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Chapter 10

© Copyright 2006 by Roy E. Proctor
“Hello Jimmy,” Rose Ann said softly. “How are they treating you here?”

“Lousy. I wouldn’t want this life for my worst enemy.”

“Not even Farone Jeondaire?”


“He’s really from the scum of the earth isn’t he.”

“Yes, I guess so. But what does that have to do with me?”

“Would you like to tell me, Jimmy? It might be easier that way.”

“Tell you what?” Jimmy scowled.

“Jimmy, I know this is hard but I know all about his connection with you.”

“Okay, so I was working for him, so what?”

“Yes, but that’s not all, Jimmy. I know the hold that Jeondaire had on you.”

“You’re wrong “cracker jack” lawyer. “I made my own decision.”

“Now, Jimmy, I know this is hard but aren’t you leaving out a certain business license that your dad …”

“Okay!” Jimmie shouted heatedly. But can’t we keep that under cover? Why mention it?”

“Jimmy, listen to me. “This information will come out at your trial.”

“It didn’t turn out to be much of a Comfort Zone, did it.”

“No, Jimmy, I guess not.”

“So, I testify about the black mail and destroy my dad to get off light. Is that it?”


“Oh hello Counselor. How good it is to see … you …”

Jim’s heart sank rapidly upon seeing Rose Ann, as she entered his officed. Her face was drawn and her eyes were full of bitter sadness. One would think that she came bearing the worst possible news imaginable. Jim sat back in his chair in dismay.

“Oh … somehow … I don’t think I’m going to like this.”

“Jim,” Rose Ann started. The deliberation in her voice made it clear that she came to get truthful answers. “What did you do after leaving high school? You know, those five or so years when … you might say … were running a business?”

“But … Rose Ann, … I really don’t know what to say. That’s all in the past and …”

“Not any more it isn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“Jim R. Watkins Senior, I’m no longer personally involved in this case, anymore. I represent Jimmy as a true lawyer. You understand?”

“I understand but why your change of attitude? I don‘t get it.”

“A certain Farone Jeondaire, somehow, found your business license. He used it to persuade Jimmy to deal his drugs for him; a deal or squeal sort of thing. Your son didn‘t want to see you destroyed, so he went along with it.”

“So, Jimmy gets maximum sentence, unless this is used in his defense?”

“It’s not quite that easy Jim. “Knowledge of this business license will destroy you.”

Jim was silent for a time then turned his attention directly at Rose Ann. “So, since you represent your client strictly as a lawyer, I presume that you’re going to use every jot and title of this to defend him, right?”

“As a good defense lawyer, yes.” Rose Ann started to leave but asked, “Tell me Jim, were you one of them?”

“No, I just saw a chance to make a lot of money.”

After Rose Ann left, Jim fell to his knees and fervently prayed, “Father, in the name of Jesus Christ ….”

HEY! and don't forget to e-mail Roy E. Proctor if you have a comment! He would really like to hear from you.

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