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Tools Descirption
 Jamis Buck's
Treasure Generator 2.01
 Treasure Generator. You put in the encounter level, it shows you the treasure type.
 Jamis Buck's
NPC Generator
 Like many of Jamis's generators, this one is highly recommended. Many fields to fill or randomize.
 Jamis Buck's
Town Generator
 Awesome generator. Creates towns with available NPCs, wealth, size, armed forces, etc. A must use for DMs everywhere.
 Jamis Buck's
Dungeon Generator
 The most intricate dungeon generator on the web to date. Awesome for those extensive dungeon crawls.

Quest Descirption
 Land of Magick  An adventure written for 2-4 players of 5th-9th level.
A man made world shrouded in magic is in trouble. The heir of the world reaches out with arcane ability and grabs a worthy adventuring party from a distant realm. Will their skill be enough to save Impernium?
For use with any campaign setting.
Written by Carlos Rodriguez
 The Black Pyramid of the Ancient Cloakers  A mage is captured by a group of strange creatures. It is up to the players to rescue him and save the day.
Written by R.J.H.A Broekman
Bloodbane Keep Strategic adventure. The adventurers must decide how to rescue a group of kidnapped children from a remote and well-protected castle, and what to do with them afterwards. Suggested level 7-9, although the problems are mostly strategic.
Written by Dru Pagliassotti

Netbook Descirption
 Books  List of Books to fill that mage's library. List of titles, a description of their contents, as well as magic tomes.
Bard Songs Includes lyrics and in some cases music for the listed songs. An awesome tool for the player who wishes to add a flare to his/her bard character.
Written by various contributors
 Demons  Listing of demons, devils and evil denizens of the underworld. Great for that trip to the nine planes of hell.
Elf Gamebook Includes denizens of the elven forest, useful elven spells, and magic items.
GM Principles A few good ideas we should all keep in mind as DMs, GMs, and/or Referees.
How to Write a Great D&D Adventure Lots of useful advice that will alter the way you run your games.
Equipment Lists Extensive list of various equipment along with price ranges. Awesome collection. Great job Mr. Carrasco.
Written by Mark J. Carrasco
Riddles Amazing collection of riddles. If you need some confounding riddles in your campaign, look no further.
Written by various contributors

If your work(s) is listed here and you want something altered or to have the work(s) removed completely, please contact the webmaster ( Thank you.
Thanks to all the authors/artists that have contributed to the works listed, you are what make the RPG world what it is today.
If you post any of the material on the list, please give proper credit to its author.

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