The Moonside EarthBound Club Led by RedArwing3 (Formerly RedArwing)

E-Mail: Instant Messenger: RedArwing3
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Newsletter 23 August 25th E-mailed to you by kwalka. (Postman)

News & Updates
Mother 3 Officially Cancelled
- Yes, it is a sad day in EarthBound history... As of August 21st, 2000, Mother 3, otherwise known as EarthBound 64 has been cancelled... You can read the full story here. Don't get all depressed though, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the end. You can sign the EarthBound 64 Petition, which already has over 8,700 signatures, I believe. Hopefully we will one day see this game... until then, let's just enjoy EarthBound all the more!

Game Boy Advance at Spaceworld 2000 But hey! Cheer up! They did reveal Game Boy Advance!!! And I gotta tell you, it looks good. Among the titles planned for release are
Mario Kart ( ! ) and a new Mega Man game... I have not seen a complete prototype of the actual system, but I assume it will look similar to Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Color...

A List of Game Boy Advance Titles Already Announced: ...and Game Boy Color
Konami's Wacky Racing Silent Hill Donkey Kong Country
Golf Master Mario Kart Advance Pokemon Puzzle League GB
Kuru Kuru Kuru Rin Golden Sun Zelda: Triforce Series/Chapter of Gaia
Napoleon Mega Man EXE The Legend of Stafi

IMPORTANT: E-Mail Problems - Hey guys, bit of a problem here. It turns out that its hard for me to send mail to so many AOL users from my web-mail address. (I lost AOL, remember) So, kwalka may be sending you the newsletters for a while now... Do me a favor and try not to reply to the newsletter, but use the various links posted all over the newsletter. That would help a lot. Thanks. If you need to reply for any random reason,use the e-mail links at the top and bottom of the text body. Thanks.Its hard enough to have kwalka send it out, let alone forward me all of your generous replies...

New Members and Chrono - Not much to report this week, Chrono Cross is out, and read the review below to decide whether or not you want to buy it. I haven't seen any new members lately, so if you know someone who wants to join the club, please e-mail me with their name!

Vote For the NL Background!
- I need to distinguish a good background color for the newsletter, I kinda like this one (Light Yellow) or white. I want it to be simple and not too attention-grabbing... I may just stick with this color though...
Vote from these choices:
___Vote___ ___Vote___ ___Vote____ ___Vote___ ____(white)____
Yellow Light Blue Light Green Light Gray Plain White
Keep it the way it is. (Light Yellow)

Table of Contents

1. Intro/News
2. Table of Contents
3. Moonside Ranks
4. Member Info/Promotions & Demotions
5. Moonside Trivia
6. Moonside Polls
7. Game Reviews
8. Moonside Battle Arena
9. Moonside Interviews
10. Member's Top Five
11. Advertisements
12. Conclusion & Next Issue Highlights

Ranks Update: New Ranks are in!!! Just because the upper ranks are not filled up doesn't mean you are not worthy of the position!!! I thought it would be a good idea to start the ranks near the bottom so promotions and demotions will be easier to chart. (Instead of, say some one being randomly chosen near tohe top of the ranks, and then cannot be necessarily promoted...) So don't be mad if you are a Sentry Robot, and someone who put in the same amount of effort as you is a Cafe Regular. Ranks should change drastically over the next few weeks...

Member of the Week
is this weeks member of the week, only because I couldn't have restarted this club without him! He's been a great help with the newsletters and everything, sending them out when I couldn't, and helping me edit the new mailing list too. Thanks, kwalka.

1. Invisible Man - RedArwing
2. Jackie (as in Jackies Cafe) -
3. Abstract Art -
4. Musica -
5. Dali's Clock -
6. Scalding Coffee -
7. Mystical Record -
8. Dungeon Man -
9. Hotel Darkmoon Clerk -
10. Hotel Darkmoon Bell-boy -
11. Doorman -
12. Monotoli -
13. Moonside Museum Owner -
kwalka Member of the Week
14. Moonside Museum Security - HardCoreMatingly
15. Cafe Junkie - CrazedMogX
16. Cafe Janitor - Cheesy316
17. Cafe Regular - Magusmuta, Red jewel7,, Achrono127,,, OnettNess, Ava Fm, BuckDawg23, ALLEN BEAR, Ragnarosen,
18. Enraged Fire Plug - Fmbw15,CreamdCrn, FF24EVER, DRC6265, Afro Tenda, Ness3Toad II, Haplo859, Smart625, Lotus1438
19. Sentry Robot - Bluegoo26, N64Boy6464, Airhead539,, IHIEADsDead, EBG Ness, Kid of Seph, JAY3983
20. Moonside Citizens - Unlisted Members
21. Mani Mani -
22. Robo Pump -
23. Neon Lighting Director
24. Ruffini
25. Warp Men-

Member Info/Promotions and Demotions
I have done something worthy of a promotion
In the club, you are promoted and demoted according to your behavior and participation. I'll be straight with you: If you don't do anything, you won't be demoted. Yes I meant to write DEmoted. I understand if you just want to join the club and read newsletters. I used to do that when I was in other clubs. If you purposely try to harm the club, you will be demoted, and only then. You can be promoted though, and with promotion comes great happiness! Here are the top five things you can do to get promoted:

1. Send me an old Moonside Newsletter: Promoted 3 Ranks!
2. Recruit 5 members: Promoted 1 Rank
3. Advertise on EB Message Boards: Promoted 1 Rank (If i get more members because of the ad, you are promoted again) Note: I have no AOL, so I cannot do this anymore = VERY IMPORTANT.
4. Help find other clubs to advertise with: Promoted Once
5. Help with Web Design and Logos: Twice Promoted

You need to notify me of your accomplishment though, did you think that a promotion would come automatically?!? I would prefer you send old Newsletters, or help with logos!!! ~Red

Weekly EarthBound Trivia

Last Weeks Answers:
1. Who am I? I give you a teddy bear when I join you...
2. Unscramble this: Pinings Boro
Spinning Robo (They're getting harder...)
3. Who gives you the Fly Honey?
Monster Tent
4. Why do you answer the door???
Someone is knocking on it...
5. Where is the 'Darkmoon Hotel' located?

This Week's Trivia:
1. Who am I? If you ask nicely, I will accompany you in the strange world of Magicant.
2. Unscramble This: Yopek
3. Who gives you the Yogurt Dispenser?
4. Why does Jeff leave Snow Wood?
5. Where does the Apple Kid live?
I know the answers

Make up a trivia for the newsletter!!!
Yes! YOU can submit some trivia answers! See if you can stump the entire club! The trivia in this newsletter is NOT random questions. My trivia usually follows a simple formula, which you may have not previously noticed. The formula:
1. A simple Who am I? question with a hint.
2. An "Unscramble This" question
3. A "who" question.
4. A "why" question.
5. A "where" question.
You may follow this formula or not. All I ask is 5 good trivia questions. So, why not Make up some trivia?

Moonside Polls
Last week I asked you about the newly released masterpiece, Chrono Cross. This is how you responded:

Game Reviews

This week in Reviews:
~ Chrono Cross
~ Write-a-Review Guide

Chrono Cross

by RedArwing
Simply put, this game is good. Granted, with a few tweaks they could've called it "Final Fantasy IX", but that is not a problem. Since this is only the second of what will (hopefully) be a long line of Chrono games, I guess we can't expect the same characters and setting every time. Square has proven this with the FF Series. Chrono Cross (CC) does have more similarities when compared with Chrono Trigger than if, say FF7 was compared with FF4. (Aside from the Chocobos and Moogles)
Anyways, onto the gameplay. The game is your standard RPG with mini-games and subquests with the twist of alternate dimensions added in. So in CT you would travel back in time to obtain a certain object, in CC you would do travel to an Alternate Co-exisiting World to do the same. The battle system is interesting, when your menu pops up, you have the choice of executing a weak, strong, or fierce attack. Like Xenogears, you can execute more weak attacks, and less fierce attacks in a "turn". In CC however, your fierce attack has a lower accuracy percentage than the weak attack, and when one of your weak attacks connects, the fierce percentage goes up. So you might use a combo of Weak, Weak, Strong, Fierce for example. By the time you executed a fierce attack, the hit percentage next to "Fierce" would be at 90% instead of 67% as it was before the combo. This interesting combat system adds depth to the game in a way that Xenogears also did...
After you have executed a combo, your element level will have reached it's peak. (Presumably) When this happens you can use any one of your elements that you have equipped to 7 different strength levels. Your strength levels grow throughout the game.
Some enemies are more vulnerable to ice or fire attacks, and this can be changed with the "Turn Red" or "Turn Blue" elements. If you used "Turn Red" on an enemy who's Innate color was already Blue, he would then become vulnerable to Ice + Water attacks, even though before they healed him. This Field Effect system also applys to the enviroment, so if you are in a watery are, fire would work best, and vice versa.
The plot is very involved and deep, much like the original's. I won't tell you anything about the plot, because I don't want to spoil anything. The general plot is guessable though if you know anything about the game or it's predecessor.
My only arguement is the whole Chrono Trigger Worldly feel isn't always present. I loved the first one so much, that I want to be reminded that this is it's sequel every second. I was hoping for more subtle similarities like the text font and battle music. Don't get me wrong though, it's a very worthy sequel. With a supporting cast of over 40 different playable characters, it's impossible to get them all to join your party in one play through the game. For instance, by choosing one character, another who could've taken his place is no longer available. Cha-ching, can you say 'Replay Value'?

Graphics - 9.5 - Some of the best on the PlayStation, the Cinemas are beautiful.
Replay - 8.5 - 40 Characters can join your party, In one play through the game, you can't get all of them. (I think I already missed a few)
Fun - 9.0 - A great RPG to keep you up at night, I'm just afraid I'll finish it too fast...
Gameplay - 9.5 - Unique battle system and great RPG Mechanics.
Quality - 10 - Square didn't slack off on this one.
Overall - 10 - One great game. Now one of my favorites.

It's simple, It's easy, and it's fun! You can write a review for the MWN! Just send me an e-mail with the review of a game of your choice, and I'll post in the Newsletter!
You can follow my review scale, or make up your own!
My Scale:
Graphics: 1-10 (Good or bad)
Replay: 1-10 (Would you play it over and over?)
Fun: 1-10 (Well, is it FUN???)
Gameplay: 1-10 (Game Mechanics)
Quality: 1-10 (Cheaply made: Quest 64, High Quality: Metal Gear Solid)
Overall: 1-10 (Not an average, just overall)

Send in a review!

Battle Arena
Last week's battle to the death: Ness' Nightmare vs. Mani-Mani!!! Who won? Well, we'll just have to see how the battle went....

::Little known fact: After the Mani-Mani was defeated by Ness, Pokey glued it back together! The Mani -Mani wanted another chance at Ness, so it set off to Magicant to try and impersonate Ness' Nightmare...
::When the Mani-Mani arrived, the Nightmare was outraged at its intentions, so they began to fight. They had almost identical attacks, but the Nightmare had the advantage, having the ability to use Ness' attacks...

Moonside Interviews
This week in interviews: BuckDawg23

Still to come:
Click Here to be interviewed

RedArwing interviews BuckDawg23
or: 9 questions with BuckDawg23

What do you think of me bringing this club back? Did you
like it before?

BuckDawg23: I don't really remember, I was more concerned with The Sharks back then, now that was a kick ass club....

RedArwing: Where and when did you first hear about EarthBound?

BuckDawg23: When I was about 11 or 12 i think, but it was at Scott Turecek (Cheesy316)'s house, he had the game, and then i saw how great it was.

RedArwing: What are your favorite games right now?

BuckDawg23: Chrono Trigger and Cross, Legend of Dragoon, and I've always loved Secret of Mana.

RedArwing: You got Chrono Cross?

BuckDawg23: Hell yes! Chrono Trigger was the greatest game of all time in my mind, so I had no other option.

RedArwing: What other clubs have you been a member of?

BuckDawg23: Many, The sharks, EB gang, that one that nikolia made, and my own, the fuzzy pickles, and more probably...

RedArwing: When did you join Moonside, and what are your memories of it?

BuckDawg23: I dont know when i joined and i really dont remember anything about it, i guess
when it came roaring back was a memory.

RedArwing: [ "Oh yeah..."] Do you deserve a promotion?

BuckDawg23: Sure

RedArwing: Why? (Heh heh heh...)

BuckDawg23: I filled out this interview did I not?

RedArwing: True...Any parting thoughts you want to share?

BuckDawg23: Yea, everyone should be RPG fans, if you don't like RPGs, you suck, thank you.

Member's Top Five

This section is a member's top five list. You can send in a top five list of your favorite games, or your favorite anyhting. To start off here's my top five RPGs of all time, and maybe even my top five games ever:

1. Chrono Trigger - Definately my fovorite RPG. One of the games that got me hooked on the genre... I just love everything about it, the magic, tech, characters, setting, everyhting.
2. Final Fantasy VII - Every time I play this it seems to get better. My favorite part is the slums and Midgar at the beginning of the game... I love the music and all too. I remember everything about my life when this game came out... truly an event.
3. Chrono Cross - My newest game on the list, it may climb higher as I progress through the game, and it may fall... so far I've been enjoying it more and more, and I hope I'll have the same experience I had with CT, and play this game for years to come...
4. EarthBound - Why say more? You all know why everyone loves this game. It actually has some sentamental value to me since my friend got me into it, and then he moved away...
5. Xenogears - Great, Long Game... This is from the creators of CT and CC.

Send in your top five.

Well? Advertise your club or website here!!! C'mon people!

Well, another week come and gone. School has started, and as I'm sure you know it will be harder to put out newsletters, but I'll try. I was thinking of writing a hideously big monthly newsletter, but only for when I have no time for weekly ones or when I'm out of town.
I've had less time to play Chrono Cross, but that's good, because it will take me forever to finish it, and it kinda reminds me of that long September in 1995 when I first played the original. I was young, it was hard, and it took me years to beat it... I think it was because I didn't want it to end. I kept putting off the final boss, and looking for other side-quests. Yes, that was a great game. I had no strategy guide to ruin my fun. FFVIII was ruined for me by that gosh-darn strategy guide... don't know why I bought it. I think it's much better to wait until you have finished the game, and then maybe buy a strategy guide to go back and find all of the secrets... anyways, I'm rambling on. I'll see you next week.



Moonside EarthBound Club 2000
Moonside is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Shigesato Itoi, or APE Software
Moonside has been run by
RedArwing (Now RedArwing3) since it's birth in Early 1998
Moonside is currently home to
34 EarthBound fans
The Official Moonside Website
is here!
¤ Moonside 2000, 1999, 1998 ¤