people) Members Start here

Antoid(You don't want this)-(0 people)

Note to Legendary Sharks!
I don't think there's anything important to say here so I won't say anything...

And remember, you get counted for 2 votes in the polls. The least I could do.

Shark of the Month
Nobody won Shark of the Month this month, as there wasn't enough time to perform extraordinarily enough!

Hey! We're starting a new program called Shark of the Month. This award will not be given every month, but I will announce the winner the first week of every month. This can be given to more than 1 person if more than 1 person participates enough! This will award you with LOTS of points, etc. It takes a LOT of work to get this, so try your hardest here!!!

Shark of the Week
This week's SotW goes to Yeerk543! Thanks, Yeerk, for helping Skorbel with EBG Ness last Weekend. Thanks for the help!

Sharks Hall of Fame
A list of every single SOTW, from the very beginning up to now!

#1. Lobosweepr(is no longer a Shark, obviously first ever SOTW)
#2. MagusZeal1(is now Lucky eb3, was once VP)
#3. DSTARMAN44(the first person to get SOTW twice)
#4. Poo Kato(is now FM X Files, was kicked out)
#5. DSTARMAN44(look at what I said above for his screen name)
#6. Tytee2(is now Tyteet2 and a Jr. Frank)
#7. MagusCrono(was once VP, is no longer a Shark)
#8. Seriphosu(is no longer a Shark)
#9. Demon66331(later became Picco1o,he knows me in real life,is no longer a Shark)
#10. ICPklownz(is no longer a Shark)
#11. XSuperMogX(is now AVP,was the first person to become Frankystein Mark II)
#12. AGaweda(is now an Elite Shark)
#13. EbJeffEb(is no longer a Shark)
#14. ToOcZ(found us many new members)
#15. Unfrgvn85(the first person to get SOW for two times in a row,he also got it twice in a row later, is no longer a Shark)
#16. Unfrgvn85(look above,under his name, is no longer a Shark)
#17. Moondoggey(was the first person to ever be AAVP)
#18. NessCraig(found us many new members)
#19. Calvin 84(is now AzIaN FoO)
#20. Mouse4894(is no longer a Shark)
#21. BassBall 2(is now Elite Shark)
#22. RDS3(later became TWSHyena, is now Legendary Shark)
#23. EmmonsKer(had to get rid of AOL, but is still a Shark)
#24. OnettNess(runs EB Gang, which is around the second biggest EB club)
#25. JAY3983(found us many new members)
#26. AGaweda(third person to ever get SOTW twice)
#27. ESL1021(found us new members, is no longer a Shark)
#28. AGaweda(first person to ever get SOTW three times)
#29. Unfrgvn85(second person to get SOTW three times, is no longer a Shark)
#30. Unfrgvn85(first to eve get it 4 times, second time he's done it two weeks in a row, is no longer a Shark)
#31. CPMont83(found us many new members)
#32. Iceandheat(made us two computer games, is also ATWCreator)
#33. BRIAN DX(found us many new members)
#34. Fyredragon(found us many new members in his first week of being a Shark)
#35. Chumbakid7(found us MANY MANY new members,is no longer a Shark)
#36. Rebo1234(found us many new members using wonderful advertising)
#37. FLiPnOy21(found us many new members)
#38. Nikolai64(found us many new members,former leader)
#39. Septhroth5(no longer has AOL, but is still a Shark)
#40. PoSeR0001(became BLuIVIagic, now DHG Down)
#41. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the Sharks mailing list for me, now Cerineth)
#42. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the people in the Sharks ranks, now Cerineth)
#43. MogBacca(made our first proggie, was once AAVP)
#44. CrazedMogX(found us new members)
#45. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#46. WorldF3(found us MANY new members)
#47. ECox758(found us MANY new members, JUST came back as
#48. Sabin Cole(found us MANY MANY new members)
#49. ANT NERZUL(found us many new members, is now Codeman098)
#50. Voltron401(found us new members, leads Dept. of Recruitment and Allies)
#51. Sabin Cole(found us MANY new members)
#52. Rbrrducky2(found us new members)
#53. Madman 910(found us many new members)
#54. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#55. DSTARMAN44(found us new members)
#56. AGaweda(found many EB files for the club to enjoy, 2nd ever to get SOTW 4 times)
#57. ADRIANANT(found us new members, is now ANTEBwizDX)
#58. Kjleftn(leads a club called The Chocobos, allied with us, found us new members)
#59. Aeris500(found us many new members,was SOTW twice in a row, is no longer a Shark)
#60. Aeris500(found us many new members, is no longer a Shark)
#61. DrugFreX3(found us new members,was SOTW twice in a row, now UnityPunk1)
#62. DrugFreeX3(found us new members)
#63. Michael D9(made us a new website)
#64. Rbrrducky2(did his job well)
#65. Roadhawk19(found us many new members)
#66. GOKU203334(found is new members, is now King Duky)
#67. Sabin Cole(found us many new members, has been SOTW 3 times)
#68. Voltron401(helped out with newsletter)
#69. Skorbel4(found us new members)
#70. Nikolai64(won VP election)
#71. SeCtoR X19(Lead The Sharks for 1 1/2 years, resigned)
#72. CrazedMogX(Won the Rank Contest, is now Legendary Shark)
#73. OAFrankFly(Helped stop a war)
#74. SwAmP KoW(Got many new members)
#75. Matingly22(Now President)
#76. Rodimus401(Re-did the newsletter)
#77. Deafcon2 (Helped out alot)
#78. Ava FM (Defender of evil forces)
#79. Loma359 (Helped re-start EBUN)
#80. I am Golem(Became active, helped with message board and meetings)
#81. Loma359 (Helped the Club)
#82. EBG Ness (Helped the Club)
#83. BRIAN DX (Led Sharks; Just resigned)
#84. Skorbel4 (Helped out a LOT!)
#85. AquaDuck34(Came up w/new ideas, did a lot of work)
#86. Mr N64 (Helped out, came to meetings, new members)
#87. MogBacca (Made the website!
Check it out!!!)
#88. Yeerk543 (Helped out, wrote articles, gave info)
#89. Cerineth (Now AVP, TONS of ideas, great help!)
#90. TWSHyena (Incredibly helpful - His 2nd SotW)
#91. EBG Dragon (Got new members)
#92. Yeerk543 (Helped Skorbel4 a lot)

Old Shark Newsletters
I've gotten a few, but I'm looking for the REALLY old ones (Like 1-10, found in the Sharks "")

Points List
JAY3983 - 200
Bull218 - 200
NikeBoy453 - 200
Aeris500 - 200
Harisn - 600

Points Information

Now that it's official (1,000 pt. = $1) I'm changing something else. You get points in HUNDREDS not THOUSANDS, though they will be very easy to get... Also, you need to be of a high rank to get anything decent... Another interesting thing... You tell me the prize you want, it's price, and where to find it, I'll get it for you. I will only accept certain things, though! And... I can get used things if you'd like for less tokens. However, you get it as-is. I will test to be sure it works, but that's it. I'm not responsible if it blows up after a week... Hehe... Some items can't be new, like many SNES games, if findable at all. Also... Little basically means something you can fit in your pocket... Of course, everything you get is subject to availability... Here's the basic Rank Prerequisite... These obviously need to be mailed so I'd need your address, and if you can't give that, I'll be happy to look for things I can award you with, though I suggest ignoring tokens...

To get: You need to be:
Anything little less than $5: Shark Level 1
Anything big less than $5: Shark Level 3
Anything little over $5: Shark Level 4
CD - Your choice: Skate Punk
Video Cassete - Your Choice: Yes Man Jr.
DVD - Your Choice: Pogo Punk
SNES Game - Your Choice: Pogo Punk
Game Boy Game - Your Choice: Pogo Punk
PlayStation Game - Your Choice: Jr. Frank
Nintendo 64 Game - Your Choice: Jr. Frank
Super Nintendo: Jr. Frank
Game Boy Pocket: Jr. Frank
Game Boy Color: Frankystein Mark II
PlayStation: Premiere Shark
Nintendo 64: Premiere Shark
Future Systems: Legendary Shark
Other - Consult Me: Variable

We didn't get an interview done in time... But next week will be a longer interview done by ChannelZXP!

IWF Info
Well, the Sharks set a deal with IWF and we'll be starting a very fun new system up for it! Details will come next week!

End of Part 2
Hmm... Not much longer than last weeks, but enjoy... Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 3
Date: 08/19/1999 9:54:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 3
Date: 08/06/1999 12:08:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und, Cerineth, Skorbel4, TWSHyena
BCC: CrazedMogX

/ |::|____'| '| |::\'| |:| / /\ \\'| |__\ \:\ | |:/ /:/ / |::|____'|
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|Ż\_________ /:||____|::\ '|____||___|:::|__'||__'|:::| \__'\||__ |:'| \___\:|Ż\_________ /:'|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|::| \::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:'| \::::\\::::\| '\:::::\:\'|:::::::::::::::::|::|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

August 6th 1999
Issue 66

Intro to Part 3
Hey again! Welcome to Part 3. Here's Trivia and Polls! Enjoy...

TWS's Survey
Just a poll this week, a poll AND an editorial next week!! ALRIGHT!!

Question #1: What should my editorial be next week?

Life Issues

Club History

Current Events (boring!)

Other (please write reason!)

How cool I, TWSHyena, really is

Question # 2: Can I dress you up in my love, all over your body?




How about I dress YOU up, huh?

TWSHyena is cool!

Question #3: What would you, the members, like to see from me, AAVP TWSHyena, and/or other officers?

More promotion/point chances

More member interactivity/member input

More things seperated by/slashes


Who cares, you're the coolest!

I'd like to see you resign loser

Question #4: What is not in the newsletter that you would like to see more of?

Other Video Games

More trivia

More articles

More interviews


More of TWSHyena, because he's cool!

Question #5: This isn't much of a question, but what would make this club better?

More sim wrestling things

More member competition on the MB

More award ceremonies for the members (Think Oscars, different categories with members nominated and being voted for)


More of the coolest Shark ever, TWSHyena!!!

Thats all I have for now, be sure to answer those questions!!! They may impact this club greatly, or have little effect, but you'll never know if you don't vote!!

Poll Results from Last Week
None... Oh well...

Club Poll - Which Meeting Day is Better?
I know the results say we don't want to, but if EBG is going to push us over, we can't survive!


Either is Fine

Any other good times? Tell me!!

Last Week's Club Poll Reults
Should we get New meeting Times?
No - 15 - 41%

No Opinion - 12 - 32%
Yes - 10 - 27%
Total - 37

EarthBound Poll - Favorite Quote
You have to send in your own! Click here!

Last Week's EarthBound Poll Reults
Only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place
Rockin Omega - 11 - 37%
Starstorm Omega - 8 - 27%
Lifeup - 2 - 7%
Brainshock Omega - 2 - 7%
Total - 30

Now here's our trivia for this week!!

Who am I?: I stare at something for a long time learning about ignoring my feelings, and then I sell you something that knocks you out. Who am I?

What am I?: When learning about me, you hear a touching love tale between an ancient king and queen. What am I?

Where am I?: There's the sea pendent, just northeast of me! SPECIFICALLY, where am I?

Who/What said this?: "Love!"

EarthBound Trivia: What Level do you learn PSI "Special" Gamma/Sigma (little e thingie)

Non-EarthBound Trivia: What sum are you most likely to roll when you roll two dice?

Last Week's Trivia Results

Who am I: I am found throughout the game and appear to be Giygas' focal point of evil in the current time. Who am I?
Answer: Mani Mani Statue or Ness
Winners: BEBAWL, Moondoggey, ChanneLZXP, Goku194257

What am I: I am EVERYWHERE. In me, you can find everything from a cookie to a Night Pendant. What am I?
Answer: Gift Box/Present
Winners: The mitey1, Melichior, BEBAWL, NeoCid, JAY3983, Moondoggey, TheRealGau, ChrisNbr1, Fmbw15, Bull218

Where am I: I am where you can find a Death Ray, among other weird junk. Where am I?
Answer: Tenda Village
Winners: The mitey1, Rebo1234, BEBAWL, Moondoggey, ChrisNbr1, HI87, NikeBoy453, ChanneLZXP, Rodimus401, SKATEB1015

Who/What said This: "Have you like, spoken with the Tenda in the like, cute little Tenda Village? No!! Seriously? Like, totally cool!..."
Answer: Hint Man! Yes, the Hint Man! Talk to him more often!
Winners: No one

EarthBound Trivia: Name all the points you can find the Mani Mani Statue.
Answer: Lier X. Agerate, Carpainter, Moonside, (Fourside), Magicant
Winners: Rebo1234, Melichior, BEBAWL, JAY3983, Moondoggey, Fmbw15, HI87, EBG Dragon, Rodimus401, TWSHyena

Non-EarthBound Trivia: What do ABC, NBC, CBS, and UPN stand for.
Answer: American Broadcasting Company, National Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting Systems, United Paramount Network
Winners: Sorry! I lost this... If you E-mail me saying you got that, I'll double check and give you credit next week!

With all things:
I won the Who am I and I want: A Promo 200 Points
I won the What am I and I want: A Promo
200 Points
I won the Where am I and I want: A Promo
200 Points
I got the Quote right and want: A Promo
200 Points
I got the EB Trivia right and I want: A Promo
200 Points
I got the Non-EB Trivia right and I want: A Promo
200 Points

Kit's Poll
Oh no! She forgot to do a poll! What should we do to her?
Look through them all!
Send her in with evil Ice Cubes
Send her in with nice Ice Cubes

Gouge her eardrums out with bare hands

Gouge her eardrums out with a tool

Put her in a bag of Bouncy Balls

Put her in a bag of Springs

Send her Yonder when it's far over there

Send her Yonder when it's far somewhere

Send her Yonder when it's far nowhere

Put her in paper wings and a beak and make her try to fly
Expose her to obscene amounts of radiation

Set her in front of a backpack and tell her we will psychicly make her fly

Push her off a chair

Lock her up with Potato People

Lock her up with the evil Pineapple People

Paint her Purple

Paint her Other Colors

Cook her (Tastes like Chicken?)

Cook her... and put PRIME RIB FLAVORING on her!!!
All of the Above that she'd LIKE

All of the Above that she'd HATE

OK! Click one of those and the results will be in next NL!!

Kit's Poll Results
What do you Taste Like?
Prime Rib - 13 - 42%
Chicken - 11 - 35%
Fish - 2 - 6%
Chocolatey - 1 - 3% - Fmbw 15
Forest Cow - 1 - 3% - Rodimus401
Fresh Dragon - 1 - 3% - EBG Dragon
Big Bald Bear - 1 - 3% - BearBear13
Elephant Tail - 1 - 3% - Zinco Inc
Total - 31 - 100%

Best Video Games

1. Well, I added last weeks entries in the top 10 poll to the old ones and I have decided that I have enough people that have e-mailed me. Without further ado here are the top 10 games of all time as decided by over 40 Sharks members.

If you remember the point system worked where your
1st choice-20

And here they are:
Game Points
1. Earthbound 427

2. Zelda: The Ocarina of Time 353

3. FF3 294

4. Chrono Trigger 270

5. FF7 223

6. Pokémon 207

7. Goldeneye 007 197

8. FF2 135

9. Zelda: A link to the past 106

10. Super Mario RPG 71

11. The Legend of Zelda 70

12. Zelda: Links Awakening 68

13. Rogue Squadron 67

14. Metal Gear Solid 63

15. Super Mario Brothers 3 54

16. FFTactics 46

17. Super Mario 64 44

18. FF5 42

19. Ogre Battle 40
19. Breath of Fire 3 40

21. Banjo Kazoozie 34

22. Harvest Moon (Game Boy) 33

23. Secret of Mana 32

24. Resident Evil 2 30
24. Mega Man Legends 30

26. FF1 27

27. Turok 2 25

28. Mario Kart 64 24
28. Lufia 2 24
28. Zelda 2: The adventures of Link 24

31. WCW/NWO Revenge 23
31. Tetris 23
31. Super Mario Bros. 2 23

34. Star Fox 64 22

35. Undecided 21
35. Super Mario World 21

37. Lufia 20
38. Grand Turismo 20
38. Crash and the Boys Ice Challenge 20
38. Super Smash Bros. 20

41. Super Mario Bros. 18
41. Brave Fencer Musashi 18

43. Resident Evil 17
43. Street Fighter 2 17
43. Top Gun: Fire at will 17
43. Starcraft (PC) 17
43. 1080 Snowboarding 17
43. WWF-Warzone 17
43. Xenogears 17
43. Twisted Metal 3 17

51. Breath of Fire 2 16

52. Earthbound 0 15
52. South Park 64 15
52. Buck Bumble 15
52. Magic Knight Rayearth 15
52. Twisted Metal 2 15
52. Star Ocean 15

58. Illusion of Gaia 14

59. Wild Arms 13
59. Legend of the mystical Ninja 13
59. Lunar: The Silver Star 13
59. Legend of Legaia 13
59. Zoop 13

64. Castlevania 2 12
64. Shadows of the Empire 12
64. Snowboard Kids 12
64. Donkey Kong Country 12
64. Twisted Metal 12
64. Extreme G 12

70. Breath of Fire 10
70. Super Mario Kart 10
70. Lunar 2: the Eternal Blue 10
70. Diablo 10
70. Mystical Ninja starring Goemon 10
70. Mutant League Hockey 10
70. Tetris 2 10
70. Donkey Kong Country 2 10
70. Command & Conquer Red Alert Retaliation 10

79. Mega Man 2 9

80. Red Alert (PC) 8
80. Comand & Conquer (PC) 8
80. NBA Hangtime 8
80. Space Station Silicon Valley 8
80. Starfox 8
80. Super Metroid 8
80. Crash Bandicoot: Warped 8
80. The Empire Strikes Back 8
80. Star Tropics 8

89. Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics 2 7
89. Return of the Jedi 7
89. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 7
89. Spyro the Dragon 7
89. Mega Man 3 7
89. Quake 2 7
89. Rainbow Six (PC) 7
89. Cool Boarders 3 7
89. Warcraft (PC) 7
89. Tomb Raider III 7
89. WCW/NWO World Tour 7
89. Pilot Wings 64 7
89. Harvest Moon (SNES) 7

102. Dragonball GT: The Final Bout 5
102. Bomberman 5
102. Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC) 5
102. TMNT 2-The arcade game 5
102. Super Punch Out 5
102. Punch Out!! 5
102. FF: Mystic Quest 5
102. Dragon Warrior 4 5

102. Ghost in the Shell 3
102. Castlevania 3 3
102. Bomberman Hero 3
102. Madden 64 3
102. Command & Conquer Gold (PC) 3
102. Donkey Kong Country 3 3
102. Quake 3
102. Secret of Evermore 3
102. Magic:The gathering:Duel of the Planeswalkers (PC) 3
102. Mega Man X 3
102. Dirt Trax FX 3
102. Rally Bike 3
102. Bomberman 64 3
102. Mortal Kombat 3
102. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island 3

125. Medievil 1
125. Super Mario Bros. All Stars 1
125. Theme Park 1
125. NFL Gameday '99 1
125. Syphon Filter 1
125. Rad Racer II 1
125. Bamberman(SNES) 1
125. Magic Knight Rayearth 1
125. Mario is Missing 1
125. Ehergiez God Bless The Ring 1
125. Space Station Silicon Valley 1

Wow, 135 games in all

2. In last week's poll I asked you guys if you wanted an FF3 trivia section and the answer was overwhelmingly yes. This will start next week and each week will have ten questions. I might also record your correct number of answers out of possible correct ones. We'll have to see, and I might even throw some member made questions in at the bottom.

Kit's Feature Story (Titleless now)
The nightmare came to Jer immediately, as though it had been waiting in the shadows for him to fall asleep.
This time though, his dream was different. Rather than a nameless, faceless horror haunting his sleep, the dream centered around a most ulikely subject: an angel.
"Why am I having these dreams?" Jer found himself asking.
"You are the chosen one," came his answer, though the angel never moved. What a magnificent creature he was, with wings of the purest white that shone dully with an inner light of their own. His body was entirely cloaked in a gray shaft that was worn loosely; this too shimmered with a glow from within. Above his head came the faintest suggestion of a halo, nothing more than a slightly golden colored disturbance in the air. His face looked vaguely familiar, though it was shadowed as though the angel did not want Jer to know his identity.
"But why?"
"It is your destiney, Jeremy. The choices you now make will affect the future of us all, mortal and immortal alike. Do not be fooled; things are not always what they seem. The road ahead of you is tainted with danger. Never give in to the enemy. Your time, our time has come. The earthbound angel, champion of the Hell's minions. Our savior!" And then, silently, the angel was gone.
The scenary shifted as Jer puzzled over the angel's last words. 'Fallen angel? Our savior?' What could an angel want from him?
From nowhere, as swiftly as the angel had come and gone, there came a low growl and something appeared before him. No word or name could aptly describe the monster that Jer now faced, for the world had never known such a terrible creature.
Fangs dripping with blackness and three eyes, each bright red as though a fire burned within the monster met Jer's terrified stare. The creature's four limbs-it walked as a dog would-were bent backwards, with joints like a bird's. It's claws were curved sharply, six on each paw, and they too dripped with an unnatural blackness. It's tail-
Jeremy gasped, for he knew this horror in a way he had never known anything before. This was the creature that had nearly killed him ten years past! The end of it's long tail was laden with more of the razorlike blades that sprouted from it's mouth and limbs, though there was no blackness to be found on these spikes. Only one of the terrible knives was anything but the purest white. One of them had a blood red stain marring it's tip. So this was the thing that had haunted Jeremy's waking thoughs for ten years. It still carried a part of Jer with it: his blood.
In the next second, this horror too was gone.

End of Part 3
That's it... Click next for Part 4!
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 4
Date: 08/19/1999 9:54:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 4
Date: 08/06/1999 12:08:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und, Cerineth, Skorbel4, TWSHyena
BCC: CrazedMogX

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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

August 6th 1999
Issue 66

Intro to Part 4
Hey again! Welcome to Part 4. Here's the member's section! Enjoy...

Video Game Codes
(By: Yeerk543)

Legend of Legaia-

Getting the Meta, Ozma, Terra, and Juggernaut spells

To get the character's Ra-Seru spell, go to the Genesis Tree in which the character first got their Ra-Seru; but you must do it after Songi is defeated in the Seru-kai or it will not work. Here is where each character must go:
Vahn: Sol Tower's Basement Genesis Tree (Since Rim Elm is destroyed)
Noa: Mt. Rikumoa
Gala: East Voz Forest

To get the Juggernaut Spell, go to Ratayu after defeating Songi in the Seru-kai. Then, go to Van Saryu, get the Evil Seru Key, and use it to get into the basement of Ratayu, (where Van Saryu was fought). At the end of the corridor is a chest that contains the Evil Talisman. Equip it to get the Juggernaut spell. The Talisman also gives Encounter Rate Decrease.

Getting honey

There is a hidden opponent in the southwest tree in Rim Elm. It is a Queen Bee and thee other bees. It is recommend that you are at least level 15 before fighting them. Defeat them to find the honey, which will increase all stats by 4.


Dark Magic :
* Nighto (13 MP)
- Attack Name : Hell's Music
- Additional Effect : None
- Targets : Single Enemy
* Puero (120 MP)
- Attack Name : Dream Illusion
- Additional Effect : Enemy MP down
- Targets : All Enemies

Earth Magic :
* Mushura (60 MP)
- Attack Name : Crazy Driver
- Additional Effect : Enemy defense down
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
* Kemaro (72 MP)
- Attack Name : Canine Fang
- Additional Effect : Enemy defense down
- Targets : Single Enemy
* Iota (90 MP)
- Attack Name : Odd Dimension
- Additional Effect : Enemy defense down
- Targets : All Enemies

Fire Magic :
* Gimard (10 MP)
- Attack Name : Burning Attack
- Additional Effect : Enemy attack down
- Targets : Single Enemy
* Zenoir (36 MP)
- Attack Name : Vertical Hammer
- Additional Effect : Enemy attack down
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
* Gola Gola (40 MP)
- Attack Name : Fire
- Additional Effect : Enemy attack down
- Targets : All Enemies

Light Magic :
* Vera (6 MP)
- Attack Name : Mystic Care
- Additional Effect : Cure Poison/Rot/Numb/(restore some AP)
- Targets : Single Ally
* Orb (18 MP)
- Attack Name : Holy Orb
- Additional Effect : Cure Poison/Rot/Numb/(restore some AP)
- Targets : All Allies
* Spoons (45 MP)
- Attack Name : Holy Eyes
- Additional Effect : Cure Poison/Rot/Numb/(restore some AP)
- Targets : All Allies
* Aluru (90 MP)
- Attack Name : Final Blast
- Additional Effect : None
- Targets : Single Enemy

Thunder Magic :
* Theeder (24 MP)
- Attack Name : Turning Laser
- Additional Effect : Enemy INT down
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
* Viguro (64 MP)
- Attack Name : Plasma Storm
- Additional Effect : Enemy INT down
- Targets : All Enemies
* Gilium (160 MP)
- Attack Name : Space Cannon
- Additional Effect : Enemy INT down
- Targets : All Enemies

Water Magic :
* Gizam (28 MP)
- Attack Name : Bubble Crush
- Additional Effect : Enemy agility down
- Targets : All Enemies
* Freed (90 MP)
- Attack Name : Freezing Point
- Additional Effect : Enemy agility down
- Targets : All Enemies
* Slippery (110 MP)
- Attack Name : Deadly Rain
- Additional Effect : Enemy agility down
- Targets : All Enemies

Wind Magic :
* Swordie (32 MP)
- Attack Name : Sonicsizer
- Additional Effect : Enemy speed down
- Targets : Single Enemy
* Nova (48 MP)
- Attack Name : Violent Wind
- Additional Effect : Enemy speed down
- Targets : Single Enemy
* Barra (85 MP)
- Attack Name : Hell Dive
- Additional Effect : Enemy speed down
- Targets : Single Enemy



In case you haven't found the super-secret lure to help catch the rarest fish at the fishing pond here's where it is. Go to the fishing pond near Lake Hylia (you can get it as young or adult Link, but it may be harder as young Link) and look for a log in the middle with a piece of wood sticking out. Look down and dive to get it.

This bug can't be exploited until the final battle, after Ganon knocks the master sword out of your hand. When this happens, save the game and hit the reset button (do not turn the system off). Start the game back up with that save game file; it should take you back to Ganon's castle. If done properly, there should be no sword in the B button icon slot - leave it this way for now. Leave Ganon's castle, call Epona and get on her. When you get on your horse, your icons will disappear, but if you have the hookshot equipped on any of the C buttons, you can use it while on Epona.
If you use any other item, you should automatically dismount Epona who will then run away from you. If you stand in her way, she'll run through you. If you press A to ride her while she's running through you, you'll get up on nothing. Then you'll have control of Epona without Link on her (he'll re-appear after several seconds). In rare cases, if you try to equip the master sword back after using a deku nut while on Epona, you will equip the fairy bow instead - and if you use it, you'll glitch out the game.
Also try riding Epona to Lon Lon Ranch. When there, make sure you have the Ocarina equipped on one of the C-buttons. Run up to once of the jumping fences in the field and while in the air, select the Ocarina. If timed correctly, Link will fall off the horse and then you can control just Epona. With this glitch, you can't leave the ranch, and pressing A will return Link back onto the horse. In any case, there could be many places where this glitch could effect the game. Wander around and experiment! NOTE: It's possible this trick works only with the gold cartridges, and not the newer gray versions which apparently have fixed this glitch.

Select an empty bottle and go to a place where you can catch a fairy or fish. Go up to the fish or fairy and press whatever button your bottle is selected on. When Link starts to swing the bottle towards the fairy or fish, press Start before he catches it. While paused, select the item on the item screen you want to replace with the extra bottle, using whatever button you had set for the empty bottle currently in use. Press Start to unpause the game. If timed correctly, the screen will continue to show Link catching the fairy or fish even though you have selected another item in the bottle's place. Check your item screen again to find an extra bottle in your inventory. WARNING: This trick can permanently screw up your game if you choose an item you really need. One good item to replace is the claim check after you get Biggoron's sword.

The first time you visit Princess Zelda, before you talk to her, look at the two windows to the left and right. With your slingshot, shoot the window with the picture of Mario in it to get 20 rupees. However, shoot the other window on the other side to find a not-so-happy guard with a nasty surprise!

Note: * = Young Link
** = Older Link
*** = Doesn't matter if you are old or young.
+ = You can get it at night.

1. Lon Lon Ranch *: In the shed at Lon Lon Ranch, move the crate there to reveal a secret hole in the wall. In it is a Piece of Heart.

2. Dodongo's Cavern: When you're Young Link, plant a Magic Bean at the mouth of the cave. Come back when you're Adult Link and a stalk has grown there. Climb the stalk to find the Heart Piece.

3. Hyrule Field: Near the path leading to Lake Hylia, there's a section of grass that's fenced in on all sides. Throw a bomb into the center of that area to uncover a secret grotto containing a Piece of Heart.

4. Lon Lon Ranch: At the north end of the ranch, there's something odd about a tree there. Detonate a bomb at the base of the tree to reveal a secret grotto with a Piece of Heart.

5. Kakariko Village: When you're Young Link, go to Death Mountain and get a ride from the owl. He'll drop you on a roof in Kakariko Village. Drop down to the awning below and go in the house to find the Piece of Heart!

6. Kakariko Village: Use your Longshot to get on top one of the houses in town. The man that's there will give you a Piece of Heart.

7. Kakariko Graveyard *: During the night, when you and Dampe are wandering the graveyard, you'll find the Heart Piece while he digs.

8. Kakariko Windmill **: After you race Dampe's Spirit through the cavern, play the Song of Time for him. Then, a blue stone will disappear on one side of the cave, opening a path to the windmill. Follow the path and once you get inside the windmill, you'll find the Piece of Heart.

9. Kakariko Graveyard **: After you win the race against Dampe's Spirit, he'll give you a Piece of Heart.

10. House of Skulltula: After you collect 50 golden tokens, come back to the House of Skulltula and get a Piece of Heart from the now freed child.

11. Kakariko Graveyard **: While you're Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the corner of the graveyard. Come back when you're Adult Link to climb the stalk and claim a Piece of Heart.

12. Kakariko Graveyard: When you're walking around the graveyard, you'll see something odd about one of the stones. Pull the stone and go into the secret passage. Then, play the Sun's Song to get the Heart

13. Zora's River *: As you go up Zora's River, you'll see a group of frogs. Play the Song of Storms for them and you'll get a Heart Piece.

14. Zora's River *: Keep on playing all the songs you know for the frogs and they'll give you another Piece of Heart before you go.

15. Zora's River: Take a cucco from the riverbank and use him to fly up to a plateau. There, take another cucco to reach the Piece of Heart.

16. Zora's River: At the entrance to Zora's Domain, you'll see the Piece of Heart on a ledge far from your reach. To get it, go back to the place where you found the cucco along the riverbank and take him back to that spot. Jump off the path and you'll be able to get the Heart Piece!

17. Market *: Win the game and get to the final room to get the Piece of Heart.

18. Market *: When you play and win the Bombchu Bowling game, you'll get random prizes. If you keep winning, eventually you'll get the Piece of Heart as a prize.

19. Market *: When you talk with the people in town, you'll come across this woman whose dog ran away. Help her get it back by waiting until nightfall. Then, look near the Bazaar to find it and give it back to the woman for a Piece of Heart.

20. Lost Woods *: Go through the Woods until you reach the mysterious Skull Kid. When he urges you to, take out the Ocarina and play Saria's Song. After hearing the song, he'll give you the Heart

21. Lost Woods *: Go even deeper into the Lost Woods and you'll reach two Skull Kids. When they ask you to join them as they sang, play the Ocarina and follow along the song. Then, they'll give you the Piece of Heart.

22. Zora's Domain *: When you reach the waterfall, there's a hidden chamber behind it. So, light up a Deku Stick and go behind the waterfall where you'll find several more torches. Light them all and a chest containing the Piece of Heart will appear.

23. Zora's Fountain **: When you go to Zora's Fountain as Adult Link, it will all be frozen like ice. Find the ice block with the Heart Piece inside and pry it loose from the ice to claim it!

24. Ice Cavern **: As you go through the Ice Cavern, you'll come across a red ice block with a Piece of Heart inside. Get a bottle full of blue flame and put it over the red ice to get the Piece.

25. Zora's Fountain **: When you get the Zora Tunic and the Iron Boots, submerge yourself under the lake in Zora's Fountain. There, you'll find the Piece of Heart.

26. Death Mountain Crater: Enter the Crater with the Goron Tunic on and as Adult Link, then explore the crater walls to find the Piece of Heart.

27. Death Mountain Crater **: Inside the Crater, climb up the stalk that grew from the Magic Bean. Then, go up the towering spire to reach the Heart Piece.

28. Goron City *: Light all the torches on the lower level of the city to make the giant urn spin. Run up to the upper level and throw a Bomb into the urn's open top to get a prize. Hopefully, it'll be the Piece of

29. Lake Hylia *: Go to the Fishing Pond and catch the biggest fish in the pond to get the Heart Piece.

30. Lake Hylia: After you get the Golden Scale, dive into the well in the lab next to Lake Hylia. There, you'll find the Piece of Heart.

31. Lake Hylia **: When you're Young Link, plant the Magic Bean in the spot near the lab by Lake Hylia. Come back when you're Adult Link and climb the stalk to reach the top of the lab. Up there waiting for you is a Piece of Heart!

32. Gerudo Fortress: On you way to Gerudo Fortress, you'll see a waterfall. Take a cucco and jump through the waterfall into a secret chamber. There, you'll find the Heart Piece.

33. Gerudo Fortress: On the opposite side of the waterfall, you'll see a narrow canyon. Take a cucco and jump off the bridge and land on the ledge far below to get the Piece of Heart.

34. Gerudo Fortress **: While you're exploring the inside of the Fortress, look up and use the Hookshot on the exposed roof chest. You'll reach the Piece of Heart there, too!

35. Gerudo Fortress **: While you're riding Epona, your horse through Gerudo Fortress, you have to shoot at targets. If you score over 1,000 points, you'll win the Piece of Heart.

36. Spirit Temple **: When you are Young Link, plant a Magic Bean near the Temple's entrance. Then, come back later as Adult Link when the stalk has grown. Climb up it to find the Piece of Heart.

When you become an adult go to Lon Lon Ranch and talk to Ingo. He'll ask you to ride the horse for so many Ruppee, tell him yes. Then get out your Ocarina and play "Epona's song" and a horse with a white mane will come to you. Get on and use the minute he gave you to ride the horse. Then he'll ask you to race him. If you win he'll challenge you again and then you'll win the horse.

Ocarina Songs
Zelda's Lullaby--C-left, C-up, C-right, C-left, Cup, C-right
Epona's Song--C-up, C-left, C-right, C-up, C-left, C-right
Saria's Song--C-down, C-right, C-left, C-down, C-right, C-left
Sun's Song--C-right, C-down, C-up, C-right, C-down, C-up
Song of Time--C-right, A, C-down, C-right, A, C-down
Song of Storms--A, C-down, C-up, A, C-down, C-up
Minuet of Forest--A, C-up, C-left, C-right. C-left, C-right
Bolero of Fire--C-down, A, C-down, A, C-right, C-down, C-right, C-down
Serenade of Water--A, C-down, C-right, C-right, C-left
Requiem of Spirit--A, C-down, A, C-right, C-down, A
Nocturne of Shadow--C-left, C-right, C-right, A, C-left, C-right, C-down
Prelude of Light--C-up, C-right, C-up, C-right, C-left, C-up

Whack the Chicken
Whack a chicken (cuckoo) several times, then screen will close in around the chicken and suddenly you are attacked by several.

Chicken Throw
At the cuckoos game at lon lon ranch throw all the chickens behind the table in the corner (next to the owner) and then play the game and all the super cuckoos will run around the room, while the normal chickens will simply sit in the corner.

In the Kokiri Forest, look under rocks, in vases, and inside bushes to find 40 rupees. Then go buy the Deku Shield at the house with a red roof. Then go near the training center and crawl through a little hole in the wall. Dodge the boulder, then open the chest to find the Kokiri Sword.

Infinite Fairy in a Bottle
When you collect your first bottle, find a fairy and catch her in the bottle. Then anytime you are in a room where you can walk off the screen get close to the exit and use your fairy while Link is looking at you (towards the screen). If done correctly (gets easier with practice) the screen will shift behind him and he'll exit while the fairy is being used, and on the next screen, you will have gained all your life back and the fairy still in reserve.

Free Hylian Shield
Go to the Graveyard below Death Mountain at night and search under a grave with three flowers under it.

Free Lon Lon Milk
To get free Lon Lon Milk, play Epona's song for a cow in the den, make sure you have a bottle ready.

Hyrule Courtyard Friends
When your young Link and first sneak into the castle to talk to Zelda, before you go see her walk to the right (as soon as you walk into the courtyard facing Zelda) to the window. If you look through the window you'll notice pictures and paintings in some room with Mario, Bowser, Luigi, Yoshi, and the Princess! Stand to the right of the window and use the up C button to look at Yoshi, look at Luigi and if you shoot the window with your sling shot you'll get a Red Rupee

Catch a Butterfly
Whenever you see butterflies, you can whip out your Deku stick and carefully place the end on the butterfly. If done correctly, the butterfly will turn into a fairy, and you can catch it with your bottle. It is quite hard to do, but it is possible. If you are having trouble, try swinging your Deku stick at the butterfly.

Rupees trick:
Part 1:
Right after you cross the moat into Hyrule Castle Town, you will see a door to the right. Destroy the pots inside for rupees. Exit, enter again & repeat this process.

Part 2:
Go to Hyrule Castle Town during the day and go to the front drawbridge, carefully climb the chain that pulls the bridge up & stand at the very top, facing straight down the chain until nightfall (which is usually about every 3-4 mins). The Drawbridge will be pulled up but you will still be standing at the top, VERY carefully shimmy along the top of the drawbridge and as you do you will pick up between 60 and 99 rupees every time.

Lost Woods Path
The path for the Lost Woods is Right, Left, Right, Left, Forward, Left, Right.

Game Ending Secret
Listen to the song you played for the scarecrow
Here's a small bonus if you leave your Nintendo 64 on after beating this game. Wait a few minutes to hear the game play your scarecrow song! The game will play it again every couple of minutes.

1/4-Heart Container Shortcut
Get atop Dodongo's Cavern without a magic bean Remember the place where you threw down a bomb to blow a hole to go into Dodongo's Cavern? Go to the right corner of that little alcove fence that surrounds the bomb. Using the Z-button to keep the view on the bomb, do a backflip. You'll leap over the lower-edged portion of the fence onto the ledge above the cave entrance. Grab the heart container!

Free Fairies at Time Stones
The nearest healing point is closer than you think When Link's next to a time-telling song, pull out the Ocarina and play "Zelda's Lullaby" (some other songs may work as well). A fairy will appear, which you can keep in a bottle or use immediately.

Link As a Repair Man?
Magically fix signs damaged by swords Have you ever sliced a sign and didn't get a chance to read it first? If this happens, whip out the Ocarina and play "Zelda's Lullaby." You will see the sign magically repair itself right before your very eyes! It's not that great but it's worth watching once.

These Bugs Are Good for Link
Find skulltulas with the help of insects
First off, find an underground place or look under a rock to catch a bug in a bottle. Next, look for soft soil (squares with a black dot in the middle, where magic beans are normally planted). Drop the bugs onto the square. If you hear the familiar "found a secret" noise, it worked! Wait a few seconds, and a gold skulltula should pop out. However, this may not work on all soft soil areas.
Command And Conquer 64

Adjust battle screen

At the battle screen, hold L and press C-Up or C-Down to magnify and reduce the screen.


Build away from base

To build away from your base, simply create a chain of sandbags to the desired location.

Use opponent's structures and men

Use an engineer to get into your opponent's Mobile Construction Unit. This will allow use of your opponent's structures, men, and more.
Game Shark Codes

Brotherhood of NOD Codes

Infinite Money
800C50AE 00FF
Max Money
810C50B0 0001
Max Power
810C50D0 0001
Instant Build Buildings
810C50C6 FFFF
Instant Build Units
Instant Build Vehicles
810C50C2 FFFF
Instant Build Aircraft

GDI Codes

Infinite Money
800C4F06 00FF
Max Money
810C4F06 FFFF
810C4F08 0001
Max Power
810C4F26 FFFF
810C4F28 0001
Instant Build Buildings
Instant Build Units
810C4F16 FFFF
Instant Build Vehicles
Instant Build Aircraft
810C4F12 FFFF

Twoson-Winters from an Experienced Player
After I beat the poilce i went to Twoson, and i first went to get a mushroom off my head cause the stupid ramblin' evil mushroom spoored me. So i get my fifty bucks and go to the dept. store and get my slingshot. I next go to beat mr. Everdred it was very easy and i beat him on my first try unlike when i was younger. i give the apple kid his 200 dollars and a hamburger, and i'm off to the pencil statue it was no trouble getting to it cause i just doged the enemies and i get a call from the apple kid and go back with my pencil easer (i also get the teddy bear out of Paula's room) and go to Peacful rest valley once again easy cause this time i care about getting the items and i use my bike to get away sometimes. well i get the frankilin badge from Paula and bet the carpainter easy it only took me one try, and get paula and go to the mondo mole. Like usual paula dies before i can get to him but i don't care i just plaralize him and beat him the old way by bashing i caght the runway five and let the leave twoson with me.
Once i'm in Threed i just get my weapons and go to the graveyard and back to the hotel. One thing i have notice is that i don't talk to people as much i used to it is just a waste of time most of the time. Well i give these calls to Jeff my 3 favorite player next to Ness and Poo but i hate Paula beacuse she just dies and get to be stupid with her attacks. And i go off with tony to take all the cookies and stuff and go to maxwell to get my bad key machine and pop gun and holmes hat. and then i'm off to the unknown reaches of Winters or something like that.
By: HI87 next week the rest of Winters and Dusty Dunes

A Moondoggey Story

Ah. The night is cold, dark. Rainy. Just like in my soul. A storm rages within my mind that nothing can quell. A fire burns in my heart that no extinguisher could ever hope to put out. Except maybe a really big, giant extinguisher. The wind and lightning outside seem to call to me. I do my best to resist their siren song. My name? Gary MacDougall. My favorite color? Pink.

Moondoggey presents
Pinky In His Brain!
by Moondoggey

Pink. Yeah, that's right, pink. I can't help it. It began when I was a child back in Fourside. I was coming home from the movies with my parents, when an Annoying Reveler with a gun jumped out from the alley. He shot my parents right in front of me, then went to the Cafe. Later that week, in my room, a Mr. Batty crashed through my window. It was pink.
I knew the two events were interconnected somehow, and to avenge my parents, I pledged to become
pink in every aspect. I decorated my room with pink. Wore pink clothes. Dyed my hair pink. Everything. Then my aunt sent me to a therapist, and I stopped the pink stuff.
Then, recently, I became
pink again. Sadly, I can no longer embrace my pink heritage due to my job, and my religion. See, my job and my religion are the same thing. I'm a Happy Happist! We have to wear blue, live in blue houses, worship blue, paint things blue! I can't take it! Sure, I have pink wallpaper and pink furniture, but it's not enough! I wear pink clothes under my blue uniform, but it gets really hot in the summer!
I can be
blue no longer. I plan to make a stand. A pink stand. Tomorrow, the world better watch out.

"Hey Gary, how ya' doin'?" My neighbor, Fred. He leaves his house just as I leave, we're both on duty at the Cult Office today.
"I'm good, Fred, and yourself?" I engage in small talk. He'll notice eventually.
"Fine, Fine. My cousin Al was just beaten up by some Onett punk, though."
"Oh, tell him to get well."
"Thanks, I will. He's thinking of moving to Fourside. Hey Gary?"
"Yeah, Fred?" Here it comes.
"What's with the
pink?" Today, my entire uniform is pink. No more blue for me. I'll wear my pinkness on the outside from now on. And I don't care who knows it!
pink?" I say, and we head on over to the Cult Office.

Our job today is to stand in a big group and move our feet. Some guys get to move faster, though, and some get to move in a circle. I used to envy them, before the
pink returned. People point and stare, whispering about my change from the norm. I don't care.
You might be wondering why I remembered
pink recently. Well, Carpainter had kidnapped a young girl. He had me and Fred lock her in the North cottage. She wore pink. One look at her and the memories came flooding back! I was finally, truly happy! This explosion of pink, coming into my life! The emptiness inside me was filled. I volunteered to guard the cottage, to be near the pink, but some fat kid asked first. I think he's sweet on her.

Carpainter called me into his office during that flashback. He's asking me why I'm in
pink, why I don't want to happy like the rest of the Happyists. I tell him I can only be happy in pink. He says we'll discuss it later and tells me to return to my post.

Some kid is walking around here now. He looks sort of scared and confused, but determined. He's beat up a couple Happists, but we don't interfere, because that's not part of our job. He passes me, ready to beat up the next guy in his way, but suddenly turns around and speaks.
"Hey, guy, what's with the
"Everyone else is wearing
blue. Why aren't you?"
"I prefer
"Whatever. You're insane. I'm gonna go beat up this guy and save a psychic girl, then see a
blues concert."

Fifteen minutes later, we all wake up. Carpainter's hypnosis had been lifted off of us! Of course, it had already been lifted from me, so I didn't care, but everyone else was happy. There's talk of wearing
red, or lavender, or becoming a trapeze artist or a dentist! Free will is restored! Everyone gets to work repainting the houses. I want them to be pink.

Later, I see the Punk and the Girl, and thank them for bringing
pink back into my life. The Girl says I'm welcome, but the Punk reaches for his bat. They would make the cutest couple.

The End

End of Part 4
That's it for Part 4... Click Next for #5 - The EB section! Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 5
Date: 08/19/1999 9:55:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 66 Part 5
Date: 08/06/1999 12:09:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und, Cerineth, Skorbel4, TWSHyena
BCC: CrazedMogX

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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
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August 6th 1999
Issue 66

Intro to Part 5
Hey again! Welcome to Part 5. Here's the EarthBound section! Enjoy...

Earthbound Area Focus:

Threed is a very dark and gloomy city at first sight. The town has been run over by ghosts and zombies. The ghosts are under order of Belch who hides in another area past Threed. The citizens have formed a militia to try and stop the zombies from reaking havoc on the city. So far their actions have done nothing but provide a safe area inside a circus tent. Travel into the graveyard to find the source of the problems.

Items sold in Threed

Secret Arms dealer behind the pizza shop
-Toy Air Gun $215
-Bottle Rocket $29
-Bomb $149
-Rust Promoter $89

Threed Drug Store
-Cold remedy $22 -Minor Leage Bat $399
-Vial of Serum $58 -Thick Frying Pan $198
-Refreshing Herb $80 -Hard Hat $298
-Toothbrush $3 -Insecticide Spray $19
-Calorie Stick $18 -Copper Bracelet $349

Threed Bakery
-Cookies $7
-Bread Roll $12
-Croissant $18
-Skip Sandwhich $128
-Fruit Juice $4
-Coffee $6

Threed Fast Facts

-Population 1,500
-Zombies 2,000
-Temperature 62 F
-Rainfall 56"
-Pumpkin Patches 12
-Graveyards 2
-Dogs 2
-Lions, Tigers, Bears 0

Enemies in Threed

Handsome Tom Trick or Trick Kid Smelly Ghost
HP...133 HP...142 HP...194
PP...16 PP...0 PP...50
Speed...11 Speed...7 Speed...10
Offense...27 Offense...30 Offense...35
Defense...25 Defense...37 Defense...89

Putrid Moldy Man Urban Zomby Zombie Processor
HP...203 HP...171 HP...176
PP...0 PP...0 PP...0
Speed...9 Speed...10 Speed...30
Offense...36 Offense...31 Offense...28
Defense...41 Defense...24 Defense...19

No Good Fly

Threed Travel Steps

Go to the graveyard
Explore the graveyard looking through the trashbarrels until you come along 2 zombie guards blocking the path. You'll notice a type of door in the ground just ahead of them. Talk to the guards "you are unable to understand them" then be on your way out of the graveyard.

Get info about mysterious woman
Talk to a guy standing next to a building, he will mention a "hot looking chic" in front of the hotel.

Go into the hotel
Follow the mysterious blond haired woman into the hotel. Only to be ambushed by ghosts and zombies. After the attack you are brought to a secret jail cell beneath the graveyard. There Paula will use her psychic powers to call Jeff in Winters. Eventually Jeff will come and save you.
Winters is a quiet year round snow area. There is no big city but just a boarding school and a drug store. Inside this boarding school is where you will learn about your 3rd chaarcter, Jeff. Jeff is a very smart boy who was sent to the school by his father the famous scientist DR. Andonuts. Winters biggest attraction is Tess lake where it is rumored a giant prehistoric like dinosaur lives. Amazingly for some strange reason Tess lake never freezes even though the area is year round winter.

Snow Wood Drugstore
-T-Rex Bat $698
-Non-Stick Fry Pan $1,490
-Coin of Silence $2,500
-Picnic Lunch $24
-Skip Sandwhich DX $98
-Lucky Sandwhich $128
-Coffee $6

Enemies in the forest area
-Gruff Goat -Worthless Protoplasm
HP...45 HP...38
PP...0 PP...0
Speed...12 Speed...27
Offense...8 Offense...11
Defense...23 Defense...21

Use Jeff as your main Character
After using Paula's powers to call jeff, you find yourself playing jeff inside of a bording school. Explore the area collecting a few goodies. Talk to Jeff's older friend about sneaking out and he will give you an invention that allows bad keys to work.
Your roomate will help you hop over the fence and your journey to Threed will begin.

Get the Bubble Monkey
Just outside of the border school fence is a store, go inside and check it out. Inside a man will tell you to buy him a pack of bubble gum and he will give you a monkey for free. Buy him the gum and receive the bubble gum monkey.

Ride on Tessie
Make your way from the store through the woods down to the lake where the Tessie watchers are. There will be a couple tents where you can save, drink tea, and eat stew to recover HP and PP. There will be a small peninsula of land with a round spot of dirt sticking into the lake, here the bubble monkey will blow a giant bubble and float above the lake. Tessie will surface and carry you to the other side of the lake. Be sure you are ready to leave, becasue once on tessie I don't think you can get back across the lake until later in the game.

Go through the Brick Road Maze
Once on the south side of the lake you will come to a cave and an iron pencil blocking your way from proceeding south. Go into the cave and make your way through the maze, it's very easy and short.
Inside the maze there are 5 gift boxes with a bread roll, broken iron"repair to make Slime Generator" croissant, insectiside spray, and a stun gun for Jeff.

-Enemies in the maze
Mad Duck Worthless Protoplasm
HP...38 HP...51
PP...0 PP...0
Speed...27 Speed...30
Offense...11 Offense...12
Defense...21 Defense...24

Pond Cave
Once through the maze you will come to a small cave. Not much in here for now, just a few gift boxes and bad guys. Although there is 1 of the shining spots for Ness, but that comes later when the whole team is there. Explore the cave getting all the gift boxes and end up outside at Stonehenge.

-Enemies in this area
Arachnid Elder Batty Strong Crocodile
HP...216 HP...294 HP...417
PP...0 PP...0 PP...0
Speed...23 Speed...33 Speed...17
Offense...61 Offense...66 Offense...85
Defense...30 Defense...72 Defense...131

Visit DR. Andonuts in his lab
Not much to do here, explore a bit, there may be a gift box or two. Talk to DR. Andonuts and he will prepare you for your ride in his flying Sky Runner "UFO"
The "UFO" will take you automatically to Threed. There you will crash into the ground and end up inside the jail cell where Ness and Paula are being held.

-Enemies in this area
Cave Boy


Save the others in Threed
Jeff will use the Bad Key machine to open the locked cell door and escape.
Jeff joins the party and saves the day.

Defeat the evil tent
While the team was locked up a mysterious circus tent has appeared in southern Threed. Prepare yourself for a battle before confronting the tent
After beating the tent you will get a jar of fly honey, save this for a major battle a bit later in the game.

Get the Zomby Paper
After defeating the tent the Apple Kid will give you a call on the cell phone. He explains he invented a version of fly paper but it's much stronger and can trap zombies, exactly what you need. Place the zombie paper in the tent where the towns people gather. It'll be a while for the paper to take it's effect, so go to the hotel and rest, in the morning all the zombies will be trapped, stuck to the circus tent floor. Among the trapped victims are the 2 zomby guards blocking your path earlier in Threed. Now you have access to the underground tunnel.

Explore the underground tunnel
Inside the tunnel there are some pretty hard guys, you may want to avoid fighting enemies here unless your guys are high leveled. A good trick to use here is to enter and leave a room if there is an enemy there, if there is, exit the room and enter again, repeat this until there are no enemies in sight. This is also a good place to get EXP points, you may want to fight here for a while and keep going back to the hotel to freshen up. At the end of the tunnel is a small version of Master Belch. This little pile of puke will smell the Fly honey on you and question you, but you'll end up fighting him no matter what. For such a small guy he can give a good fight, be prepared.

Enemies in the tunnel
Zombie Processor Zombie Dog

HP...176 HP...210
PP...0 PP...0
Speed...30 Speed...30
Offense...28 Offense...39
Defense...19 Defense...51

Gift Boxes in the cave
These are inside the 2 coffins
-Skip Sandwhich DX
-Silver Bracelet

Saturn Valley
After exiting the tunnel you will be in a grassy area surrounded by water, follow the path along the water to a small cave. On the other side of that cave is the village Saturn Valley.

Enemies in this area
Armored Frog Plain Crocadile Violent Roach
HP...202 HP...234 HP...209
PP...0 PP...0 PP...0
Speed...37 Speed...10 Speed...35
Offense...108 Offense...40 Offense...30
Defense...7 Defense...55 Defense...26

Gift Boxes in this area
-Protein Drink

Thats all for the Threed area strategy guide, next up is Saturn Valley.

The world of Earthbound is rich in odd items that can be picked up during your journey. Many of the items are strange versions of average, everyday things. You can use some of the items only once, but you can't get rid of others, even if you try. An important step to successfully fulfiling your destiny is effectively using the delivery and storage services in the game. If you hold noly those items that are necessary, you have the chance to maximize the food and healing items that you are carrying. Check out the following list to get an idea of what is good to carry around with you.

About the chart

The following list explains what effects various items have. Any item with a * next to the price cannot be purchased but can be sold for half the amount listed. Abbreviations have the following meanings;
GB= Found in a box- SH= Purchased in a shop
PE=Person gives you the item- EN= Obtained from an enemy
CH= Check, or search for the item- ( )= Where to find prior to repair.

Item Price Comments Location
ATM Card $0 Needed to withdraw or deposit cash. -
Backstage Pass $0 Use at the Chaos theatre in Twoson. PE
Bad Key Machine $0 Opens doors or locks that otherwise won't PE
Bag of Dragonite *$1000 Use to turn into a dragon for a single attack. GB
Bazooka *$950 Used only by Jeff, hits multiple enemies. SH
Bicycle $0 Lets only one person ride at a time. PE
Big Bottle Rocket $139 Used only by Jeff, better than bottlerocket. SH
Bomb $149 Hits multiple enemies once. SH/GB
Bottle Rocket $29 Used only by Jeff, hits 1 enemy once. SH
Brain Stone $0 Keeps you from being "held" in battle. -
Bubble Gum $1 Give to the bubble monkey. SH
Carrot Key $0 Moves rabbit statues to Pink Cloud cave. GB
Chick *$25 If kept long enough, becomes a chicken. -
Chicken *$220 Sell for cash, will escape if used. -
Contact Lens $0 Can be exchanged for a pair of socks CH
Counter-PSI Unit $0 Used by Jeff Counter enemies PSI attack. (GB)
Cup of Lifenoodles *$178 Brings dead character back to life. GB/PE
Defense Shower $0 Used by Jeff, increases defense of allies. (GB)
Defense Spray $500 Increases 1 persons defense. SH
Diamond $0 Used to pay off Runaway 5's debt. PE
Erasrer-Eraser $0 Erases the iron eraser of Stonehenge PE
Exitmouse $0 Used to find way out of a maze. PE
For Sale Sign $0 Customers appear anytime to buy goods. SH
Frankling Badge $0 Deflects thunder attacks. PE
Hand-Aid *$19 User Fully recovers HP. PE
Handbag Strap *$39 Freezes an enemy during battle. PE
Hawk Eye $0 Use to light up the Deep Darkness. CH
Heavy Bazooka $0 Used only by jeff, very powerful. (GB)
HieroGlyph Copy $0 Explains how to open the pyramid PE
HP-Sucker *$800 Used by Jeff, enemies HP is given to Jeff. (GB)
Hungry HP-Sucker $0 Used by Jeff, takes HP from all enemies. (GB)
Insecticide Spray $19 Spray on insect type monsters. SH/GB
Insignificant Item *$2 Return to owner for a Magic Truffle. CH
Jar of Fly Honey $0 Use on Master Belch to stun him. CH
Key to the Cabin $0 Opens cabin door in Peaceful Rest Valley. EN
Key to the Locker $0 Doesn't open Jeff's locker. PE
Key to the Shack $0 Opens the travelers shack in Onett. PE
Key to the tower $0 Use to enter "Dungeon Man" PE
King Banana $0 Moves monkey from a doorway. GB
Meteorite Piece $0 Needed for the third phase distorter CH
Meteornium *$2000 Sell for a moderate amount of money. EN
meteotite *$4000 Sell for big money. EN
Monkey's Love $0 Freezes an enemy during battle. PE
Multi Bottle Rocket $2139 Used by Jeff Strongest Rocket. SH
Mummy Wrap $128 Freezes an enemy during battle. SH/GB
Neautralizer $0 Used by Jeff, removes enemies PSI effects. GB
Pair of Dirty Socks *$2 Freezes an enemy during battle. PE
Pencil Eraser $0 Erases pencil statues. PE
Pharaoh's Curse *$290 Freezes an enemy during battle.
Picture Postcard $2 No Effect SH/PE
Piggy nose $300 Use to find Magic Truffles. SH
Protractor $2 Use to get an angel on things in battle. SH/GB
Receiver Phone $0 Receives important calls. PE
Ruler $2 Use to size things up in battle. SH/GB
Rust Promoter $89 Use against mechanical enemies SH/GB
Rust Promoter DX $289 Stronger version of rust promoter SH/GB
Shield Killer $0 Used by Jeff, kills enemies shield. (SH)
Show Ticket $30 Ticket for the Topolla theatre SH
Shyness Book $0 Cures the Tenda's of shyness. CH
Signed Banana $0 Gets you into Magnet Hill. PE
Slime Generator *$420 Used by Jeff, freezes an enemy. (SH)
Snake $220 Poisons an enemy. SH/GB
Snake Bag $290 Poisons an enemy. SH
Sound Stone $0 Records melodies of sanctuary locations. -
Stag Beetle $8 Temporarily freezes an enemy. SH/PE
Sudden Guts Pill $500 Increases guts during battle. GB/SH
Super Bomb $399 Same effect as heavy bazooka SH/GB
Super Plush Bear $1198 Absorbs damage from enemy attacks. SH/GB
Suporma *$50 Playes song about the Orange kid. PE
Teddy Bear $178 Absorbs enemy attacks. SH/GB
Tendakraut $0 Use to enter Tenda Village. PE
Tiny Ruby $0 Enter hieroglyph room at museum with it. PE
Toothbrush $3 Freezes an eenmy during battle. (SH)
Town Map $0 Use to view the layout of a town. PE
Trout Yogurt *$48 Recover 30 HP Poo recovers 6 HP. PE
Viper $550 Poisons an enemy. SH/GB
Wad of Bills $0 Neded to rescue Runaway 5. PE
Xterminator Spray $630 Kills insect like monsters in battle. SH
Yogurt Dispenser $0 Gives acces to monotoli buildings's 48th floor. SH
Zombie Paper $0 Traps zombies the the ground in Threed. PE

Earthbound What If's

Ok, this week we've got some What If's from club members, feel free to send your to Me. They will most likely be put in the Newsletter with your name next to them, and if you come up with a really good batch of them it may be worth a promo, but probably not. I will probably be putting in about 5-10 of my own every week.

What if the buble gum monkey was never in the store in Winters?
What if Stonhenge was never invaded by aliens or starmen?
What if Gygas turned out to be a lost untrue legend?

Earthbound never came to the US. What would happen to this club?

Bid Pyro007:
...Jeff was a school dropout?
...Poo was from the "West Side"?
...Ness hated baseball?
...Ben Franklin had nothing to do with electricity? (Franklin Badge and such)
...Crows weren't spiteful?
...the lead singer of the Runaway Five quit?
...Diamonds were worthless?
...there was no such thing as 'Rockin' because rock-and-roll was never invented?
...PSI stood for Please Stay Inside?

What If the moles that help you were actualy spys for the Giygas...

Mach Pizza didn't deliver?
Buzz Buzz didn't buzz?
Ghost of Starman ate a Cup of Lifenoodles? Would he just be a Starman?
Drinking Pepsi gave Poo PP?
The Onett meteor was actually a government cover up?
Master Barf took some Pepto Bismal?

ZeZa Jrahm:
-Ness didn't help Pokey
-Buzz Buzz never showed up
-The Desert Traffic Jam never cleared up
-Poo failed his training
-The Runaway Five hated kids

...Ness didn't summon all of his courage and come back to fight?
...Ness dropped the soundstone?
...Paula wasn't kidnapped, would you not fight mondo mole?
...The library didn't give out free maps?
...Someone else had taken out the book on overcoming shyness?
...The Tendas were outgoing?
...Master Belch took a bath?
...Pokey took a bath?

Those were pretty good as a whole so keep sending them in I like to have a wide selection to choose from. If yours did not appear this week don't worry because they will probably be here next week. And if not then the week after, I really get tons of these and you guys know if I put too many in you won't read them. Feel free to send in more, though, if you've already sent some in.

I know that this part was incredibly short... But if YOU send in EB Articles, in can get a lot bigger again... That's it for this week, see you Saturday at the meeting!!!
