Subj: Fwd: Part 1 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!
Date: 08/19/1999 10:24:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 1 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!
Date: 08/08/1999 8:30:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 1 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!

Date: 07/21/1999 8:31:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Part 1 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!

Date: 06/28/1999 10:51:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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Issue 13 or 94
Monday, June 28th, 1999
Welcome Mighty EBounders
Part 1 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!

You have been added to this mailing list per request to join. To be removed Click Here


Table of Contents

Part 1:

Table of Contents
Special News
EBG Screen Names
Member of the Week
How to Gain Ranks
How to Lose Ranks
How to Become Apple Kid
How to Become Apple of Enlightenment
Tokens News
Token List
How to Gain Tokens
How To Lose Tokens
Token Prize List
Member Committee List
Part 1 Conclusion

Part 2:
Part 2 Overview
Last Week's EarthBound Polls
Last Week's Non EarthBound Polls
Last Week's EB Gang Polls
This Week's EarthBound Polls
This Week's Non EarthBound Polls
This Week's EB Gang Polls
Last Week's Trivia Questions, Answers, and Winners.
This Week's Trivia Questoins, Answers, and Winners.
Part 2 Conclusion

Part 3:
Part 3 Introduction
Weekly Earthbound Gang Interview
Weekly What If's
EarthBound Focus
Non EarthBound Focus
Club's Top 10's
EarthBound Screw Up
Non EarthBound Screw Up
Part 3 Conclusion

Part 4:
Introduction to Part 4 of the Newsletter
The Movie Freak's Guide to Movies
Introduction into EarthBound Gang Wrestling
Extreme EB Gang Wrestling
SpcyMetBal's Wrestling
A message from Shark Leader EB0und
Concluding Paragraph.


We merge with the Mighty EBounders

Ladies and gentlemen, we have merged with the great club known as the Mighty EBounders. I have sent an informational e-mail to everyone in both clubs about this merger. I think that we will work it out successfully, and I think that we will be able to work it out where the EB Gang stays the same, and that the new members are integrated into the club system. I also believe that we should consider ourselves lucky for having the distinct pleasure of being able to do this.

I have tried to slide in the ranks and mathematically tried to put you where you belong in accordance to the algebraic trigonometry that I used to do it. If you think I did it wrong... here is the equation.

R= 1.34 for EBG= 20 MEB= 34. 20 (2d3) d= MEB rank2.

***Use in a Graphing Calculator if you don't know Trig. Most comps have one.***
(Actually if you are good at math... it is a basic equation which basically means that all your ranks compared to ours is moved down 3.)

I dunno... if you need help with that equation, or you can prove that you are a higher rank then you are right now... e-mail me guyss and I will fix it for you... for everything here is yours now.

Also to tell you about the merger, you now have full privileges with everything this club has to offer. The tokens, the polls, the trivia, the meetings, the next rounds of Slingo tournaments. All at your disposal.

And I conclude with... welcome to the EarthBound Gang!!

Leaders Change Once More.

This is the Last time that we are going to change leaders!! For the time being.. While we are at 1000 members or more. It takes more than one person to lead this club. That is why this is what's going to happen.

EBG Ness BearBear13

Vice President
Still Pending

Assistant Vice President

Assistant Assistant Vice President
Crazedmogx (Mibxxagent is subbing for him at the time.)

An official Alliance has been met.

An offical alliance has been met with the leaders of the Sharks. We are now good allies, and will assist in their reconstruction process. Past skirmishes have been resolved, and so forth. Please lend them a hand whenever applicable so that we may continue to have two clubs and a variety of things in the EarthBound Community.

Tokens Have Reset

Tokens have reset. Probably the most dreaded thing that you guys read in the first meeting reminder. TOKENS HAVE BEEN RESET. Yes, It did happen as you will clearly and soon see. Tokens are one of the fun things of the club. And yes... other clubs are starting them... but they get most of their popularity from the EarthBound Gang. Anyway, they will NEVER reset again as long as I am in command of the EarthBound Gang. Hopefully, though, we can get the prizes starting... as we gain some funding.

Here is the list of promotions that I gave out for token trade-ins. Actually, I had to guess at this... and I know I say this a lot... someone thought it was funny to send me one of those WAOL error e-mails... and while I was reading them... I had to redo everything... this NL... everything!! So... here we go.

IceBurgX4 1 Promotion Already Apple Kid
1 Promotion
4 Promotions
2 Promotions
1 Promotion
2 Promotions
1 Promotion Already Apple Kid
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
1 Promotion
Gaming Dog
5 Promotions!! Formerly Known as Reddog052
1 Promotion
1 Promotion Formerly Known as Dboss2000

.... ....

The Slingo Tournament

The Slingo tournament has begun. Anyone that sent me an inquiry about wanting to join or sent me an application will be getting an e-mail in approximently 24 hours. IF YOU DO NOT GET AN EMAIL IN 24 HOURS AND YOU JOINED, PLEASE BE SURE TO TELL ME BY WEDNESDAY.

We are going to start the games Wednesday, the schedule will be in the e-mail that is sent to all of the Slingo participants.

Former Mighty EBounder members, you may join the tournament that begins next week.

Meeting Settings and Style Change

The meetings that we have are going to change. This is because things that I want to go on don't go on... and people just want to go there to chat.

WEDNESDAY MEETINGS-These will be when we play all of our fun and games and stuff. The bots, the scramblers, the trivia, and so on. This is when the most promotions will be given out, and when we will probably be our most busy. This one you HAVE to come to in order to gain participation points.

SATURDAY MEETINGS-These meetings are less formal. This meeting is a meeting just to chat with the other members and I about different things. Not many promotions will be given out, and we may only run a game if everyone wants to. This is more of a leisure meeting, just to chat.

I do this for a lot of people just like to chat, and they can't do that when we have some damn near 3 scramblers and 3 pokémon bots and stuff going on.

Meeting Times

Wednesday and Saturday
Eastern 8:00
Central 7:00
Mountain 6:00
Pacific 5:00

Giant Step

Pictures in the EarthBound Gang newsletters!

We have started pictures in the EarthBound Gang newsletter. But, I have realized something!! If you cannot get pictures on America Online.... Then you will not get the newsletter. Well, I am holding off on all of the pictures except for Part 5. But we may convert more parts of the newsletter to pictures... if you CANNOT GET THEM!!!! CLICK

I or OAFrankFly, who has offered to do them, will rewrite the newsletter in a non-picture form. It won't take that long... but it may mean that NON-PICTURE people will have to wait until TUESDAY to get their newsletters.

**Does not apply to internet people**


Last Call for EBG Screen Names

This is the Last Week I will be accepting EBG Screen names. After this, all credit will be given to the ones I have recieved. So far, I have the following EBG Screen Names and Information. You must e-mail me from your EBG Screen name, and give me your America Online Screen name, as well as your EBG Screen name for it to count. I also need to see you use your EBG Screen name once in a while!

America Online Screen Name EBG Screen Name
Lic2kil002 EBGanger1
Johnie2001 EBGJ2001
CrazedMogX EBG EarthB
DBoss2000 EBG Dboss
Bdog676 EBG Dog 6
Ness3Toad EBG Toad 3
Stormguy5 EBG Storm
KempJ40 EBG Pika
Keatonmill EBG CloudS
Vagmer64 EBG Gamer64
LimpBizNok EBG Sabu

. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. . .
. .


This Week's Member of the Week is Kiddy Kong

Kiddy Kong has been a great asset to this club. To get the award, he went to both the EarthBound Gang and Shark meetings, he worked and got us a few more members, participated in the other Monthly Contest game, And he was the one great art designer that (for those of you that got it) made the Front Page EarthBound Gang Logo that I used last week, that gave the NL its own special touch. Also, Kiddy Kong is the leader, editor, and almost sole submitter of the Future Systems Committee.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________


Oh Shoot, Ranks have been torture. At least they have had the most work done on them probably since the creation of the club. Over 200 promotions were given out this week, I accepted the first application for the Apple of Enlightment rank, and I had to combine mathematically each and every rank from the Mighty EBounder's club into EarthBound Gang Format.

For all Mighty EBounder members, Your current rank has been transfered into the coordinating EarthBound Gang rank. IF you believe that I have given you the wrong rank... well, use the equation up top above, and plug in the numbers with the information given... and it will all work out. (Or if I am not busy... you can just ask me, and I will redo the arithmetic for you.)

Oh!! Mighty EBounder members. If I made a mistake with your rank or you do not see it on there let me know. Keep in mind though you may have been promoted or demoted according to your behavior in this club. Thanks.

Leader of the EarthBound Gang

Vice President of the EarthBound Gang

Assistant Vice President of the EarthBound Gang

Temporary Assistant Assistant Vice President of the EarthBound Gang:

Apple's of Enlightments

Application for the rank of Apple of Enlightment.
This week, it is time to see if someone is worthy of the rank Apple of Enlightment. This is supposed to be the hardest rank to get in the club. You have to do a lot, be a lot, and make up for a lot, and be liked by a lot.

It is time for stage one, OaFrankFly is trying to get the Apple of Enlightment Rank. In the first of 3 stages, You MEMBERS get to choose.. Do YOU think he is worthy to be an Apple of Enlightment??

OA Frank Fly

This is his application on Past, Present, and Future things that he will be doing in the EarthBound Gang.

Things I have done for the EB Gang in the past:
-Started up a D&D-style game based on EarthBound for a member contest.
-Hosted two EB trivia tournaments for all EB clubs.
-Regularly hosted trivia at meetings.
-Wrote, for about five months, a weekly column called "Notes From Frank's Desk".
-Saved newsletters from about issue 63 until about issue 79.
-Posted newsletters, at least until I realized nobody reads them on the board anyways.
-Attempted to start up a scrambler league with rankings, token betting, and so on.
-Started a pool on the NCAA semifinals and finals in men's basketball.

Things I am currently doing for the EB Gang:
-Writing a series of articles of video game reviews.
-Sending newsletters to those that cannot get them for various reasons.
-Generally whaling on people on trivia in the NLs.

Things I am soon to do for the EB Gang:
-Re-start a D&D-style game based on EB for members.
-Possibly one last EB Trivia Tournament.

-First (and only) person ever to get Member of the Week five times.
-Set records in EB Gang Jeopardy (fifteen points before Final Jeopardy, 30 after)
-One of the first (if not first) ever to get all four member trivia questions right in a single week in the newsletter

Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote

I believe that OaFrankFly IS worthy of Apple of Enlightment Rank
I believe that OaFrankFly is NOT suitable for the Apple of Enlightment Rank


Antcanman Bondluke00
Fmbw15 Harisn
MogtheRB Saintmoose
Itz Pip MaulikDSpeed86701 IceburgX4 Stormguy5 Johnie2001
OaFrankFly BABSEE3
Yogi52o Spcymetbal

Dr. Andonuts

ANTDuble07 BABSEE3 BLAlien DEMON300 Gi Joker42, Jhill0630 JohnMcCeb Ltjg Lotus LtcJoeAsA GRETEL09 HighWind55 Lic2kil002 KempJ40 Matingly22 MibXXagent NinerPratt TheN64Pro Sabin Cole ShaBam84 Slimbobway SonicCBD Vgamer64 Yesman Jr Yogi52o

Adriewth, Aeryn55105 Anime566 Bdog676 Barret82 Carlos1236 EB0und ESea560 ExtremeTNW Happy675 Jago77777 Ness3Toad PoliceN64 Rampage 6x Rasberrian SephiroFF7 SwAmPie DX

DaCyberDoc EBJeff98 Madman 912 MichaelD9 MIK042 Moondoggey QUIDHOC TCBCA Yoshi7753 Vertgo4731

Brick Road
AznOppaAzn Cardfan212 DaBoom1357 Culex888 DanMan5769 Elena1999 ESegoura GoLdGuY5 JTom2Cold Link340254 Loma359 MadDuck710 NycBartS23 VGl090388 Xusic

---Great Ranks---[29]

Frank Fly
Bluegoo26 Chattercid DavKirk EBGDboss GoldKman64 KiddyKong Mog694 Snesman64

Bubble Monkey
BaSkEtBl01 Dack113485 DEDKENDS KeatonMill Ktcat2 LuNaR mAb M8466 MGSegaM RhinoBlast RustySerfer Silver Ldr Starfox479 Tmygiygas

Tessie Cougar1120 DSanz98 Joeslop Hollyhood KRISO2000 NerHerder4 StarFox165 Tcashio

---Good Ranks---[58]

Flying Man
AirDogg43 ChrisTaz11 Cyboars FishHead12 Ness s 2nd Nikolai64 PolsVoice1 Quantium ShyGuy6758 SkitzZero Zmog

Hungry Digger
Biff714 Efflerdk, MadDuck710 MCkkMUshi RaGeizHeRE Reaperx16 Roadhawk19 Raicool15 SKATEB1015 SNIFIT 9 Trick8950 Trunks253

ANT Centra ANT EBWiz Chris88876 Bean390 Bogardfury HOJO15o
Majin Elf NeoCid NessJeff11 Orbit X92 PackrzLovr Poopyneck PrettyDM Ranko15 Sasukeninj YshiKraken

Mr. Saturn
AdidasKAK Alloran1 ANT MWE ANTRPGSPY Bowser05 BubsyRacer Bug25Bug Cdyfoxster D1sk D3pthChrge FF8Legend FZERO128 GReeNDay66 Hiro Kyoto IBAPest IVallies MarioBros7 Milenko840 MogtheRB NOA4evr NUS4U OnettNess6 Ones111111 RedArwing Soceye386 TAPHREEK Vadered WaldoThe WarlensT WRBlaster Wonkey9 XXWCM2

---Average Ranks---[107+King]

Airicman AirHead539 ANTMarlins ANT SpOoNs AstroDude0 BJIL Bomber7190, CHRKID88 Dabomb1357 DengarSW,, Dragon6163 Georg15216 Giygas HarvMoon10 IKOVV Jade 3567 JBomb99101 JEE345 Lakitu7 Littlejr12 Luigi64Man Missymint Mog Kupo0
Mr Cool 8 Nickpi PixyMisa Rebel12762 Ricky7878 Sailr1Vnus SeaMnky999 SEE Tony StopperMJS SuperMK622 RyanPC2 Treyman355 TUROK64407 WarlensT Yakko786 ZangZip Zorak 501

Lier X. Agerate
AerisFF7PS Ash 12325376 AL E OOP64 ANT bobbyB ANT Fox6, ANT ob1 ANT SpOoNs ANTwalkman Aust200 Baker2581 BaRrEt4279 Bball14008 BIFFCAKE Brett0801
BTWooten Bulma89145 Chicbull19 CocoboSage CreedII Cyrill FaBomb1357 GETTINPLAC HHHHBKDX11 JamesBob02 Jjamese JoHnGolf01 Jordan1400 Jomama1037 JSilber970 Kwalka Keeper132 Kjleftin LaingGod LaundryHag Linz8641 KNiCkS226 KLWSurfer Link3182 Magicawe Master6684 Michaelff3 Mrshmlwbrd MrWillGuy Mystic7X NATHENDO1 New York35 NOA4evr PackrzLovr PSXprotctr PSI Magnet PSM200 Quackor781 Red jewel7 Rocky H75 Samurai Phl SHAUNSOLO1 SimSpy007 Skyfall87 Smoomluvr Snooky6445 Spyder4787 Tacoking2 TajGenie Tarzan3349 TCBCA TDavis3011 Tmktr TomBond006 UGN Pro VanHorn185 Venis108 VoltronFan Weothie WOLFPACRZ1 WytSakura Zi Mog

(Starting Rank) [650 app.] (All unlisted members are this Rank)

How to Gain Ranks
Win Trivia
Submit an Article
Ask me if I need help a few times
Turn in some good ideas
Get us some members
Publicize us
Go to meetings
Regularly Participate
Do a job
Be a Committee Member
Help with the Global Communications

How to Lose Ranks
Make Members Mad
Go for long periods of inactiveness without any warning
Make me mad
Raid or Ruin the Message Board
EBUN Orders
Recruit False Members
Claim False Promotions

How to become Apple Kid
Go above and beyond the normal call of work.
Submit 15 tokens when you are at Rank 6.
Assist and be recognized in the EBUN.
Recruit a lot of Active Members.

How to become Apple of Enlightenment
- Be an Apple kid for at least 2 months.
- Be member of the week.
- Do something EXTREMELY good for the club.
- Be VERY active while attaining this.
- Be active in the Earthbound Community.



Tokens as of Last Wedesday have been reset. But that means that I feel sorry for all of you and I will give you more ways and opportunities to make it so that you can get your tokens back.

The Token Prize list is going to change, and for the better. We will no longer be giving food, and we will change the list about every month to keep up with the new trends and stuff. If the EarthBound Gang does start to get money... "Trying to think of a way for that to happen". Then I will expand this puppy into a helluva lot more than it is at already.

Ex. NOBODY want's a pack of Ballons... so I am getting rid of them.

For the Mighty Ebounders... tokens are a sort of point system, to where as if you have a lot of points, then you get to trade them in for a lot of prizes. Read the list below.

Token' have been RESET as of Last WEDNESDAY!!

Antmarlins-1 YshiKraken- 1

To Get Tokens:
- Help Out on the newsletter
- Win Trivia During Meetings
- Post Regularly on the Message Board
- Get A Job (hehe)
- Give me things for the web page
- Participate
- Just be good

How to Lose Tokens:
- Go for a long period of inactivity.
- Lose the Rank of Apple Kid.
- Go into the Punishing Ranks.
- Destroy the Flow of the Meetings.
- Recruit False Members.

- Win the Monthly Contest
- Cheat or Falsely Claim Tokens.

10 Tokens
Crayola Crayons (16 pack) 008
Water Baloons(50+ pack) 009

15 Tokens
Pack of Pokemon (Customizable Card Game) Cards 10(A)
Dart Gun w/ accessories 010
Cap Gun w/ caps 011
Small Lego Set 012
Kneeded Eraser 013
Upper Deck Baseball Cards 014
Upper Deck Football Cards 015
Upper Deck Basketball Cards 016

20 Tokens
Pokémon Pikachu- Power Bouncer* 018
Pokémon Mewtwo- Power Bouncer* 019
Inflatable Kickball 020

50 Tokens
$10 (Yes, real money!) 021
Talking Pokémon Pikachu 022*
Talking Pokémon Charmander* 023
Talking Pokémon Meowth 024 *
Zelda 64 Player's Guide 025
Pokémon Player's Guide 026
Earthbound Player Guide

Yomega Brain Slamer YO-YO ($26.99)
EarthBound- The Game

90 Tokens
PokéBlasters- Squirtleand evolved forms 027
PokéBlasters- Charmander and evolved forms 028
PokéBlasters- Three Pikachu 029

150 Tokens
GameBoy Camera 030
Pokémon- Red Version 031
Pokémon- Blue Version 032
Zelda DX(Game Boy) 033

You all will be able to redeem your tokens in about a week or two, I have to get the web page up and have it all set up so that you guys can do the proper forms. The stuff we send you won't be used or be from Funco Land, (Except the Nickel) If you have a decent prize idea that you want to see up there, tell me about it and I MAY put it up there. Mail me for ideas or suggestions.



The committees are doing awesome, they have been working awesome, and I have received a lot of POSITIVE feedback. Tell me what you think!!

Hey, If you remember from the last newsletter, I told you about the opportunity of the Fresh Breeze Movement. Well, it is taking effect, and it is lead by Biff714. If you want to do the following:

Newsletter Poster (Should be Moondoggey, Did a good Job)
Web Page or Graphic Assistant/Maker
Meeting Guard

Please Email Biff714
and tell him what position you would like to do for us. He now has the power to administer a few tokens, and so forth. So, Please it is worth the shot.
Email me to tell me what you think!!

Play Station Committee
EBG Dragon

Nintendo 64 Committee


Member Recruiting Committee

DEFENSE Committee

Message Board


Part 1 Conclusion

The beginning of a new age.
Brings conservationist into the rage
Of computers, TVs and radios.
Parent's saying.. "When I was a kid, we didn't even have radios."
But what are we going to do...
When computers tell us what to do.
And if we don't listen
The buttons on the commanding machine will listen...
Because it THINKS that we are wrong, and it is right.

Think about this poem Very Closely.

What will happen when computers can L-E-A-R-N and T-H-I-N-K?

Friend Of Mine's Webpage!!


Subj: Fwd: Part 2 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!
Date: 08/19/1999 10:25:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 2 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!
Date: 08/08/1999 8:30:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 2 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!

Date: 07/21/1999 8:31:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Part 2 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!

Date: 06/28/1999 10:55:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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Issue 13 or 92
Monday, June 28th, 1999
Hope you watched the BlockBuster Awards.
Part 2 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!


Part 2 Overview

Part 2 is going to be where the member's voice there opinion's on different poll's and different editorials. As editorials become increasingly popular in the EarthBound Gang (As the EarthBound Gang expand's it's horizans.) It become's more important to think what the member's are doing, and how the member's interact with one another. This has all the polls, Editiorials, and Trivia.
........................................... ..........................................
....... ....... ....... .......

Progress of the EarthBound Gang

This was an interesting article last week, and a lot of you asked if I could continue it so that you may closely watch the progress of the EarthBound Gang. Well, here you have it, and here it is.

BSS MultiPlayer Network- 16% complete.
EarthBound Gang Multi Use Prog- 87% complete.
EarthBound Gang WebPage- 83% Complete
EarthBound Gang Database Project- 71% complete.
Earthbound Gang Domain- 0% Complete.
EarthBound Gang Commpresional Newsletter- 100% Complete.
Earthbound Gang-Shark Alliance- 100% Complete.
Earthbound Gang- 1000 member count- 99% Complete.
Earthbound Gang Quad Lingual Webpage- 34% Complete.
EarthBound Gang, Enemy Database Project- 20% Complete.
EarthBound Gang Slingo Tournament- 95% Complete.
Earthbound Gang DD Setup- 10% Complete.

............. ............ ........... ........... ............ ............. ............ .......... ............

EarthBound Poll's
Last Week's Polls

Last week's poll was more for my benifit than anybody. That way I could figure out how to come around with the newsletter, and how to write more of what you like. Please, Speak your opinion.

1) What is the Replay Value of EarthBound? {On a rating system of 1-5, 5-Highest (Best) 1 Lowest (Worst)

5: 39
4: 11
3: 12
2: 14
1: 11
Total: 87

2) Do you think that a Value Pack of Every EarthBound Version should be made?
Yes: 77
No: 11
Total: 88

Non Earthbound Poll

Last week, I asked you what you thought of the Y2K problem. I also asked if you thought this would affect you directly, indirectly, or not at all. Most of you thought that this would be an indirect problem that would face you... The second most thought that this would just be another over partied party on January 1st 2001. Finally, a few of you expressed Direct problems.

The Quick Respons Polls:

(Winner) Indirectly: 53 (Winner)
No Effect: 16
Directly: 10
Total: 79


Mikro Kow
Y2K will affect a lot of people, in a LOT of ways. It will shut down just about all digital stuff. A lot of power plants are run on COMPUTERS, and it could trash out entire cities with no power. Then there would be no stop lights. It would just be havoc everywhere!


I think it will most likely have no effect, sure maybe the computers internal clock is not set for it, but people are taking it too seriously. In a way it is all a bunch of crap. This is probably all a scam so people run out of their damn homes, just to but Y2K saftey software, when little do they know... The companies set this all up for $$$$$. Now maybe im wrong, but it sure is logical!

I can think of about 50 reasons this applies to in about a minute, so Y2K will have a direct impact in my life. My families life pretty much revolves around computers. If there is something I don't know, its the internet with the answers, and our dictionaries and encyclopedias have gathered dust. Alot of things in the entetainment world also revolve around computers. When the Y2k bug comes, video games can't be produced, the movie's will suck(computers are now used for editing too!), computers(of course) will be down, and books will become rare. My parents' jobs revolve around computers also. Both are accountents and use computers to do their jobs, without them, work will take up to 4 times as long. About 80% of all jobs use or are dependant on computers. Manfacturing plants will shut down and have to make everything by hand, taking up to 8 times longer. Cars, toys, clothes, furniture and tools will all be affected in this. So if the Y2K bug does as much as they think, then entainment, jobs, knowledge resources, and pretty much at least half the places producing things for us will be crushed. So I'f I'm corect, then not only my life but alot of others will be crushed.

I have heard so many lies, and untruthful rumors about this subject, it is unbelivable. First of all I do not think it will affect us a whole lot. Sure, shipments from other countries might be late, but in terms of having electricity, food, water, and utilities, I think we are safe. I could go into a lot of detail, but I don't want to take up too much space. ;-)

I believe that the y2k bug will indirectly effect me. Some of the things i rely on....banks, food distributers, and cars may fail, that is pretty direct.But since all the manufacturers of those things in my area are set up for y2k, I have nothings to worry about. however, the rest of the country is not ready, and it may cause an economic reccession. yoink.....that would suck

OA Frank Fly
Given the counter-measures taken to this stand, I do not doubt for a second that this will have little if any effect. Especially not for me. You see, most of the products used in my state considered necessary for survival are actually run on Macintosh--the entire state government uses them. These computers will have no problems until at least 2040.
As for the rest of the populace, I think that most of the stuff should have all the kinks worked out by the time that date arrives, especially since this has a lot of people scared. What worries me, however is the possibility of a stock market crash--most overseas markets do not have upgraded computers. This would pose a problem for awhile, but I think that quickly that will be accounted for, and there is also the FDIC and SEC to help us out through that. Government finally proves its worth in saving our money.

. . . .. . . . .
. . .

Earthbound Gang Poll

Last week, I asked you what you thought of the EarthBound Gang. What did you think of the EarthBound Gang, and what did you think of me. Well, I am not going to give specifics... But this is the top 3 things that I got, and I am not going to hide it from anyone.

- Some people think that this is a corporation. And not any old corporation, of all the comparison's I have recieved. We are compared to ShinRa corporation of Final Fantasy 7. ShinRa monopolized everything, Had it's own army, and a large chain of commands. It was hostile in it's immediate confrontations, and was the only power source available in the game.

- Some people thought that the newsletter was a bit unorganized. Well, I agree in a sense. I am trying to evolve it better and better each week. And YES!!! I make mistakes on it!! I agree and I probably make to many. But everyone is human, and I hope that you can find it in you to let me know of my mistakes and let me trudge forward.

- A lot of people saw that I refered to all of the EarthBound Clubs as a kind of EarthBound Community. Well, Then people saw our size, strength, timelyness, and so forth, and think that we are a community all of our own, and that we are not part of the EarthBound Community. That is true and false. We are no longer part of the EarthBound Community, but we do play a big role in helping other clubs and member's outside of the EarthBound Gang Realm contribute and attribute to benefactor us all.


EarthBound Gang Poll's
This Week

EarthBound Poll
The name of the main chacters in the game is Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo. Yes, we all know them for who they are... They are the EarthBound Gang. But this poll in not a poll.. But almost a quiz to see how good of an EarthBound Fan are you. Yes.... We all know Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. But how many other Character's can you name? Remember Frank Fly and all them. Well.. Try for 3 minutes and see how many character's you can come up with.

How many did you come up with, Besides Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo.

I came up with 10.I came up with 10-20

I came up with 20-30

I came up with 30-40

I came up with 40-50

I came up with 50+

Now that you actually had to think and that is all over, We can get down to the bare bottom's of the game. Earthbound was one of the first games to ever describe life as a teenage kid. EarthBound 0 of course... But no one ever got it until a year ago. But, How do you think the game describe's teenage life? The careful spending of money, the occasional home sickness, the girlfriend/boyfriend for all that matter.

4 3 2 1

Finally, We conclude with this poll in a thought. I was just wondering, during the game, for those of you that have played before. You are asked if you are friends with pokey. What did you put?



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Non EarthBound Poll

This week I want to discuss the topic of Cuba. Cuba is a country that we are embargoing in an attempt to get rid of the leader Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro has been the leader of Cuba for over 30 years. The reason why we are trying to get rid of him is he accepted Communist Russia's assistance during World War II. For those of you that know your history, this was known as the closest we have ever been to a Nuclear War. It was called the Cuba Missle Crisis.

For more information on the Cuba Missle Crisis Click the Link's below.

The complete Chronolology to the Cuba Missle Crisis

This is by far the best website on it. It has everything that the Crisis was about. Even the Speech of John Fizgerald Kennedy, the speech of Joseph Stalin, and so forth. It also has real pictures that the U-2 planes shot. Worth a look.

Cuba Missle Crisis Links

This has a lot to do with the Links about the Cuba Missle Crisis. I looked at it and all the ones that I tried worked. So this would be a good source of information.

Now that we have that out of the way. Answer the following questions.

1) Do you think that the Cuba Missle Crisis is fair??

2) If you were given a letter grade on your knowledge of the Cuba Missle Crisis situation.


Editorial Question

A lot of people go to cuba now and see that is in bad shape because the United States is refusing to do buisness with them. Also, other's are saying that the Cuba Missle Crisis happened 30 years ago and it doesn't apply to what happenes today.

What do you think?? What should be do?? Should we keep the embargo or what?

Click Here for a Editorial


EarthBound Gang Poll/Survey

The final Survey this week is for the both of us. What do you guys think about the merging of the Mighty EBounders and the EarthBound Gang?? Do you like the way we did the merge?? Do you think we can do it differently? Do you hate it? Let me know, that is the only way you are going to get anything around here.

Send in your Suggestions!!

(...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...) (...---...)

Last Week's Answers and winners!

Who Am I?

Question: I am the enemy that gives you the Gutsy Bat, Who am I?
Answer: Bionic Kraken
Winners: YshiKraken, MikroKow, GhetoJeff, Cdyfoxster, Jandonuts, Pikablu324, Gretel01, JltJoeAsA, Reelbig9, AntICloud
Click to Submit Answer

Where am I?
Question: I am where you can get a backpack full of cookie's, Where am I?
Answer: Jeff's Dormitory
Winners: YshiKraken, Gretel09, Adriewth, LtcJoeAsA, ChrisK@soback, MikroKow, Pikablu324, Biff714, OaFrankFly, Vgamer64
Click to Submit Answer

EB Trivia
Question: What do the RED geysar's do in EarthBound?
Answer: Restore HP and Status
Winners: Adriewth, Pikablu324, LtcJoeAsA, AntiCloud
Click to Submit Answer

Non EB Trivia
Question: How much money, does Bill Gates currently have?
Answer: 90.2 Billion Dollars
Winners: Gretel09, Reelbig9, LtcJoeAsA, AntIcloud, Caj8585, Chrisk@soback. Trick8950
lick to Submit Answer

Various Trivia
Name an Animal, that can transform, or be both Male and Female. Prove your answer
Answer: African Tree Frogs, Worms, Sea Urchines
Winners: GoldKman64, OaFrankFly

Click to Submit Answer

TV Trivia
When and Where did Pokemon First Air?
Answer: Japan, February 2nd (Our Calander) 1998
Winners: No one
Click to Submit Answer

Pokemon Trivia
What are the odd's of pulling a Charizard from a Booster Pack?
Answer: 1 in 256
Winner: No one!

Click to Submit Answer

Music Triva
What was the MTV Top 2 song last week?
Clue: I want it that way (The Backstreet Boys) <--- Girls
Winners: YshiKraken, Jandonuts, MikroKow

Click to Submit Answer

This Week's Trivia

Who Am I?

Question: I am the enemy that gives you a bunch of cookie's and tries to steal your items, Who am I?
Clue: I believe I can fly....
Click to Submit Answer

Where am I?
Question: Where do you get the broken machine??
Clue: Did I mention that the machine is broken??
Click to Submit Answer

EB Trivia
Question: How many Cookie's are in Jeff's Dorm??
Clue: The answer is 1 - 200!!!
Click to Submit Answer

Non EB Trivia
Question: **Very Hard** Double Promo Question!! **Very Hard**
What is the name of the theroy of the following Phrase?? "The simplest Explination tend's to be correct"
O*****'s Theroy
Click to Submit Answer

Various Trivia
What is the next number in the sequence??
1 2 3 6 4 5 6 9 7 8 9 ??
It's between 10 and 30

Click to Submit Answer

TV Trivia
Who won the historic actor award on the BlockBuster Movie and Music Awards?
Clue: He premiered in Grease.

Click to Submit Answer

Pokemon Trivia
EASY!!! What is the Evolution of JigglyPuff?? EASY!!
Clue: God... You don't need a clue for this one!!

Click to Submit Answer

Music Triva
Who won the Country Singer award at the BlockBuster Movie and Music awards??
Clue: Go to the reviews!

Click to Submit Answer




I want a promotion for getting a trivia question right!!

I want a token for getting the trivia right


Part 2 Conclusion:

Estimated time to do 2 parts of the newsletter: 3 hours 22 Minutes
Estimated time to do Part 3: 42 Minutes
Estimate number of Emails this week: 720
Number of member Join's this week: 126
Number of Quits: 13
Percentage: 622% gain.

Subj: Fwd: Part 3 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!
Date: 08/19/1999 10:25:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 3 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!
Date: 08/08/1999 8:31:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 3 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!

Date: 07/21/1999 8:32:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Part 3 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!

Date: 06/28/1999 11:04:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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Issue 13 or 92
Monday, June 28th, 1999
The interview with Da Man, Matingly22
Part 3 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!


EarthBound Gang Interviews
Today, we interview MATINGLY22
Former Leader of Sharks, Leader of Mr. Saturn Nation

EBG Ness: Welcome to the EarthBound Gang Interview, Today we interview Matingly22!!!
EBG Ness: How are you doing Matingly??
Matingly22: Quite fine, today was last day of school! =)
EBG Ness: Great to hear that! For the record, did you pass your math exam?
Matingly22: Yup! 65, just passing!
Matingly22: he he he
EBG Ness: Glad to hear that you will be with us after all this summer.
EBG Ness: Anyway, Let's get down to it. What do you think about the clubs this summer?
Matingly22: yup, no summer school
Matingly22: Hmm..well..
Matingly22: I think they will remain fairly steady, now that some more EB64 rumors have popped up
Matingly22: It'll keep us alert, ensuring us that the clubs are safe..for now!
EBG Ness: I heard from a bird, That you are restarting the Mr. Saturn Nation?? Can you give us any
EBG Ness: info on that?
Matingly22: Well it's true..I'm currently working on NL format, and getting other props ready
Matingly22: (MB, webpage, etc.)
Matingly22: Hopefully within a week or so it'll be back
EBG Ness: That's cool. Will you be doing your awesome newsletters again?
Matingly22: A lot of the same ideas will be back, but it will probably seem like a different club
Matingly22: VERY different, hehe
EBG Ness: Oh, Really, Explain?
Matingly22: Well..I'm going to take advantage of 4.0 this time around, to have picture contests, etc
Matingly22: The colors will be different
EBG Ness: Well, Enough about the Mr. Saturn Nation.... Let's focus on the Corporations.
EBG Ness: What do you think of the Sharks?
Matingly22: If given the correct treatment they could be great again
Matingly22: Personally I think they are good..
Matingly22: And a lot of members are remembering things quite wrong..
Matingly22: They think that during Sec's time things were all dandy
Matingly22: If you compare a lot of things to the club today, the club now is much better.
EBG Ness: Hmm.. It depend's on your views I suppose.
EBG Ness: There are a lot of people that love and are attached to Sector.
EBG Ness: They can't grasp his time's are over.
Matingly22: Sec's a cool dude, but he wasn't god, and the club wasn't all that either.
EBG Ness: Anyway.. What do you think of the EarthBound Gang?
Matingly22: The Earthbound Gang is doing very well..personally I think 6 parts will be too much..
Matingly22: but nevertheless it is a great club!
EBG Ness: hehe. Some other's agree with you out there..
EBG Ness: Now, One more thing before we go.
EBG Ness: You are a big wrestling fan!
EBG Ness: What did you think about King of the Ring??
Matingly22: Everyone thought it sucked..I thought it was GREAT!
Matingly22: Mr Ass won it all, he was my pick before the tourney even started!!
Matingly22: The McMahons are in control again, and Undertaker kept the title, all things I hoped for.
EBG Ness: Great!! And Nice Talking to you Mat!!
EBG Ness: This is EBGNess signing off!

()()() ()()() ()()() ()()() ()()() ()()()

What IF's

....a bottle rocket could accidentaly misfire and kill you? IHIEAD

....poo really was poo, like mister hankey? IHIEAD

....ash from pokemon made a cameo appearence? IHIEAD th enext pokemon game, you could enter a code to catch the people from earthbound? IHIEAD

What if ness turned bad Starfox479

What if the camera man retired Starfox479

What if there was no poo Starfox479

What if the comet landed in nesses house Starfox479

What if pokey wasa the commet Starfox479

........................................... ...........................................

EarthBound Gang FanFight
Onettness Vs. Saintmoose
By BearBear 13

Dick: Hi fans, and WELCOME to the MAIN EVENT!
Handsome: Yes, this is a hell in the cell match!
Dick: Yes, it SURE IS!
Dick: So Handsome... who do you think will win this one?
Handsome: seeing that Onett isn't even 5 feet tall, and Saint is almost 7 feet tall, I think Saint will win.
Dick: That's EXACTLY what I thought, except I also factored in weight, age, and experience.
Dick: My calculations say that Onett has a 1 out of 75,002 chance of beating SaintMoose.
Wait! The match is starting!
Dick: Coming out first is... Onett!
Dick: Onett is clocking in at 5'10" tall and... 100 pounds!
OnettNess: I'll take you, Saint!!! You'll wish you were never BORN!!!
Wait! The lights are DIMMING!
Dick: Saint is clocking in at 6'8" tall and... 230 pounds!
SaintMoose: you'll pay for that outburst, punk trash!
They step inside the Cell... the ref locks the door...
Here we go
Handsome: Onett is a nervous as a whore in church
Dick: Here comes Saint...
Dick: OUCH!
Dick: He KICKS Onett RIGHT in the FACE!!!
Dick: Onett is DOWN!
Dick: What?...
Handsome: geez, Onett is taking a beating
Dick: Saint picks him up, and SLAMS him into the BARBED-WIRE!!!
Dick: OUCH! That's GOTTA HURT!!!
Handsome: Now thats hardcore entertainment!!!.
Dick: Onett is crying for his mouth guard... no wait...
Dick: He's crying "mommy!".
Dick: Now THIS is entertaining!
Handsome: hell yeah! this is what the fans paid to see!
Dick: Saint walks up to him and offers him a hand to get up...
SaintMoose: I neve hit anyone when theyre down.
And... OUCH!
Dick: Onett punches Saint in the CROTCH!
OnettNess: SUCKER!!!
That's GOTTA hurt!
Handsome: oh geez!!!!
Dick: Uhh ohh... Onett is in trouble...
Dick: Saint reaches into his trunks...
Handsome: Onett is gonna get it now!!!
Dick: And pulls out a... baseball bat?
Dick: HOW did he fit that in there!?!?!?
Handsome: thats a barbed wire covered bat!!!
Dick: Ouch!
Dick: I hope Saint was wearing a cup in there...
Handsome: He better have, or else he can say goodbye to parenthood
Dick: He takes the bat, SWINGS...
Dick: and MISSES!
Handsome: uh oh
Dick: He swings again... Onett DODGES!
Dick: 2 strikes...
Dick: He swings again...
Dick: OUCH! Right on TARGET!!!
Handsome: ha!
Dick: Is that... a... BRAIN on the mat!?!?!?
Handsome: It resembles one
Dick: YES!
Dick: Onett's BRAIN is out of the mat!
Dick: Someone... get a MEDIC!!!
Dick: What is THIS!?!?!?
Dick: Onett gets up!
OnettNess: I've never used my brain before, why start now?
Onett must have a death wish!!!
Dick: He attempts to punch Saint, but his arms can't reach...
Dick: WAIT! Saint is going for the...
Handsome: The Suicide DDT!
Dick: Yes!
Dick: While banning everything else, California ALSO banned this move!
Dick: Saint goes for it...
Dick: OUCH!
SaintMoose: screw you, little punk!
Onett's HEAD can't even be SEEN anymore!!!
Dick: SaintMoose WINS!
Handsome: Onett asked for it
Handsome: This has been sweet redemption for SaintMoose
Dick: This has been one HELLUVA fight!
Handsome: oh hell yeah, That SaintMoose Is almost as handsome as I am
Dick: Well folks, this was a great night for SaintMoose... and maybe the last for Onett.
Handsome: Onett had better learn to be appreciative after tonight!
Dick: This is your SNSM team, Richard Johnson, Jr. and Handsome Kamikaze, signing off!
Dick: Goodbye, CARNAGE FANS!Subj: Fwd: Part 4 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!
Date: 08/19/1999 10:25:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 4 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!
Date: 08/08/1999 8:31:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Part 4 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!

Date: 07/21/1999 8:32:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Part 4 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!

Date: 06/28/1999 11:09:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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Issue 13 or 94
Monday, June 28th, 1999
Read My Speech, and the Top 10's
Part 4 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!

A speech from the Leader EBG NESS

Dear Members.

Well, We have done it. We were the first club ever to come to the 1000 member mark. I feel proud and one of the luckiest people on America Online to be the leader of this EarthBound Community advancement. If you have been with us a long time, You have seen many things go on. The rise of the sharks, the fall of the sharks, the rise of the EarthBound Gang, the Fall of the EarthBound Gang. You were here during the late night meetings, you were hear through the wars, conflicts. Chances are you led one of the 52 EarthBound clubs that once existed. Now, we are down to 3.

It looked like that we would never reach 1000 members. It looked like no club would ever hit the 1000 member mark, but we did. A single club about a single video game has risen to 1K.

We plan to celebrate it, Oh yes, we will most definitly celebrate the beginning of a new era. But what happens after the effect wear's off? How much farther can the EarthBound Gang go? 2000 members? More? Less? Is this the end of a prosporus rebirth? NO!!

We have merged with the Mighty EBounders and thank god for that. They are a great group and we should be glad to have them. They pushed us over the 1000 mark, and there member, Recruited the 1000th member!

Keep up the good work, for we are the Best, and Largest EarthBound Gang club in the world!!

One more thing.. So you read it. We have a member that has gone to Japan. His name is SaintMoose. He is an awesome member, and he is geeting us all sort of information. I want to say more about him. So be sure to read the weekly meeting reminder.. as I talk in depht of his trip and the ton of info we are getting.
EBG Ness

A War Story

Around the world, within an hour of the previous incident, a “CNN Breaking
News” report appeared on TV. CNN Anchorperson TIM MEADOWS gave the
report. “According to US and Canadian officials at NORAD, a nuclear
explosion was detected in the Pacific Ocean about 200 miles off the Russian coast, at
5 pm Tokyo time. Some Japanese and Chinese fisherman claim that Russian ships
were in the area and were conducting, as they said, ‘suspicious activities.’
Russia has acknowledged it had sent ships into the area, but said they ‘were
doing war exercises.’ Russia thus far has not commented...”

In Moscow, stunned members of the Kremlin watched the report. “What in
blazes?!? Get the defense minister NOW!!” yelled the Russian prime minister
BILL GATES. Someone scurried away to do the task. “Sir, there’s a call for
you from the Japanese ambassador,” said an aide said. “Another one from the
Chinese ambassador,” implied another. “Dear God! It’s only been 30 seconds
since that damn report aired. All right, let’s take on the Japanese first.”
“Hello Mr. Gates. My government would like an explanation of the CNN report that
just aired,” inclined Ambassador ERIC CARTMAN. “Well Mr. Cartman, our ships
were participating in efforts to salvage a downed Russian sub,” replied the
prime minister.
“Well, we actually don’t know what happened. I give you my word that those
ships were not carrying nuclear missiles.” “Then why was there an
explosion?” countered Mr. Cartman. “There were no other ships in the region besides
some of our fishing vessels. We have counted them out. Were there other ships,
besides yours?” Mr. Gates replied, “There were some Chinese fishing ships as well.
That’s all that we know of.” “Well Mr. Gates, our government takes this
very seriously. They would want a better explanation than ‘We don’t know what
happened.’ Please provide one, to the entire world.” Then Mr. Cartman hung
up. “Well, now we gotta deal with the Chinese, and everyone else...” moaned the
prime minister.

As the news got to the various governments of the world, the international
community immediately condemned Russia for the explosion. As more details
of what the Russian ships were doing in the vicinity became available, the
Chinese government offered a theory. The Russians, they said, were selling nuclear
missiles to Taiwan. Because of an accident involving a sub carrying nuclear
arms while trying to meet Taiwanese dealers, the Russians tried to recover the
sub and cover the thing up. But instead, a mishap during the recovery efforts set
off a nuclear explosion. Their intelligence had provided proof of this, they
claimed. Russia of course immediately denied this, as did Taiwan, although they
admitted that Russia had been selling them MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters. China was, of
course, outraged.

In a Chinese naval base near Shanghai, Priv. JIMMY CARTER yawned as he
stood patrol at the base’s gate. He was getting sleepy. Now it was 4: 55
am. In 5 minutes, another guard would relieve him. Why do I always get these lame
assignments? he thought. So boring. He was so bored that he didn’t notice
the trembling of the ground until it rattled him a bit. What? Curious, he
looked at the nearby port through an act of intuition. He watched in amazement as
some large black thing surfaced. “What the hell!?” he cried out in Mandarin. A
loud roar was heard, and then, he unsling his rifle and opened fire...

To Be Continued


This story is rated NFC (Not For Children) for strong language and violence

Jeff raced through the tunnel over to Threed, and spun into the parking lot of the Threed Fire Department. He ran into the building, and was surprised to see the firefighters having lunch. "What the hell," he said, "There's a citywide fire in Twoson! What's wrong with you assholes?" "Kid," said a firefighter, "If there was a citywide fire in Twoson, we'd know about it." "Why don't you get a firetruck, get into gear, and check it out?" "OK, kid...but if you're wrong, you can be brought to court!" "Fine," said Jeff. The firefighters got into gear, and sped off in their trucks. They came to the Two-Threed tunnel, and nearly crashed into a bunch of rocks. A fireman stepped out of the truck, and tapped a rock with the back of his hand. "It's hot...OK, send 'Big Dipper' out to take a look. If something IS going on, it'll dump." The driver radioed the Fire Department. "We have to refuel and reload it," said the station, "It'll take about 20 minutes!" "Oh man," said Jeff, coming to the startling realization that his friends were trapped in a burning city.

L e g e n d s
By JohnMcCEB
Chapter 4: Underworld

Back in the department store, Poo was uncouncious. Suddenly, his eyes sprang open. His oxygen mask had flown off, and was trapped under a beam. This was difficult. Poo had to hold his breath, lift up the beam, and grab the oxygen mask. Poo started. The beam was very heavy, but he managed to lift it. He felt a blood vessel in his brain about to explode. He grabbed the oxygen mask, dropped the beam, and breathed heavily. Never has it felt so great to breathe. He started making his way to Paula, sensing she was in danger.

He must've saw it all in his mind. Paula was about to leave, when she heard a sound. She traced it and found that there was just one more. She got him and made her way out, but every path was blocked. Yes, thought Poo, if I teleport out, I have to take Paula and the child with me.

In the meantime, Paula was looking for a way out. The child was on her back, knowing nothing of the danger he was in, thinking it was a happy piggyback ride. Paula found a window, froze it with her last ounce of PSI, and as it melted, Paula made a run to jump through it into safety. Unfortuneately, Paula tripped over a burning beam on the way, slamming her head on the window ledge.

Poo saw the whole thing in his mind. He got scared. He called his master.

Master, I must rescue Paula from a burning house. But she is completely trapped except for a window which may no longer be there any second!
Stay calm and use your mirror move.

Master, how? There are no enemies to mirror!
Think like the breeze of Spring. Cool, gentle, and swift.
I shall try.

Poo thought about the Spring breeze. "Cool, gentle, swift," he repeated to himself. The words echoed in his mind as he thought of each word deeper and deeper. Suddenly, he was full of energy. The fires did not touch him. He didn't even need his oxygen. He was still whole. But he had the spirit of the wind inside him. He ran to Polestar Preschool, jumped in, grabbed Paula and the preschooler, and jumped out just as embers covered the melted window. Then, he teleported Paula, himself, and the preschooler to Onett.

"WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY HERE!" screamed Poo as he ran into the Onett Hospital with Paula in a fireman's carry. A team of doctors and nurses met Poo and lifted Paula onto the stretcher. She was wheeled into the emergency room.

"Consider Paula lucky. It's a concussion with second-degree burns on the leg, and from the story your Dalaamese friend told me, she could have fractured her skull, even broken her neck since the impact was on her forehead. Paula could've even been killed. She'll be moved out of the ER as soon as she wakes from her coma, which I predict will be tomorrow. I think we can discharge her in a week." "Memory loss?" asked Ness, who was right there with Jeff and Poo to hear the news. "Minimal to average. Again, sheer luck. Basically, her long term memory is intact, best or worst-case scenario. Even if it is worst case scenario, this will not totally erase short term memory. She'll have trouble remembering most of your names, and her favorite songs and her daily routine. But it all eventually comes back to her. She'll recover."

Ness got a sleeping bag and slept in Paula's ER room that night, claiming he wanted to be there when Paula woke. He drifted into a deep sleep. He flashed back to when he was 13.

Ah, the good times. The best day of his life was his birthday party that night. It was August 27th, 1995. A week after the destruction of Giygas, and which also happened to be Ness' birthday. They must have partied all night. Nobody wanted to go to sleep, not even the neighbors. The Onett Police never recieved any complaints about the party because it was a time that deserved to be celebrated. First thing when he woke up...he was going to that meteor crash site. There, a statue was erected on the 1 year anniversary of the destruction of Giygas. Ness always came there to reflect. Then, Ness violently woke up.

He was in pitch darkness. He got out a flashlight and found that he was inside some sort of crate. Ness also shined his flashlight on Paula. "Those sons of bitches..." They seemed to have no respect for Paula's health. Something was not right. Suddenly, Paula woke up. "Ness?" she said. "How did you remember my name?" "How couldn't I?" asked Paula, "The last thing I saw was a window ledge seemingly rising to greet me. Then, in my thoughts, I saw you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I love you." Ness smiled and leaned in to kiss Paula. Paula leaned in, too. Suddenly, they were rudely inturrupted.

Ness felt a rush of inertia as he was thrown foward. Ness also used his PSI to make Paula telekinetically stay in her place as she couldn't concentrate. Then, the crate they were in was opened, and two inhuman creatures telekinetically pulled Ness and Paula out. Ness also noticed Jeff and Poo. They were captured by those things too. Ness looked around and what he saw horrified him. This was the exact operation of a WWII concentration camp.

The four were tossed, in prison uniforms, in front of a cloaked figure. Poo recognized him immeadiately. So did Ness, thinking he was a grim reaper. "Psst...Ness...he flew right through me." "Did you see his face?" Ness whispered back to Poo. "Yes," said Poo. "Then how come you're still alive?" "I am a man of faith," whispered Poo, "In my culture, there are no Horsemen or stuff like that. There is only Tailza, the White Elephant. He is our God of Eternal Life. He is responsible for taking people in my culture. Therefore, Death cannot claim me. I can hold a staring contest with him and win if I wanted to." "SILENCE!" screamed the cloaked figure.

"And who are you?" asked Ness.
"I am Godon...the last Horseman of the Apocalypse.
"Oh, you. For the record...your comrade, Giygas? He was the biggest pussy I've ever seen in my life."
"That Horseman was the second strongest."
"I take it you're stronger, then."
"That I always have been...for I have the power to claim all lives with my mere look and my mere touch."

Godon turned around to reveal a faceless mask. This was so than nobody would die by looking at him. He went over to Ness and started to take his mask off. Ness cleverly closed his eyes. Then, Godon extended his finger. Suddenly, a burst of white light filled the room. Godon was thrown far back. Ness, with his eyes closed, said "That would be PSI Flash Omega. I have plenty more, you unaware fuck. Don't you know I'm the Chosen Boy? I'm SUPPOSED to beat the shit outta you. I have a fresh one just waiting to be omitted. So if I were you, I'd put your mask back on."

Five seconds later, Poo told Ness that Godon had put the mask back on. Ness opened his eyes. "For that stunt, and for insulting me, you shall suffer severely. GUARDS!!!!!" Two muscular guards came in. "Neuralize these people and take them to their work posts. Put this brown haired man right next to the woman. They are a couple. As for the rest, place the couple, the blonde man, and the Dalaamese man far apart from each other. The couple will go in Guard 27HX's post. 27HX, who was right there, asked "Why me?" "She is your slave. Do whatever you want with her. Just be sure you do it in front of the brown haired boy. This is his punishment." "How long do I have her?" "For as long as you desire." Ness noticed Paula was very scared. He held her hand. "Take them away," said Godon. As they left, Ness brought Godon to his attention. "We have names, you know. I'm Ness, that's Paula, that's Jeff, and that's Poo. Remember those names, you fucking jackhole. We're the last people you're gonna see before you go back to your own personal level of Hell."

To be continued in Chapter 5: EndGame

EBG Ness
Top 10
This week we feature:
"Top 10 things that people annoy me about the newsletter"

10. I hate it when people let me know that I sent it to there wrong screen name.... When the one they specify isn't active.


8. Never ask me to do an article... and end up never turning it in.

7. I do not do public critizations.... Unless I hate them... or you hate them.

6. I do not give out token's just for reading the newsletter.

5. Don't declare war on me because you can't see the pictures. Because, you will lose.

4. My speech at part 4 is my only personal space where I can speak freely in the newsletter. Don't take it away from me. Critisizm is nice.. But unless I personally make fun of you... Life goes on.

3. I don't like when people yell at me for something they read in a member's article. What the hell do you want me to do about it? That is there article, they can say what they want.

2. NO!! I do not want you to do the newsletter for me.


((Oh, This Top 10 is given credit to Aquaduck34.)


EB Focus

Who is it?
Buzz Buzz

Who's that?
He is the one that introduces you to the whole situation, gives you the sound stone, and save's you from Starman Jr.

So what?
Well, Starman Jr, although easy in the later part of the game, would kill you in one hit at that point of the game. The Sound Stone is what make's the game possible, and if you wern't in the whole situation.. This club wouldn't be here... and you would be up $50.00 or whatever.

How strong is he?
That depends.. He stand's up to Starman Jr really easy, but get's killed by Pokey's (Female Dog) with a purse. That end's him quick.

Where do you get him?
By the first time you are at the meteor

Anything else?
Listen to what he tells you, and make sure to pay your respect's to him in Magicent.


NON Earthbound Focus

Jonathon Davis

Who is he?
The lead singer of KoRn

What's cool about him?
He is a total inspiration to many young people. He writes from his heart, and tells it like it is. He expresses himself in a positive way (singing) and not negatively. He is a good role-model for teenagers, even if parents disagree.

That's cool, What else?
He has been through so much in his lifetime, rape, violence, and death to name a few. By using these events in his life, he has been able to reach out to a younger generation that has gone through the same thing. He also is a really cool guy. He hangs out with his fans whenever he can, and he has set up an internet "After-School Special". This is a way to let fans see what is going on in the studio, and to let them talk to there favorite group.

Here is a link to KoRn's Official Web site: KoRn's Homepage

here is a link to "KoRnTV": KoRn T.V. - Follow The Leader

Written by: IHIEAD aka EBGIHIEAD. If you want to E-Mail me and tell me what you think...please do. Also, if you have suggestions on next weeks Non-EB Focus..Send those also. If anyone wants to tell me how to get my e-mail address a link, that would be good also.

Subj: Fwd: Part 5 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!
Date: 08/19/1999 10:26:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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Date: 08/08/1999 8:33:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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Subj: Part 5 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter 1 K members!!!

Date: 06/28/1999 11:12:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

[EarthBound Gang]
•· Part 5/5 (June 28, 1999)

Your E-mail address has been added to the EarthBound Gang mailing lists. If, for any reason, you would like to have your name removed from our lists, click here. Thank you.

Hello everyone, and WELCOME to the BRAND NEW Section 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter! I am BearBear13, Co-President of the EarthBound Gang. If you have any comments about the new Section 5, you can use my link below to E-mail me. Thanks!
~ BearBear13

[Future Systems- KiddyKong]

Sup? This is Kiddy Kong again with this week's Future Systems article. I had some GREAT help from BearBear13 this week. He wrote three very informative articles.

-·•=// Last Week's Polls Responses
Poll 1: Which would you most like to learn?
C++: 8
Visual Basic: 8
Java: 5
3D Art: 3
Networking: 0

The reason for this poll was because we are considering having a weekly article intended to teach beginners one of these topics. More information will follow from EBG Ness in the next computer article.

Poll 2: Which RPG would you most like to see in the next year?
Earthbound 64: 20
Final Fantasy IX: 3
Zelda 64 II: 3
Wild Arms II: 2
Breath of Fire IV: 2
DragonQuest VII: 1

Earthbound 64 is an obvious winner in this poll!!! If you can't figure out why this upcoming N64 game won the poll, please click here

-·•=// Soul Caliber: The Game That Sells Dreamcast?
As unlikely a pair of allies as you've ever seen (chalk and cheese, oil and water ring a bell?), Namco and Sega are finally "in bed" together for a team-up of unheard-of proportions: Sega's Dreamcast hardware and Namco's top-tier fighter, Soul Caliber. Already tagged a launch game, Soul Caliber is a bright spot on the launch list - it's like seeing the cavalry rushing to the rescue after you've had too many injun arrows in the back. For Sega, this has to be welcome, if ironic, news for its embryonic Dreamcast: welcome, because for all Sega's efforts, there's still a great deal of suspicion directed at it because of its Saturn debacle; ironic, because the game that's being ported right now, was originally programmed on Namco's PlayStation-based System 12 hardware. Apparently, a PlayStation port would have been impossible, due to RAM requirements (which the arcade hardware does not suffer from). This let the developers get away with things like z-buffering and increased texture quality. Since the release of the significantly more powerful PlayStation 2 would have been almost three years removed from the original arcade debut of Soul Caliber, rendering it almost obsolete by that point, the Dreamcast became the most logical inheritor of Namco's finest fighter.

While not as popular as the Tekken series, Soul Caliber built so considerably on the Soul Edge/Tekken fighting engine that a direct comparison between Tekken 3 and Soul Caliber would almost be unfair. By adding tech-rolls, razor-sharp response time, super-efficient 360 degree movement, weapon/impact/weight physics, a whole host of new moves and depth, Soul Caliber truly rivals and exceeds the Virtua Fighter series. You've now got a 3D fighter that will forever rank as one of the greatest. For a full list of the features and characters that make this game so great, check out our Soul Caliber Confidential feature (see links).

For those of you wondering how smoothly the conversion is going, there is plenty to get excited about. Direct side-by-side comparisons between the arcade version and the Dreamcast version reveal a number of things. Initially, the first thing you'll notice are the crystal-clear graphics. Moving at a rock-solid 60 frame per second, it's apparent the Dreamcast's hardware is more than up to the task of handling a beefed-up PlayStation port. The textures are cleaner, more detailed, and sharper than the arcade version. The character models are using more polygons, as are the backgrounds, giving everything a more substantial look and feel. The Dreamcast's lighting abilities are also being put to good use, as the sparks and flashes from weapons colliding light up the combatants nicely.

It actually looks better than the arcade version. Namco told us that the game at E3 was about 65% complete, but although other than not being able to choose some of the characters the game looked done. The animation of the characters is smooth and appears to be flawless. Frames of animation originally intended for the arcade version have actually been put into the Dreamcast version of the game, adding extremely subtle muscle flexing. The analog controller also adds a lot to the game, giving you a tighter reign over your fighters.

While anticipated features like a quest mode or other special additions haven't been announced, you can be sure that Namco will stay true to the formula and release more information as the game nears completion. Due out in Japan sometime this summer, and scheduled for a late September release in the US, Soul Caliber might possibly be the ultimate hardcore fighter yet.

Preview is courtesy of

[Future Systems- BearBear13]

Hello, and welcome to the Future Systems section of the EarthBound Gang newsletter. This is BearBear13 (EarthBound Gang Co-President) with this week's Future Systems update. Here are three news articles that deal with the newest Nintendo® technology. Please read below for some brand new Nintendo information.

-·•=// Nintendo Dolphin: System Specs!
Howard Lincoln spoke last week, for the first time, about Nintendo's new home console system, the Nintendo Dolphin (working title). Although he would not release any specific details, here is what is known so far:
• The Dolphin's expected release date is October 2000.
• Nintendo has teamed up with IBM to mass-produce high-powered microprocessor chips for the new system.
• The Dolphin will be DVD-based (4.7GB per disk)
• Nintendo and another leading Japanese electronics company are working together to produce "counterfeit-proof" software.
We will keep you posted on future developments.

Squaresoft: Jumping on the Nintendo Dolphin Band Wagon?

At a Squaresoft company conference held over the June 19-20th weekend, Square expressed a sincere interest in developing software for Nintendo's new Dolphin system. With the Nintendo Dolphin's FMV-friendly DVD platform, it would be very easy to port games (such as Final Fantasy 8) from the Dolphin to the Playstation 2, or vice-versa.

Square may also find the Dolphin's graphical advantage over the PSX 2 a great advantage, also. What does Square have to lose? Although it has not yet been confirmed by Square or Nintendo, it looks like Nintendo may once again see a new Final Fantasy game.

-·•=// 64DD: Yes or No?

The Nintendo 64 Disk Drive will, infact, be released this December in Japan... but what about America? At the current time, Nintendo of America has no plans to bring the 64DD to the United States. One of the reasons may be the fact that there are only five games in development for the system. There are the four titles in the "Mario Artist" series in development, and the add-on to Zelda 64, code-named "Zelda: Gaiden"... but that is all. And there are no plans by any 3rd party developers to make any software titles or the 64DD. The 64DD's 64MB of available space is also obsolete due to the fact that now 64MB can fit on a standard N64 PAK. The only reasons to release the 64DD are its writability, use as a memory card, and add-ons to existing games... so why waste the time and money to release it at all? Only Nintendo knows.

That's all for now. Until next time.

[ (]

-·•=// This Week's Poll (From
Poll: What car should I get? (Under $10k)
1995 Ford Taurus SHO (3.2 Liter, 6 Cylinders, 220HP)
1991 Acura Legend LS (3.2 Liter, 6 Cylinders, 200HP)

1989 Geo Metro (1.0 Liter, 3 Cylinders, 49HP)

Bye everyone. I sort of ran out of poll ideas, but I *am* looking for a car =). So, I guess I took advantage of the club. Hope you didn't mind. Next week I'll have a REAL poll. And, I'm still waiting for WWF Attitude for Dreamcast screenshots. Maybe next week.


-·•=// Videogame Review \\=•·-

Over the course of the next four weeks, I'll be reviewing my top four favorite video games of all time. The list goes as follows, with the release year (some of them I had to guess), producer(s), and the system they were officially released for in parentheses. AFTER THIS, I WILL WRITE ON THE FAVORITE FIVE VIDEO GAMES OF THIS CLUB. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE VIDEO GAME OF ALL TIME, SEND YOUR TOP FIVE GAMES, IN ORDER, TO OAFRANKFLY.
4. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (1998, Nintendo 64, PC, LucasArts)
3. Escape Velocity (1997, Mac OS, Ambrosia Software)
2. Mother 1 (1990, Famicon, APE Software and Nintendo of Japan)
1. Escape Velocity: Override (1998, Mac OS, Ambrosia Software)

4: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Produced in 1998 by LucasArts for PC and Nintendo 64. Nintendo 64 translation by Nintendo of America.
Most every time I picked up a flight simulator for my Nintendo 64, I was sorely disappointed. Not a single console game I had played to this date had been anywhere near up to snuff. Sure, they were all fun, Star Fox 64 was a legend in its own time, with its fierce melee of a one-shot hit-or-miss strafing run through space or in atmosphere, and small concessions were made for the type of combat you were engaging in. PilotWings 64 did a very good job, making it fun to just fly around.
The problem with these, though, is they were totally unrealistic. The mission objectives were shot and completely unsuited to realism, as were the controls. Craft were totally unrealistic and seemed to obey their own little rules of physics. Your weapon choice was severely limited, and you could pick up unlimited numbers of what you did have at your disposal.
Then came Rogue Squadron.
When I plugged this game into my Nintendo 64, I was pumped just by the opening cinema shot of the X-Wing closing and then vaping the TIE fighter in the LucasArts canyon it was in.
Then I actually played the thing.
I was totally blown away. The controls were responsive as they would be made out to be in the movies and books. Even physics seemed realistic for once, and crashing into an object did not simply reduce your shields, you would be lucky to survive. Control was very realistic, but not so complex as to overwhelm the player. (Or the controller!) One of the best features was that of selection of laser cycling modes--in a real X-Wing, for example, you could toggle between individual fire of lasers, offset dual fire, or quad fire (all four firing at once). This game allowed that, meaning that for just a strafing run, you could use successive individual fire, giving you more shots. Offset dual fire is perfect for flying against TIE Fighters (eyeballs) and TIE Interceptors (squints), giving you the best of both worlds--a lot of punch in your shots, but recycles faster if you do miss. Quad fires are best suited to slow-moving or stationary targets--suppose it takes twelve laser beams to shoot through an AT-ST.
Also, the choice of vehicles for your assault was very realistic--in real life, the XO or flight coordinator would choose a fighter suited to your objectives--A-Wings for defending against Interceptors, V-Wings against speedy craft in atmosphere, X-Wings for general planetary defense, Y-Wings for bombing, and speeders for low-altitude defense and intrusion. All of these have weapons that I find to be consistent with what I find in books about Star Wars vehicles and vessels, with a few minor concessions--I question whether or not V-Wings have cluster missiles, and I know that Y-Wings generally have a complement of eight proton torpedoes.
The graphics are superb, especially in High-resolution mode. No problems with frame rate (except sometimes speedy fighters passing will skip a bit). Even lighting effects are used--it can be tough picking up a probe droid in a dark rift! Fogs are used where appropriate, too, and shields look very realistic.
Battle areas are all-range, all the time, with a few boundaries in the theater. The areas are about five to ten times the size of the Battle of Hoth in Shadows of the Empire, and can cover all kinds of terrain--sand, snow, even inside a volcano!
Sound is very excellent, especially in variety. Nothing is really pre-recorded. There's a special "conducter" program written into the game that sets the tempo and style of music to what you happen to be doing. Fighting off a thick swarm of fighters, where you are outnumbered six to one? Fast battle tempo. Running between targets for awhile with nothing to do? Soothing music. There are several themes recorded, but their tempo can change with relation to what you are doing and also will switch themes with what you are doing.
But also note a few problems. There is a bit of problem with the language used. In Star Wars pilot slang, TIE Fighters are referred to as "eyeballs," Interceptors are called "squints," Bombers are called "dupes." No such luck in this game, they're always called their technical term--I think it would have been more realistic with the slang. Also, since most of the battles are fought in atmosphere, the TIEs should have a lot of problems with rudder--their big solar panels prevent them from doing a flat turn in atmosphere. And one concession I make to control--the control stick should have been programmed differently. Given my choice, I would have made R and Z be the right and left rudder, respectively, leaving the control stick to do all the banking and elevator work with no modifier button needed for banking. Brakes would be on B, and lasers on A. Secondary weapon on C left, weapon cycling on C down, speed on C up, special features would remain on C right, and looking around would be left to the control pad.
Aside from these concessions, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron was an excellent game, and the Force was obviously with LucasArts as they produced this one! I expect more titles similar in quality in the near future with Episode 1 of the Star Wars saga.

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Like N64?
Want to receive a free, high quality, non-trashy, informational, fun newsletter? C'mon, you know you do. So just click here to join the N64 Illustrated, A sweet N64 Newsletter!!! You won't regret seeing this cool newsletter sitting in your mailbox every Saturday night. We have informational stuff like news you can use, previews, reviews, and codes. Also, it isn't just copied off of a website, this is all handwritten. Then, we also have fun stuff like trivia, meetings (EB Gang style), a weekly poll, and other cool stuff. I promise you, you won't regret joining this newsletter. So email ThundrBond, our President, to join the N64 Illustrated. It is basically the N64 version of the EB Gang, fun, cool, and informational.

That's IT for this week! See ya right back here next week! Thanks!
Vice President:
Assistant Vice President:
Assistant to the AVP: (subbing for

(Frontpage graphic courtesy of
(Section 5 frontpage graphic courtesy of

(All contents © 1999, the EarthBound Gang)