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Christopher Raines

Mirror Hotel now released

. To order a copy send e-mail to DSTAR28 and we shall get back with you on the process. Not a big drawn out process, just a small one.

Christopher is happy to finally have it out. It's available at Media-Play in Douglasville, GA currently and is spreading into surrounding stores quickly.

Keep on the lookout for the first radio released single "It's Only My life" coming soon to 99x


Jan. 29th, 2002

More copies of the album are ready to go into stores.

Word has it that Christopher's band DAYSTAR may be playing with Left Front Tire very soon.

Christopher also is going into the recording studio to lay down a Christian single to be released possibly on Forefront Records.

As well Christopher dropped a song on the record, (This day belongs to you and me),and replaced it with a new song called HANGING. This day belongs to you and me will be re-recorded and released on Christopher's second solo album.

Speaking of the second solo album, the tentative title is Brother Music. Other titles may be, Rumor of Lies, 2, KEEP GOD REAL & HATE FICTION, and This Day.

Check out Christophers new site at on by clicking


Check out the Track Listing!!!

Word has it that Chris is putting together another album soon that will feature some of his friends, some rumored songs are: