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January 29th, 2002

So much has happened and you can learn about at Christophers Album Page

Other than that Christopher is in the midst of making the OFFICIAL CHRISTOPHER RAINES HOMEPAGE

September 8th, 2001

Well, it's been awhile since any news on this Chris Raines solo album, here is the deal. Sect is wrapping up in the studio, finally, which will give Christopher,(me), some time to focus on the album and Daystar's album. Three Tracks are done for the album titled..Herbert Henry, Only My Life, and Now and Then. All three were produced, mixed, and recorded by Chris. They all are softer kinda ballad rock, but is borderline alternative. The tour is being changed and replanned, the touring band hasn't been chosen. Thats it for now, Stay Cool!!!

July 1st, 2001

So check it out...THIS DAY BELONGS TO YOU AND ME will not appear on the album, instead will be released seperately as a single on Nov. 11th, 2001. INDIAN GIVER may not appear on the album either, as well as Cigarette, the album goes into production July 20th and will be released on Aug. 28th, 2001..exactly 11 years after Alice In Chains FACELIFT, (Christophers Favorite album)!!! Jamie Warner will serve as assistant engineer on the album.


TIME BELONGS, INDIAN GIVER, CIGARETTE, and others will apear on it. Other songs will include a ballad titled HERBERT HENRY dedicated to his grandfather who died in Dec. 2000. The song he wrote for his wife, THIS DAY BELONGS TO YOU AND ME, and sang at their wedding will be included as well. Other songs never before heard will apear as well.

Christopher Raines hopes to be releasing his FIRST solo project later this year. Some changes are being made, but the title of the album is staying the same. Mirror Hotel will be released around Nov. 2001. Guest artists will include Jamie Warner, Kelley Warner, (from their band DAYSTAR, Kitty, Chris Smith, Shean Gibson, Jared Gardner, and possibly a few more. The album will include the song TIME BELONGS, a hit created out of his shack recording studio.

The album may also include an Alice In Chains song. To start the rumor, Man in the Box, Sunshine, and Bleed the Freak are being talked about, but the popular choice by his fans and bandmates is Nutshell, a song which Chris made famous at Alexander High School by playing it a 1,000 times a day in Ms. Killians guitar class.

The album will be followed up by a short tour featuring the songs and some of the recording artists on the album. Daystar will headline most of the songs. The Somber Reptile, Borders, and a couple other places are being discussed to hold the concerts currently.

Check back for more details.
