The Moonside EarthBound Club Weekly Newsletter, Issue 20 - by RedArwing

July 21, 2000. This is an EB Club, If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, click here.
If You are Still With me, CLICK HERE!!!

-=Welcome back to Moonside! I'm deciding to bring back the club for a while, after a long hiatus. I know we have lost many members, but that shouldn't stop us. A lot of the excitement in the EarthBound Online Community has died down, and it's sad to see. I hope that you all know that the reason the club has been quiet for so long, is that I no longer have AOL. I can use it again now, and I hope everyone is OK with that. My e-mail address in, and my AOL IM name is also RedArwing2. (Update your buddy lists!) I'm still the same Red, but for some reason, I couldn't get the same screen name back.
I hope we can turn this club into a fun, casual activity that everyone will be involved in. Expect the Newsletters to be smaller than they once were, I don't want to include anyhting irrelevent or space-consuming. I hope everyone can help to recruit new members and make up for all of the members we have lost. Expect to see all of the old features in the newsletter like interviews, polls, who would win, trivia, stories, and game discussion. Also, Moonside will soon have a website at Angelfire! I hope all of you will be interested in joining the club. Also, if any of you have any or know where I can find old Moonside newsletters, please click here so I can contact you, because I recently lost about 6 NLs due to a problem with my computer... Thank You...

Next Newsletter: July 30, 2000
Current Member Count: 66
Member Count after Screen Name Check:


Trivia Question: When you first reach Dusty Dunes Desert, what happens??