Subj: EarthBound Gang News - Issue 103, Part 1
Date: 09/23/1999 9:43:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BearBear13
To: BearBear13, EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

Earthßound Gang

Issue 103, Part 1 - September 23, 1999

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 ·•¤¯\_{ News
Member's Section
Conclusion of Part 1

_.-=-· News ·-=-._

   As you all know, our leader, and good friend on mine, EBGNess, was forced to leave the club due to personal reasons. I, Bear, have stepped in to make sure that the club stays up to its usual standards of high-quality family entertainment. I've been the president of the number one rated clubs, the "DESERT MONKEYS" and "EarthBound World", and an officer in countless others. I'm not going to make this a long, dragged out speech, so I'd just like to say hello to all of our new members, and thanks to all of our loyal longtime members who have stayed true during these trying times. Thank you all very, very much.
~ Bear

_.-=-· Ranks ·-=-._

   Due to the fact that SPAMMERS have been using our ranks to create SPAM lists, the ranks (with the exception of Leaders, Apple Kids, and AoEs) will no longer be published in the newsletter. Does this mean no ranks? NO WAY! We will still have ranks, and they will function the same way as they always have, but they will soon be on a password protected website (which all members will have access to). And if you don't have access to the web, just E-mail me and I will E-mail you with your rank standings.

_.-=-· Jobs ·-=-._

   Due to the recent turmoil within the club, jobs have been reset. I am very sorry about this. But if you would like a job, please read the description, and then click on APPLY next to the job you want, and I will send you an application. Thank you very much.

Newsletter Writers- APPLY
   Help write the official EarthBound Gang newsletter! We need regular column, editorial, and tips writers!
Current members:
· BearBear13
(Room left - 4/5)

Webpage/Graphic Designers- APPLY
   Ever want to work with a great staff... on a great website? Then this is the job for you! You must have a good working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, or image design, though!
Current members:
· BearBear13
(Room left - 4/5)

Visual BASIC Programmers- APPLY
   Games, progs, and more have come from our past Visual BASIC teams! What else could we come up with next?
Current members:
· N/A
(Room left - 3/3)

Gopher- APPLY
   Someone who is good with search engines, and can easily find and download, or upload, things for the club!
Current members:
· N/A
(Room left - 9/9)

Meeting Officer- APPLY
   Someone who is only quite a bit, and that can call and patrol meetings if none of the leaders are online.
Current members:
· N/A
(Room left - 3/3)

_.-=-· Joining/Quitting ·-=-._

   If you know someone who would like to join the EarthBound Gang, please E-mail me HERE and simply type their E-mail address in the body of the letter. I will then E-mail them to confirm. If they stay, you may be eligible for a promotion!

   If you would like to quit, simply E-mail me HERE. But note, it may take up to 4 weeks to remove from all of our lists, so be patient.

_.-=-· Member's Section ·-=-._

   Below is a special article from EBGNess, former leader of the EarthBound Gang. Please read.

Dear Members:

This is my final article.. And I will just post with what I said on the message board with this final little message added. "DO NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY ANY LONGER. I AM SCHIZOPHRENIC.. I CAN'T THINK RATIONALLY ALL THE TIME ANYMORE.. WHAT I SAY OR DO AT SOME POINTS NOW IS BEYOND MY CONTROL." Breaks my heart to say that.. Oh well.

Here is the post:

Well guys, this is my final post.. I guess I will give you the good word and the bad stuff that is going on.

My mother is doing great in critical condition in the hospital.. By all the lies told in the last week.. with all the honor I have left.. This is indeed true. My mother is on the support machine.. I guess we are going heart transplant.

As for the toll of lies that were told.. well, I'll confess... Some of the things I did say were twisted around. And Bearbear should admit to that too.. My lie was this: I did indeed give the OK for Bearbear to lead the club in my absence, and I did indeed say that I would call AOL and give him leadership powers. My only backing was this.. I wasn't going to call AOL until he had good ground leadership.. But that is that.

I guess I will be leaving the EarthBound Community permanently. I really have no reason to stay here and watch the ages of empire fall apart. The meeting Wednesday was a great leaderless meeting, and it doesn't look as if a newsletter will be coming out tonight. But what is to say? I have no leadership influence here anymore.. Amazing on how the world turns on you though.. Mother is near dead.. Leaving this community, and I have been labeld as
having the rare disorder called Schizophrenia. (Neat spelling word.) Yes, I have been in a bitchy mood because all hell is dropping on me.

Well, enough about complaining about myself.. I just want to say goodbye as this will be my final post to the club as we know it. If you know any better and at all would like to help this club to succeed.. Just help the damn leader.. Whoever it will be tomarrow, and in a week and so forth... and if he sucks.. oust him.

The club has givin me 2.4 great years. Through the fun of Matingly22, and Onettness, With the leadership of SectorX19 and Nikolai64. The Jenova Project, The EBUN, The leading of this club, the greatness of the sharks, the Fall of the sharks, the Greatness of the EBGang.. The fall of the EBGang. This place has been like a bible in the making. The Sharks being the Old Testiment, and the EarthBound Gang being the new testiment. With the fun of the
all night meetings, the late night meetings, the wrestling shows, the attempt to rid of and finally making friends with the RPE clan.. the fight with ANT, the whole Big Show BrianDX clan.... ::Thinks:: The AON.. (Which I just barely caught a glimps of). All 52 different clubs, the little EB Journal, the merge with The stories of SectorX19, The stories of Ebounding and Moondoggey. The fun with YO YO YO Cheesy.

If I am about to be tainted with this darn little argument and let all that I have listed above go to waste... well. I have to be crazy then. I leave here only with the good memories and the good fun. Of course, I have finally been stabbed in the back, as I had so much done when I first came here.

The EarthBound Community is such a complicated system in which everyone things they have a graple on it.. and they don't. Its amazing... You're the top of the chain and you get killed. The EBC is like the wilderness.. With all the Greed, The Good times, The Mafia Clans, and everything. The Covert Operations we had and the little sneak attacks that would be great. I loved planning for something big all the time that we would never end up doing.

Even though the last week that I have gone through has sucked.. I thank god for every fucking second I had with you guys. Even as I speak now.. I got 3 people asking me to come back and one telling me how much I suck.

I would make a favorite list of who I all like and who I all hate.. but I know for sure I would leave people out of both the list that would cause some arguments and so forth. So, I just say thanks for the great time everyone.

Finally.. Now that I am out.. I see it. Get rid of the damn politics. Enjoy life as it is, and look outside and see the sun once in a while. Have your mom turn you toward the sun and water you so you grow if you are on a lot. Get out and get a life and get away from that damn radiation emitting machine you have now. Because I once was a preppy rich boy with everything and now I am losing it all, including my mind... But do not feel sorry for
me, Feel sorry for yourself.. and fix the problem.

I end now with a final mystery phrase that NO ONE will probably ever decode.. even though it sums everything up I just said.

Estcus Miotsis Friteou Elmisteo Comasa Siguri Seomananity Es Timious Elmino Desego Mioto Phyli.

Thanks for Reading, Criticize it at will.

MichaelDangelo Figaro O'Con

_.-=-· Conclusion of Part 1 ·-=-._

   Well, I hope you all think that I have done at least an adequete job writing the newsletter, and please remember, it will get better. Part 2 is coming soon!

© 1998-1999, The EarthBound Gang

Subj: EarthBound Gang News - Issue 103, Part 2
Date: 09/23/1999 9:50:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BearBear13
To: BearBear13, EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

Earthßound Gang

Issue 103, Part 2 - September 23, 1999

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 ·•¤¯\_{ Rock Review
Message Board/Webpage Info
Conclusion of Part 2

_.-=-· Rock Review ·-=-._
·•¤ Rock Review ¤•·
By BearBear13

Artist: MegaDeth
Album: RISK
Year: 1999

Rating: **** (4 out of 5 - Grade B)

I admit, I am NOT the biggest MegaDeth fan in the world, infact, this is the only MegaDeth CD that I actually own. But it's hard to deny that MegaDeth's "comeback" CD is a very good album. There are quite a few good songs, with the best being "Insomnia", "Enter the Arena (Crush 'EM Prelude)", and "Crush 'Em". This one is definitely another feather in the cap for Dave Mustaine (formerly with Metallica) and the boys. Though this doesn't effect the ratings, I also thought that I would add one more fact... the "Enhanced CD" function that is loudly proclaimed on the CD is non-existant. I will contact MegaDeth's producers about this and get the full story.


Artist: Santana
Album: Supernatural
Year: 1999

Dave Matthews (guitar, vocals)
Everlast (guitar, vocals)
Rob Thomas (vocals)
Eric Clapton (guitar, vocals)

Rating: ***** (5 out of 5 - Grade A)

I have been a pretty big Santana fan since about the age of 10 or so, and I thought that Carlos Santana had retired from music... but I found out a few months ago that this was DEFINITELY not the case. The CD features a very nice array of singing talent. Included singers are Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20), Everlast, Dave Matthews (DMB), and Eric Clapton (YES! Two guitar LEGENDS on ONE SONG!). One song, "Smooth" featuring Rob Thomas, has already become a big hit, and "Put Your Lights On" featuring Everlast is well on its way. This is a great CD for any Santana fans, or anyone that likes great guitar playing.

Got any ROCK ALBUMS you want Bear to review?
If so, then click to E-mail BearBear13

with the album name, artist, and year.
*Note: I will ONLY review ROCK. No rap, hip-hop, pop, etc.

_.-=-· Trivia ·-=-._

   Due to the great rush and current circumstances, I haven't had time to do any trivia. But I will be sure to include them in the next newsletter. Sorry about this.

_.-=-· Poll ·-=-._

   As many of you know, EarthBound 64 is coming out soon. I was just wondering how many of you will buy or play it.
YES! I will buy it!
Hmm... I'll rent it.
NO WAY! I'm not wasting my money on THAT!!!

_.-=-· Message Board/Webpage Info ·-=-._

   We currently have an official AOL message board. We are also in between versions on our website right now. Links and info are below.

Message Board - EarthBound Gang (now open)
Webpage - (coming October!)

_.-=-· Conclusion of Part 2 ·-=-._

   Well, that's it for this week's newsletter! I'm very sorry about how short it was, but it will be back to normal soon. Thank you very much for hanging in there!
~ Bear

© 1998-1999, The EarthBound Gang