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The Sniper's Guide

Class Type: Medium Speed, low armor

Weapons: Nailgun, auto rifle, sniper rifle, crowbar

Grenades: 4 hand grenades

Abilities: Sniper rifle zoom

Attack and Defense

The sniper isn't an attack unit or a defense unit. First you'll have to learn how to use your sniper rifle so play about with it first. Then all you have to do is find a good sniping position where its hard for the enemy to reach you and stay there and pick off the enemy (often the map has places made for the sniper). Very important though is if you see an enemy sniper on the other side of the map you must always take out the enemy sniper first. Find objects to stand behind or to duck under when you reload. Fire at switches like on levels well and to open the doors so if someone is hiding behind the door they won't be safe. If you are out in the open and in the middle of a battle get out the auto rifle and lob some grenades. It's quite a powerful weapon but don't hang around to long. Snipers are best when they're out of the way of the battle and picking off enemy's. Really sniping is just a thing you have to practice and that's what you need to become a good sniper.