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Team Colonicus Website

     Welcome to the Team Colonicus Website! Its main purpose is to act as the central location for all information on my entertainment activities (i.e. anything I do for fun). For now, however, it will be designed with the intent of solely role-playing, but first I need to explain what is going on in my head or you’ll all be lost within a matter of seconds.

     My last name is Colón - it’s Puerto Rican, but since everyone pronounces it "colon" I have adopted the old latin-esque form that I made up to make it sound cool. Now, when around friends and I refer to myself or anything concerning me the word I use, if any in particular, is Colonicus. I am Colonicus; therefore anything originating in my mind is of House, Colonicus. Yes, I live in my mind, of which this website is to be a representation. So, let us continue.

Team Roster
