The Moonside EarthBound Club Led by RedArwing3 (Formerly RedArwing)
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Newsletter 22 August 18

News and Updates
- Sorry about the absence last week, I was lucky enough to get kwalka to send out the August 4th issue... Not much as far as News goes.... Our web page is looking pretty good! Why not post alink on the message boards and see if it attracts any members? Eh? Just kidding, send in some ideas for the page or newsletter! Well, here it comes, this'll be the best newsletter yet!

- Chrono Cross, the incredible sequel to 1995's SNES masterpiece is in stores NOW, so if you know what's good for you, go buy it, it's more important than this newsletter! Trust me, this game is one of the most incredible RPGs ever... It could even be more triumphant than FFIX, which arrives in stores November 15th...


Table of Contents

1. Intro/News
2. Table of Contents
3. Moonside Ranks
4. Member Info/Promotions & Demotions
5. Moonside Trivia
6. Moonside Polls
7. Game Reviews
8. Moonside Battle Arena
9. Moonside Interviews
10. Advertisements
11. Conclusion & Next Issue Highlights
12. Disclaimer

Ranks Update: Soon the ranks will be filled in! Sorry for the delay, but I needed to know how to put up the ranks... - Red

Since we are missing many members, ranks will not be completely filled until I can determine who is still in the club. Until then, here are a list of ranks that will soon be filled by new and old members alike!!!

1. Invisible Man - RedArwing
2. Jackie (as in Jackies Cafe) - Kwalka
3. Abstract Art - HardCoreMatingly
4. Musica -
5. Dali's Clock -
6. Scalding Coffee -
7. Mystical Record -
8. Dungeon Man -
9. Hotel Darkmoon Clerk -
10. Hotel Darkmoon Bell-boy -
11. Doorman -
12. Monotoli -
13. Moonside Museum Owner -
14. Moonside Museum Security -
15. Cafe Junkie -
16. Cafe Janitor -
17. Cafe Regular -
18. Enraged Fire Plug -
19. Sentry Robot -
20. Mani Mani -
21. Moonside Citizen -
22. Robo Pump -
23. Neon Lighting Director
24. Ruffini
25. Warp Men-

Member Info/Promotions and Demotions

In the club, you are promoted and demoted according to your behavior and participation. I'll be straight with you: If you don't do anything, you won't be demoted. Yes I meant to write DEmoted. I understand if you just want to join the club and read newsletters. I used to do that when I was in other clubs. If you purposely try to harm the club, you will be demoted, and only then. You can be promoted though, and with promotion comes great happiness! Here are the top five things you can do to get promoted:

1. Send me an old Moonside Newsletter: Promoted 3 Ranks!
2. Recruit 5 members: Promoted 1 Rank
3. Advertise on EB Message Boards: Promoted 1 Rank (If i get more members because of the ad, you are promoted again) Note: I have no AOL, so I cannot do this anymore = VERY IMPORTANT.
4. Help find other clubs to advertise with: Promoted Once
5. Help with Web Design and Logos: Twice Promoted

I would prefer you send old Newsletters, or help with logos!!! ~Red

Weekly EarthBound Trivia
Last weeks answers:

1. Who am I? I give you lots of money after you rescue paula in Twoson Everdred
2. Unscramble this: Malada Dalaam
3. Who is the first person you talk to in the game? Tracy (varies)
4. Why does Ness turn into a robot toward the end of the game? To use Phase Distorter
5. Where do you defeat the Mani-Mani? Moonside

This Week's Trivia:

1. Who am I? I give you a teddy bear when I join you...
2. Unscramble this: Pinings Boro
3. Who gives you the Fly Honey?
4. Why do you answer the door???
5. Where is the 'Darkmoon Hotel' located?

Send in Trivia!!!

Moonside Weekly Polls

Last Week's Poll Results:
Last week I asked you what the coolest music is in EarthBound, a poll I have used over and over. I use the poll over and over because I think that the music in EarthBound is one of it's best qualities, and very unique. Download some MP3s from napster, or Here are the results from last week's poll:

What is the Coolest Music in EarthBound???
1. Onett Theme (40%)
2. Runaway 5 Theme (40%)
3. Moonside Theme (20%) [Just a note: Although this theme is almost not really music, I think it's still cool, with the wierd sound effects and warped tunes... - Red]
4. Sky Runner (0%)
5. Naming Characters (0%)

This Week's Poll:
With the recent release of Chrono Cross, I thought I would expand our horizons and publish a poll about the game. Fans of the original have said that the sequel should be more like the first game, and that CC doesn't capture the feeling of the first game. How do you feel about this?

1. I think Chrono Cross should stick to the original CT formula.
2. I think Chrono Cross should be a completely different game in terms of enviroment, music, characters, etc... (Like the Final Fantasy Series)
3. I'm sure it's fine the way it is.
4. I have no idea, I never played either of the games.
5. It should've had a monkey as the hero!!!

Send in a reason for your response!

Game Reviews
Game Reviews!!! Yay! I'm so happy to be providing you with my superior knowledge. As you all know, Chrono Cross, the sequel to the amazingly fantastic game Chrono Trigger, is in stores NOW!!! (Go ahead, go buy it, this newsletter's not going anywhere...) And you will soon be reading a review for it, as soon as I have played the game enough to give you my full opinion. I just got back from vacation, and I need some time to play it. Hmm... let's see.... all night?!? For now, I will satisfy your appetite with a review for Perfect Dark, the last game I bought...

Perfect Dark
Nintendo 64
by Red (Write a Review!
Well, I gotta tell ya, Goldeneye was a terrific game, and this one is just as good! The setting is always changing and always cool. (I like the first level, and the submarine one.) The graphics are the best ever for N64, and I think this game is the pinnacle of the N64's career... (Still waiting for Conker's Bad Fur Day...) The game's structure and gameplay is relatively twin to that of Goldeneye007. The game consisits of many levels, and secret bonus missions after you beat perfect agent and all that.. I beat the game in 4 days... (I have a life, but exams were just finished, and i didn't want to think... and the game was kinda easy...) but don't worry, there's still a challenge... i used some online hints too, please don't stone me... Overall, a great game, definately worth picking up!

Note: I heard that this was the first M-Rated game for N64, but I think I remember a game called "Shadowman" being the first M-Rated title last year... any comments?

Overall: 9.6
Graphics: 9.7
Gameplay: 9.6
Fun: 9.6
Quality: 9.5

Battle Arena
Last week in the Moonside Battle arena: Kraken, one of the most ferocious enemies in all of EarthBound, vs. the Worthless Protoplasm, one of the weakest most pathetic enemies on the planet!!! Guess who won? Well here's how it went down....

Kraken showed up completely sure he would win, but try as he might, he had trouble hurting the little protoplasm. The battle went on like this for hours, with no clear lead, but in a split second act, the protoplasm was able to mold itself intoa wierd shape and completely cut off the Kraken's air supply!!!
Kraken was destroyed!
Worthless Protoplasm Wins!
(Yeah, I know it's stupid and unbelievable, but hey, you guys voted for the Protoplasm!)

This Week in the Moonside Battle Arena:
It's the evil Mani Mani vs. the sinister Ness' Nightmare!!!
Feel free to supply a reason with your vote!

Mani Mani or Ness' Nightmare?
Who would win?

Moonside Interviews
This week I'll be interviewing Cheesy316!
Among those who have already signed up for an interview:

1. JAY3983
2. BuckDawg23
(You do not have to click again)
Click here to apply for an interview!

RedArwing interviews Cheesy316

RedArwing: So, cheesy, *ahem*, where did YOU first hear about
EarthBound, and why did you like it?

Cheesy316: Myself i first got Word of Earthbound at a local toys R' US, i saw a
big poster with the opening scene and for then on i was hooked i first liked
it for the big spacecraft and the cast of charectors were kids and a dog
not to mention the best enemy in the game MOLE PLAYIN' RUFF.

RedArwing: What do you think of me bringing this club back? Did you
like it before?

Cheesy316: Bringing back this club is a good idea in theroy but EB has gotten way too old and no one new will join so you member rate will just drop, but I
guess its cool.

RedArwing: Are you a big fan of RPGs overall? Do you plan on buying
Chrono Cross or the upcoming Final Fantasy IX?

Cheesy316: I just got Chrono Cross and this game is the best RPG out there right now and yes i shall get psx2 and get ff9 and hope and pray they don't have the same junction system cuz it sucks real bad.

RedArwing: Don't worry I don't think they will. What are your current favorite games? Favorite game of all

Cheesy316: MY fav game right now is still Madden 64 i just got back into it and I
must get revenge on Dick Butkus and the 77' bears i also like monster
rancher wrestlemania 2000 and a little mario or Waliea Golf

RedArwing: What other clubs are you in?(EarthBound or not EarthBound)

Cheesy316: I'm a hardcore paintballplayer so im in those and a paintball team and I'm in the new elite EB for the famus men just like me if youre one of the 50
you know what im talking about.

RedArwing: What's your view of theEarthBound 64 "crisis"?

Cheesy316: Damn right Crisis i started that damn revolution and the crisis in
question is large and its all about how damn old EB is getting and if you've been
in there eB clubs as long as i have you known it aint as great as ol'

RedArwing: Any suggestions or ideas for theclub?

Cheesy316: Merge with another club and make it big so the decline in people won't be as noticable and try to get people involved

RedArwing: Any parting words you would liketo share with us?

Cheesy316: Team demolition Mass paintball kicks ass autocockers 4life

RedArwing: Right. Thanks for letting me "interview" you.

Send in an Ad?

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*AOL Members only*

Conclusion and Next Issue Highlights
Well I think that the club is finally getting back on track and I think this newsletter is our best one so far in terms of substance. Expect a full review of Chrono Cross next week. In the meantime, go out and buy it. Trust me, this game is good enough to buy without reading a review of any sorts. Plus they spoil some stuff no atter how hard they try not to. Don't worry, no spoilers next issue! More Interviews, Polls, and trivia next week! Now, back to Chrono Cross....



Moonside EarthBound Club 2000
Moonside is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Shigesato Itoi, or APE Software
Moonside has been run by
RedArwing (Now RedArwing3) since it's birth in Early 1998
Moonside is currently home to
34 EarthBound fans
The Official Moonside Website
is here!
Moonside 2000, 1999, 1998