Subj:    Mr Saturn Gang Newsletter#4
Date:    98-02-20 13:44:05 EST
From:    Matingly22
To:    Camkiwi, Josensing, Mirelli68, NycBartS23
To:    Spiffage, PSI Magnet, Chrono127, Tank f 14
To:    NikMcPimp, Cueball207, JBond007x2, Aragorn632
To:    Elmo123455, Star69NP, Earthb5213, SPINAL666
To:    Makvel 2, G13magic, Squirmydoo, PonyBoyCur
To:    Ness 19, Nikolai64, ProSub454, Crono127
To:    MSDANDI160, Jenni11104, DJ0071, Bond116643
To:    RFer871987, MrSaturn O, KefkaQueen, Jclark9000
To:    Rbrrducky2, FXEE, Bball14008, DEDKENDS
To:    Zero 70802, Malgoth, Georg15216, CHRONO
To:    DukeThomas, Akuma31461, NATHENDO1, Pooh53087
To:    Archo1986, SeCtoR X19, Cer516, Lucca4, GIRLREBEL4
To:    Magic, Maker, Tery2, TeKae, Chesgirls, PoSeR0001
To:    FOOL1115, BrnEyes285, HHayles421, Red jewel7
To:    OnettNess, N god, Kjleftin, Septhroth5, HexenRulz

Whats up everyone, welcome to my 4th Mr Saturn Gang
Newsletter!!!! I'm growing even more, I'm up to 65
members!!!! Once we hit 100, there may be something
special waiting for us!!!!!! Ok, hope ya enjoy, I
promise this to be da' best newsletter yet!!!!

Hi everyone, I had this entire week off, so I
was able to work on some stuff alot for the gang,
including my new website!!!!!! I have the address down
below some. We have grown again alot, to 65 members,
with alot of other members starting their own clubs
that were inspired by mine. That makes me feel great,
that my gang is growing rapidly and that I'm inspiring
other people. OK, enough with this, lets GET IT ON,
this is definitely gonna be da' best newsletter

Rankings- (Once again, I have changed them around!!)
Master Saturn- Matingly22
Co-leader Saturn- Jbond007x2
Super Saturn- Mirelli68
Special Saturn- Cueball207
Dr. Saturn- NYCbarts23
Chancellor Saturn- Chrono127
DIFFERENT RANKINGS (Highest to lowest)
HIGH CLASS SATURNS- crono127, rbrrducky2, camkiwi,
star69np, elmo123455, tank f 14, PSI MAGNET,
Spinal666, Nikmcpimp, bball14008, Earthb5213, mr
saturn o, kefkaqueen
MIDDLE CLASS SATURNS- jclark9000, rfer871987,
girlrebel4, fxee. sector x 19, onettness, hhayles421,
n god, red jewel 7, lucca4, fool1115, akuma31461,
georg15216, ness 19, prosub454, aragorn632, g13magic,
makvel2, ponyboycur, nikolai64, red jewel 7,
brneyes285, chesgirls, archo1986
LOW CLASS SATURNS- cer516, pooh53087, nathendo1,
zero70802, malgoth, dedkends, chrono, dukethomas,
bond116643, msdandi160, josensing, dj0071, archo1986,
magic, poser0001, hexenrulz, jabberw, septhroth5,
maker, tery2, tekae, squirmydoo
Unrespected Saturns(for members who erased their
screen name, and for people who left the gang.)
Deceased Saturns- Luigicup11
Mr Rickey Saturns- Mr Rickey, Nash301
Betcha didn't know-
I betcha no one here knows that those scratch 'n'
sniff ads that Nintendo ran for Earthbound were the
most complained about ads of ALL-TIME, according to
Gamepro magazine!!!! I liked those ads!!!

TRIVIA TIME!!!!!!!!!
Hey, its time for the weekly Earthbound trivia!!!!!
First, heres the answers to last weeks trivia.
Starting next week, everyone who gets every answer
right will definitely get promoted, and I'll put your
name here. Just e-mail me with the answers once you
get them all. Heres last weeks answers!!-
1.The dogs name is Ruffini
2.In front of your house, after Buzz Buzz gives you
the Sound Stone
3.A teddy bear
4.Its in the Threed hospital and you give it to a guy
in Twoson(I never even knew about this until last
5.To get your picture tooken, to read a magazine, and
to get ripped off
6.Its yellow
7.Sword of Kings
8.They all start out with numbers
10.Theres a bulletin board in Fourside that says
"Working on Earthbound 2"
11.Titanic Ant, Mondo Mole, Trillonage Sprout,
Shroom!!, Plaque Rat of Doom, Thunder and Storm,
Electro Spector, Carbon and Diamond Dog
NOW, HERES THIS WEEKS TRIVIA!!!-(Thanks to Jbond007x2
for the trivia)
1. Who is Rishosha Richmonde?

2. How many times can you get your picture taken?

3. What gives up the Star Pendant?

4. Where did Pokey put graffiti on a bill board?

5. How many tunnels are there in the whole game?

6. What different enemies does Loaded Dice call for
when you fight him?

7. How much HP does Heavily Armed Pokey have, the
first one?

8. Where do you get the first Bottle Rocket?

9. Where do you get the first big bottle rocket?

10. What level Poo starts out on?

Now, heres something many of yous have been waiting
for, I'm going to give out a game genie code for
Earthbound every week for the next 4 weeks.

Results for last weeks poll-
This week didn't have a great turnout for the poll,
but here are the results anyway-
"Whats the toughest enemy in Earthbound??"
Smelly Ghost-25%

This weeks poll-
"What is the funniest line in Earthbound??"
I think the funniest line is when that kid in the
theater in Twoson says "Hey hey, don't get too close
to me, I just farted, he he, sorry!!" I was laughing
so much when he said that.

This weeks survey-
"What makes Earthbound so great in your own mind?"

Last weeks survey I asked "What town would you like
to live in most, and why?" Surprisingly, most of the
people who replied said they would want to live in
Twoson!! Heres some responses-

From: Tank f 14

-I would like to live in Twoson. It's not too
big, but not too little. Also, you can ride a bike
around Burglin Park. Many friendly people help you;
there's not many enemies to worry about. All the
supplies you need is in Burglin Park. Buy an egg, let
it hatch, and sell the chicken inside. If you ever
get tired, just take the east caves to Peaceful Rest
Valley. Be sure to take your baseball bat, frying
pan, gun, or sword with you! Does the family ever
want a vacation? Just take them to Happy-Happy
Village. Thanks to Ness, the village has been ridded
of the evil Carpainter, making it a nice place for
everyone. Miss your family? You can always take the
north trail from the town of Twoson to Onett. Be sure
to eat some pizza:)

From: Mirelli68
-My response to the survey about where I'd want
to live-
Summers, because I like warm weather, and I gotta get
a piece of that magic cake!!!!!!!!!!

From: Malgoth
-I would love to live in Twoson....why? becuse
Onett is north and Threed is the east...very
conveinent shopping..... Twoson also has everything a
guy would want from a very convenient shopping
enviroment...A bycicle shop and a pre-school for the
kids... plus so much space to wonder around in... not
to mention a nice swaptmeet park.....

From: Cueball207
-Probably in Twoson. It is in between Onett, a
nice, quite place, and Fourside, a place of great
malls and stores of everykind. Townson has the market,
a place to rent bikes, a friendly girl named Paula,
and an inventor or two. Not to mention The Runaway 5.
That's where I want to live.

From: NYCbarts23
-I would want to live in Onett because it
seems like a nice peaceful town where everyone minds
their own buisness. There are also lots of good food
inside the garbage cans( j/k ). It's also legal to
beat up dogs. You can dig and find priceless gold

From: Mr Saturn O
-i would want to live in Saturn valley because
you can go to the doctor for free, and when your wifes
kicks you out, you can go to the hotel for free, and
theres like a sauna thingie to clean up, and everyone
is so friendly.

-The place where I would want to live in
EarthBound is Summers. The prices might be high but
still it would be a great place to live! All the
buildings and be right next to the desert so you could
get a tan anytime you wanted to. Summers is the place
for me. High living is the life for me!

I would want to live in Summers, because its so
relaxing there, and its nice and hot-just the way I
love it, and I love swimming, and I could do that all
day there!!! Also, they got the nicest hotel in
Eagleland, HANDS DOWN!!, and when I'm traveling there
its so nice there I actually feel all relaxed too!!

Everyone, I have launched my website!!!! Incase you
haven't seen it yet, heres the web address for it: Mr
Saturn Gang Webpage!! I am still working on it, so
its definitely not done yet, and I will also update it
frequently!! If anyone here wants to make a page for
the website, just e-mail me!!!!

Earthbound Nuggets-
Whenever I play Earthbound through the entire game, I
always find something new and even if its something
small, its usually still cool and interesting. I cant
believe that theres still at least 10-20 things I have
never seen in earthbound, like the broken antenna and
the insignificant item. Well, heres my "Earthbound
nugget of the week!!" (I know that name, earthbound
nuggets is dumb, but i couldnt think of anything else,
and i got the nugget name from the diddy kong racing
-At the beginning of Scaraba, in the top right
corner, or the Northeast corner of Scaraba, look
carefully on the ground, theres 2 little dots that
are, well, a little to disgusting to say here but it
does come from Pokey, and theres a guy standing near
it to confirm you that it is definitely from Pokey!!!

My "fondest memories" story from last week drew some
responses. Heres one of them-
From: Spinal666
- My fondest memory was when I first rented it.
I got the scratch and sniff ads in Gamepro, and I
thought it was prettty cool. I also saw the reviews in
Nintendo Power. I was thinking to myself, "This game
must kick ass!!!!". So I went out and rented it. The
game was so good, I rented it about 13 times
afterwards, then when I got the money to buy it, I
stayed up till 6:30 a.m. playing it. I loved the
insanely different enemies, the funky tunes, the
trippy backgrounds, and the fact that I can play it
over and over again. Then my friends wanted to try it.
They got hooked. They started borrowing it. That was
my favorite game until someone swiped it. That ticked
me off big time. I'm gonna buy another copy, though,
so it'll be all good. I can't wait for EB 64. It's

"Ness's REAL Nightmare!!!"
-By NYCBarts23

Jeff was walking through the quiet cool forest.
It was Spring break and he was in Onett visiting Ness.
Jeff slowly approached it, he heard a loud scream and
saw Ness fly out the door. Jeff ducked as Ness flew
past him. Jeff walked over and asked,"hey Ness,what's
up." "Paula thinks I'm seeing another girl!",Ness
replied. "Why would she think that?",Jeff asked. "She
saw me kissing the new girl." "What new girl?,Jeff
asked. "Nadia,"Ness said dreamily. Let's go talk to
Paula,Jeff said. They walked over to Ness's house and
entered. Ness was the first to see Paula tied up with
a piece of tape taped over her mouth. Ness
yelled,"Paula!" Jeff glanced over her and saw Master
Barf and a new kind of starman. Master Puke
attacked!!!! Jeff fired a multi-bottlerocket. 1230 HP
of damage to Master Puke. Master Puke was defeated!
Jeff gained 1030 exp. Jeff jumped onto the starman.
The starman said," I am the Fire Starman and I will
kill you!" The Fire Starman used PSI Fire HP Magnet
Ultimate. The Fire Starman drained all of Ness's and
Jeff's HP. He took Paula and left. Ness and Jeff
didn't say a word..............they couldn't,they were
dead............... to be continued


¸.-·º˜¯˜º·-.¸ Join The Golden Eye
¸.-·º˜¯˜º·-.¸ A awsome Golden Eye Club!
¸.-·º˜¯˜º·-.¸ E-mail Rbrrducky2 to join!
¸.-·º˜¯˜º·-.¸ (Ad)


A Story About Earthbound!!!
-By Mirelli68

I was playing EarthBound and after I beat the
plague rat of doom I got the carrot key and left for
Summers, I had forgotten to go to Pink cloud! I
defeated the Kraken and I headed for Scaraba. I went
to the pyramid and got the Hawk Eye. I then went to
Dungeon Man, got the Submarine and went to Deep
Darkness, without Poo I couldn't get to Pink Cloud, he
had the Carrot key. I advanced through the swamp
until I came to the Tenda Village. I was so wrapped up
in the game that I fixed the Shyness problem and I
headed into Electro Specter's lair. I reached the
Shining Spot but then i realized "I never got the
Sixth Melody!" I came out of the lair, after getting
Poo's armor, and teleported to Dalaam. Because of
Poo's new armor and levels of more experience than
usual, we suffered no casualties and we headed to the
Shining Spot.

That is how I defeated a boss with a scratch. :D


Anyone in my gang is entitled to this-
I have a punter, so I can protect my gang from jerks
who hate Earthbound. Its called "Ice Storm2", maybe
you've heard of it. If anybody wants me to send it to
them, so they can "equip" themselves with it for